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Future forms = AKAN

Plans and Decisions in the future

1. Will
- We use will/won’t for a decision made at the moment of speaking. Keputusan diambil saat
terjadi pembicaraan
A: There isn’t any milk left.
B: Oh, isn’t there? I will get some in town. I am going there later on.

- Will is also used for promises and offers. Will juga dipakai untu janji dan tawaran
I will call you this evening (janji)
Here, I will carry that for you (tawaran)

- Use will after Used after verbs like: assume, believe, doubt, expect, hope, reckon,
suppose, think, and be sure/afraid and with adverbs like perhaps, possibly,
probably, definitely
I expect they will be here soon.
Do you think she will bring her boyfriend?

Don’t use will after If, when, before, after, in case, as long as, as soon as, once,
unless, etc. Use the present simple instead.

2. Going to
We use going to to express present intentions for the future. The action may be distant
or in the near future.
I am never going to get married

3. Present Continuous (is/am/are + verb-ing/Present Participle)

We use the Present Continuous to talk about something we have arranged for the
future. Kita menggunakan present continuous untuk peristiwa yang sudah diatur untuk masa depan
I’m meeting Henry for lunch on Friday

- The use of going to and the Present continuous is very similar. You can always use
going to instead of the present continuous to talk about the future.
I am going to meet Henry for lunch on Friday.

- The use of the Present continuous is more limited. you only use it to talk about definite
I’m going to get married before I’m 30. (=general intention)
I’m getting married in June. (=this has been arranged)
- When the main verb is go, the present continuous is often preferred to the going to
We are going (to go) to Greece for our holiday.

4. Present simple
When an action in the future is part of a regular timetable or has been officially fixed, the
present simple I used. Jika peristiwa di masa depan berdasarkan jadwal yang tetap, Present Simple
The show begins at eight o’clock

5. Future Continuous
- To describe an activity that will be in progress at a point in the future: untuk kegiatan yang
sedang terjadi di titik waktu di masa depan
This time tomorrow we will be sitting on the plane.
I will be studying math at nine next week

- To describe a future event without expressing deliberate intention: untuk menyatakan

peristiwa masa depan tanpa niat yang muncul
Sue: Oh dear, I haven’t given Ben that book back.
Joe: That’s all right. I will be seeing him at the music club tonight so I will give it to him.

Predictions (ramalan)

We use going to and will to make predictions about the future.

- When the prediction is based on some evidence in the present, we usually use going
Jika ramalan berdasarkan bukti, going to biasanya dipakai.
Watch out! You are going to drop those plates if you are not careful. ( I can see
you are not carrying them properly)

- When the prediction is based on our own beliefs and expectations rather than present
evidence, we use will. Jika ramalan berdasarkan kepercayaan daripada bukti, will dipakai
A: I wonder where Anna is.
B: Don’t worry. I am sure she will get here soon.

- In many cases, there is no important difference in meaning. Dalam banyak hal, will dan
going to tidak mempunyai perbedaan yang bverarti
Who do you think is going to/will win the Champions league?

- to express a simple fact about the future, we use will. menyatakan fakta tentang mas depan,
pakai will
My birthday will be on Tuesday this year.
Present Perfect Tense and Simple Past Tense
Present Perfect Tense

Positive : Subject + Have/has + Past Participle (Verb3)

Negative : Subject + have not/has not + Past Participle (Verb3)
Question : Have/has + subject + Past Participle (Verb3)?

Time signals : already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, before, how
long, today, recently, lately, this week/month/year, all my life, so far,

The present perfect tense shows action in the indefinite past/unknown time. The
present perfect
tense is also used to show action begun in the past and continuing into the

We have lived in this house for five years. (= and we still live there)
Your plane has already landed. (= and it’s still on the ground)
She has dirtied her new shoes. (= she made them dirty and they’re still dirty)
The teacher has pinned a notice on the board. (= and the notice is still there)
You don’t need your key. I’ve already opened the door. (= and it’s still open)

Simple Past

Positive : subject + Past verb (verb2)

Negative : subject + did not + infinitive
Question : did + subject + infinitive?

Time signals :
- yesterday, two days/weeks/months ago, last week/month/year, in 1991, in
the end, at that moment, suddenly, then, when.

We use the past simple for actions completed at a particular time in the past, a
sequence of completed actions, past habits or regular events, situations or states
in the past

After the meeting, he got in the car and drove off

Yesterday I played tennis, ran ten kilometres, and swam for an hour.
We went swimming every day in the summer
Did you live in France when you were younger?
Examples of Present Perfect versus Past simple
I have been to Spain and Italy (indefinite time)
I went to Spain a couple of years ago and visited Italy a few times as a child
(specific time)

I have been busy this morning (It’s still the morning now)
I was busy this morning (This morning is now finished past)

She has starred in a lot of major films (She is still alive and acting).
she starred in a lot of major films (Her acting career is finished or she is dead)

Have you had a good holiday? (You have just returned)

Did you have a good holiday? (Your holiday finished some time before the

He has been in the army for fifteen years (And he is still in the army now).
He was in the army for fifteen years (But he is no longer in the army. The time
period of fifteen years finished in the past)

Conclusion: Past simple has nothing to do with the present, but present perfect
does. (Past Tense tidak ada hubungan dengan saat ini, tindakan/peristiwa/situasi
telah selesai di masa lalu. Sementara present perfect berhubungan dengan saat

I have taught for thirty years ( sampai saat ini. sekarang masih mengajar).
I taught for thirty years (sekarang tidak lagi)



BE: is am are was were be been being

HAVE: have has had
DO: do does did
MODALS: can could shall should will would may might must ought to need

BE: isn’t am not aren’t wasn’t weren’t
HAVE: haven’t hasn’t hadn’t
DO: don’t doesn’t didn’t
MODALS: can’t couldn’t shan’t shouldn’t won’t wouldn’t may not mightn’t mustn’t

Ordinary Verbs

Infinitiv Present Past Past Present

e Participle Participle

Modals I we you She He I we you they he Have/Be Be

they It she it

be am/are is was/were been being

go go goes went gone going

eat eat eats ate eaten eating

sing sing sings sang sung singing

write write writes wrote written writing

make make makes made made making

catch catch catches caught caught catching

give give gives gave given giving


1. Kolom Infinitive be, go, eat, sing, write, make dan seterusnya hanya bisa dipakai
oleh can, could, may, might, must, should, will, would, need…

can go, could go, should go, may go, might go, must go, will go, would go.

2. Kata kerja present mempunyai dua bentuk: Bentuk jamak dan bentuk tunggal.
Bentuk tunggal hanya bisa dipakai oleh He, she, it; bentuk jamak oleh I, we, you, they.

He goes, she goes, it goes; I go, you go, they go

3. Kolom Past dipakai oleh semua pokok kalimat (I, we, you, they, he, she, it).
He went, she went, it went, I went, you went, they went..

4. Kolom Past Participle hanya bisa dipakai oleh kata kerja pembantu have atau be

Have gone, has gone, had gone, be gone, is gone, are gone, been gone, being gone

5. Kolom Present Participle hanya bisa dipakai oleh salah satu bentuk be (is, am,
are, was, were, be, been).

is going, am going, are going, was going, were going, be going, been going


BE: isn’t am not aren’t wasn’t weren’t

HAVE: haven’t hasn’t hadn’t
DO: don’t doesn’t didn’t
MODALS: can’t couldn’t shan’t shouldn’t won’t wouldn’t may not mightn’t mustn’t

Membentuk kalimat yang tidak mempunyai Helping Verbs dengan memakai :

1. DO NOT (don’t), DOES NOT (doesn’t) untuk kata kerja present
2. DID NOT (didn’t) untuk kata kerja past

1. She will go to school
She WILL NOT go to school.

2. We have done the homework.

We HAVE NOT done the homework

3. They go to school every day.

They DO NOT GO to school every day.


Untuk membentuk kalimat pertanyaan:

1. Kalimat yang mempunyai Helping Verb, cukup dengan meletakkan helping verb
tersebut sebelum pokok kalimat atau subject
2. Kalimat yang tidak mempunyai Helping verb dengan menambah DO, DOES, DID
sebelum pokok kalimat/subject.

1. She will go to school.

Will she go to school?
Yes, she will atau No, she will not/won’t.

2. She goes to school every day.

Does she go to school every day?
Yes, she does atau No, she does not/doesn’t

Present Perfect Tense

Subject + have/has + Past Participle

Time signals : already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, before, how long, today, recently, lately,
this week/month/year, all my life, so far,

We use the Present perfect to talk about the relationship between the past and the present. The
past action or situation is connected to the present in various ways.

We have lived in this house for five years. (= and we still live there)
Your plane has already landed. (= and it’s still on the ground)
She has dirtied her new shoes. (= she made them dirty and they’re still dirty)
The teacher has pinned a notice on the board. (= and the notice is still there)
You don’t need your key. I’ve already opened the door. (= and it’s still open)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + have/has + Present Participle/Verb+ing

Uses of the Present perfect Continuous

The Present perfect continuous is like the Present perfect. However, we use the Present perfect
continuous if:
 We want to emphasize that the action is long or repeated. (menekankan tindakan
yang lama dan berulang)
She’s been trying to pass her driving test for years.

Notice that we often use for and since with the Present perfect continuous).

 The action is in progress/no complete (kegiatan sedang berlangsung, belum selesai)

I’ve been doing my homework . (=perhaps it is not finished)
I have done my homework. (=it is completed)
 We are more interested in the activity than the result. (Lebih fokus kepada kegiatan
daripada hasilnya)
I’m really hot - I’ve been running. (=the activity that made me hot)
I’ve just run ten kilometers. (that’s what I have achieved)

 If we say how often the action happened, we always use the present perfect simple,
because the focus is on the result.
I’ve written ten/lots of emails today NOT I’ve been writing ten emails.

 Like other continuous forms, we do not use the Present perfect continuous with ‘state
I’ve known Anne for years. NOT I’ve been knowing Anne for years.


 We use ‘for’ with periods of time.

I’ve been learning to drive for three months.

 We use ‘since’ with points of time.

I’ve lived in this house since 2007 / I was born.

 Sentences with for and since answer the question How long?
How long have you been learning to drive?

State Verbs:
love, hate, want, need, have, own, want, belong, see, hear, smell, see, know, believe,
remember, agree, appear, belong, concern, consist, contain, depend, deserve, disagree,
dislike, doubt, feel (=have an opinion), fit,



Sentence : Subject + Verb

1. Singular Subjects : He, She, It
2. Plural Subjects : We, you, they, I (walaupun I bentuk tunggal, tetapi I
memakai bentuk kata kerja jamak)

Kata Kerja Present Simple mempunyai dua bentuk kata kerja:

1. Plural Verbs/Kata Kerja Jamak : am/are, go, eat, sing, write, make,
catch, give dan seterusnya
2. Singular Verbs/Kata Kerja Tunggal : is, goes, eats, sings, writes, makes,
catches, gives dan seterusnya

Singular Subjects take singular Verbs. Plural Subjects take Plural Verbs

Contoh: He is, you are, she goes, she eats, she sings, they are, we go, you write, they

Subjects he, she, it tidak boleh memakai kata kerja are, eat, sing, write, make dst nya
begitu juga sebaliknya Subjects I. we, you, they tidak boleh memakai kata kerja is,
goes, eats, sings, writes, makes, catches dstnya

Lihat pelajaran Helping verbs and Ordinary Verbs.

Tense is the change of verbs according to the time signals.

Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan time signal/keterangan
waktu dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan kata lain Keterangan waktu berubah, kata kerja
juga berubah.

Simple Present Tense (SPT):

Simple Present Tense is used for Routines/habits, permanent situations, facts, future
official fixed arrangements or timetables we cannot change.

Simple Present Tense dipakai untuk peristiwa/tindakan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang,

terjadi dimasa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan yang terjadwal:

Pattern: Singular Subject + Singular verb; plural subject + Plural verb

Time Signals:

Always, usually, every morning/night/evening/day/week/month, often, sometimes,

occasionally, from time to time, twice a week, rarely, seldom, once a month, hardly ever,


1. Peter goes to work by bus

2. I have two cats and a dog.
3. She lives in Paris
4. Famous people suffer from a lot of stress.
5. If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.
6. The Chinese delegation arrives tomorrow at 10 a.m.
7. Christmas falls on a Sunday next year.

Catatan: The highlighted verbs are all from the column of present simple. (Semua kata
kerja yang bercetak tebal berasal dari kolom Kata Kerja Present)

We do not discuss the negative and questions of the Simple Present Tense. We had
discussed them last week. Kita tidak membahas cara membentuk kalimat negative dan
pertanyaan dalam present tense. Sudah dibahas pada pertemuan 1.

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous tense is used for (=Present Continuous Tense dipakai untuk):
1. actions/event that are happening at the moment of speaking (Peristiwa atau tindakan
yang sedang terjadi saat ini)
The boys are playing football at the moment.
2. temporary situations (Keadaan yang tidak tetap, sementara)
Dad is travelling a lot this year.
3. future arrangements (masa depan yang sudah diatur)
I am having a party on Saturday. (tersirat Undangan sudah dibagi, tempat pesta
dan makanan sudah diatur)
4. habits with always (often annoying)
They are always arguing about homework. (menunjukkan kekesalan si
5. actions that are happening around now.
I am reading a very good book at the moment.

Subject + is/am/are + verb (ing)/present participle

Time signals:
At the moment, right now, these days, today, this evening, tomorrow, next
summer, on Saturday, always (for an annoying habit), etc

Simple Present Tense mempunyai kesan berulang-ulang, sementara Present
continuous sedang.

Contoh perbedaan simple present dan present continuous:

1. Paola is the student who sits at the back of the class. ( Paola selalu duduk di
Paola is the student who is sitting at the back of the class. (Saat ini Paola
sedang duduk di belakang kelas, besok belum tentu)

2. My parents stay at the Metropole Hotel. (Selalu menginap di Hotel Metropole)

My parents are staying at the Metropole Hotel. (saat ini, tidak selalu)

3. He works in a café’. (permanent)

He is working in a café’. (sementara)

4. He always talks about money. (si pembicara tidak merasa kesal)

He is always talking about money. (si pembicara merasa kesal )

Simple Past

Positive : subject + Past verb (verb2)

Negative : subject + did not + infinitive
Question : did + subject + infinitive?

Time signals :
- yesterday, two days/weeks/months ago, last week/month/year, in 1991, in the
end, at that moment, suddenly, then, when.

We use the past simple for actions completed at a particular time in the past, a
sequence of completed actions, past habits or regular events, situations or states in the

After the meeting, he got in the car and drove off

Yesterday I played tennis, ran ten kilometres, and swam for an hour.
We went swimming every day in the summer
Did you live in France when you were younger?

Past Continuous tense

Positive : subject + was/were + Present Participle

Negative : subject + was/were + not + Present Participle
Question : Was/were + subject + Present Participle

Time signals : while, as, when, at that time, meanwhile, at 7 o’clock last night

We use past continuous tense for events that were in progress at a particular time in the
past, two actions in progress at the same time in the past.

At ten o’clock in the morning, they were swimming in the lake

He was playing his music quietly but it was still annoying her

When a sentence consists of past continuous and Past simple, the rules are as follows:

Past Simple and Past continuous Tense

Used for:
 an event that was in progress when another event happened
I was sitting in the caravan when suddenly it started to rain hard.
Saya sedang duduk in caravan Ketika tiba-tiba hujan turun

 an unfinished action (past continuous) interrupted by a short action (past simple)

I was watching TV when the lights went off
Saya sedang nonton TV Ketika lampu padam

- the background information (past continuous) and events (Past simple) in a story
The sun was shining and everyone on the beach was enjoying the nice weather
when the accident happened.
Matahari sedang bersinar dan semua orang sedang menikmati cuaca yang
menyenangkan Ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi

Ada dua peristiwa di dalam satu kalimat, satu sedang berlangsung (past
continuous) Ketika peristiwa lain terjadi (Past simple). yang sedang berlangsung
dalam bentuk Past continuous Tense dan peristiwa yg terjadi kemudian dalam
bentuk past simple.

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