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The Paper Of English

Dosen Pengampuh: Awwaliyah, S .Pd. I ,m. Pd

Arranged By:
Group 5
1/SK 1

Amanda Putri Angrieni

Miftahul Rahma




The infinitive is the form of an English verb that has not been modified by an
auxiliary verb such as to.It is often used as the main verb in sentences, or as an
object,complement,or adverb in sentences wuth other verbs.For example, in the sentence
I want to dance the main verb is want and the infinitive is to dance in this sentence the
infinitive to dance functions as the object of the verb want
The backround on infinitives is how they are used in English to exspress someones
goal intention or desire to do something.They are also used to describe a persons abilities
obligatioins or intentions in carrying out certain actions.For example in the sentence she
studied hard to pass the exam the infinitive to pass is used to indicate the intention or
purpose of studying hard. In this sentence,the infinitive functions as an adverb explaining
why he studied so hard.
Additionaly,infinitives can also be used with modal verbs such as can ,could,
may,might or shall, to express the possibility,permission,or necessity todo something.For
example,in the sentence you should study more to improve is used with me modal verb
should to exspress an obligation or suggestion that he study harder.In summary,an
infinitive is a form of an English verb that has not been modified by the auxiliary verb
to.They are used to express a persons goal,intention to perfom a particular
action.Infinitive can function as object,complements,or adverbs in sentences with other
verbs and can be used with modal verbs to express possibility,permission,or necessity

LIST OF CONTENT...........................................................................................1
LIST OF CONTENS...........................................................................................4
a. Intorduction...........................................................................................5
b. Formulation Of The Problem................................................................6
c. Objectif.................................................................................................7
a. Infinitive meaning.................................................................................8
b. Infinitive Function................................................................................9
c. Types Of Infinitive.............................................................................10
a. Cunclosion.............................................................................................. 11
b. Closing................................................................................................12

As a form of verb in English, the infinitive has an important role in
expanding variations and expressing various meanings of sentences. In this paper,
we will discuss the use of infinitives in the context of teaching English as a
foreign language.The infinitive is a basic verb form that is usually marked with
the word "to" in front of it, such as "to dance" or "to study". However, it is
important to understand that the infinitive can also be used without the word "to"
in some special cases.
In English language teaching, infinitives are widely used in several aspects.
First, the infinitive is often used as the object of verbs such as "want,""need," or
"like." For example, "I want to learn English" or "He needs to practice
speaking."Apart from that, the infinitive is also used in the second sentence as a
suggestion or command. For example, “To improve your writing skills, you
should read more books” or “To be a good listener, you should pay attention to
what other people are saying.”
Apart from that, the infinitive is also used in certain verb combinations. One
example is after the verb "can" or "could" to express ability or ability. For
example, "I can swim" or "He can speak Mandarin."In this paper, we will take a
deeper look at infinitives in the context of teaching English as a foreign language.
We will discuss various examples of the use of infinitives, their uses, and some
common challenges faced by learners when using infinitives. It is hoped that this
paper can provide a better understanding of the use of infinitives and help
students learn English more effectively.
A. Formulation Of The Problem
1. What is an infinitive and how to indentify it in a sentence?
2. How is the infinitive used in English to express purpose,aim or intention?
3. What is the difference between infinitive and gerund in their use in
B. Objectif
1. Explain the meaning of the infinitive as the basic form of verbs in English
2. identify and explain types of infinitives such as infinitives with
to,infinitives without to and infinitive as the object of the verb

3. Explain the use of the infinitive as a subject,object,complement or noun in a

A. Infinitive Verb
Infinitive adalah bentuk dasar dari kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata
benda, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan. Fungsi dari infinitive verb adalah untuk
menyatakan pendapat, tujuan suatu objek, tindakan, serta menjawab pertanyaan
siapa, apa, atau mengapa. Infinitive biasanya dimulai dengan kata “to” dan diikuti
oleh bentuk dasar dari sebuah verb. Contoh infinitive adalah to write, to run, to
Gerund and Infinitive, Apa Bedanya?
Gerund adalah bentuk noun (kata benda) yang diambil dari verb dengan
format present participle (verb + -ing), contohnya swimming. Sementara
itu, infinitive adalah to + base form, contohnya to swim.
Persamaan gerund dan infinitive adalah, walau sama-sama menggunakan kata
kerja, tetapi keduanya tidak berfungsi sebagai verb.
Artinya, gerund dan infinitive dapat bersanding dengan kata lain yang berfungsi
sebagai kata kerja utama dalam sebuah kalimat.
Selain itu, fungsi infinitive sama dengan fungsi gerund yang bisa menjadi subject,
object, atau subjek pelengkap.
B. Apa Fungsi Infinitive?
Ada tiga fungsi utama dari infinitive, yaitu bisa digunakan untuk nouns,
adjectives, dan adverbs.
1. Infinitive sebagai nouns (kata benda)
Ketika infinitive digunakan sebagai subjek atau objek langsung dalam sebuah
kalimat, maka infinitive tersebut bertindak sebagai noun.
I like to play mobile legends alone.
(Saya suka bermain mobile legend sendirian.)

 Pada kalimat di atas, yang berperan sebagai verb adalah ‘like’.

 ‘To play’ merupakan infinitive yang menerima aksi dari ‘like’ dan berfungsi
sebagai direct object.

 ‘To play’ juga berperan sebagai noun untuk mengekspresikan sebuah pemikiran.
2. Infinitive sebagai adjective (kata sifat)
Kata sifat adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menambahkan informasi dari noun (kata
benda). Jadi, ketika infinitive digunakan sebagai adjective, maka ia akan mengubah atau
menjelaskan noun.
Contohnya dalam kalimat di bawah ini:
Rezaneeds a lamp to read on.
(Reza membutuhkan lampu untuk membaca.)

 Di sana, ‘needs’ berfungsi sebagai verb, dan ‘lamp’ adalah noun.

 ‘To read’ merupakan infinitive yang berperan sebagai adjective untuk menambah
informasi detail dari ‘lamp’.
3. Infinitive sebagai adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb digunakan untuk memperjelas verb. Tak hanya itu, kata keterangan juga
dapat memodifikasi/memberi explanation lebih lanjut untuk adjective dan adverb yang
lainnya.Contoh kalimatnya yaitu:
Myfriends were amazed to see me singing on stage.
(Teman-teman saya kagum melihat saya bernyanyi di atas panggung.)

Penggunaan Infinitive Verb dalam Kalimat

Ada beberapa macam penggunaan infinitive verb dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Di
antaranya adalah:
Menyatakan keharusan ( harus )
 The students are to do the school assignment. (Murid-murid harus mengerjakan
tugas sekolah.)
 She is to obey the rules of her parents. (Ia harus mematuhi peraturan orang
 I am to go home before 11.00 PM. (Aku harus pulang sebelum jam 11 malam.)
Menyatakan harapan
 The game is supposed to begin at 10.00 PM. (Permainan seharusnya dimulai jam
10 malam.)
 The committee is supposed to meet tomorrow. (Para komite seharusnya bertemu

 I am supposed to go to the meeting. My boss told me that he wants me to
attend. (Seharusnya aku pergi ke rapat. Atasanku memberitahu bahwa ia mau aku
Menerangkan tujuan
 He comes here to see me. (Ia datang ke sini untuk menemuiku.)
 We watched the match lively to support the team. (Kami menonton pertandingan
untuk mendukung tim.)
 I borrow money to pay the rent. (Aku meminjam uang untuk membayar sewa.)
Digunakan setelah kata urutan
 The mobile phone was first to emerge in 1995. (Telepon genggam pertama kali
muncul pada tahun 1995.)
 I am the second person to buy the book. (Aku adalah orang kedua untuk membeli
 This is the thousandth to say the prayer. (Ini adalah ke seribu kali untuk
mengucapkan doa.)
Menerangkan kata benda
 I need a glass of milk to drink. (Aku butuh segelas susu untuk minum.)
 We need some books to read. (Kamu butuh beberapa buku untuk dibaca.)
Digunakan setelah kata too dan enough
 It is too good to be true. (Ini terlalu baik jika benar adanya.)
 I have enough strength to lift the box. (Aku memiliki cukup kekuatan untuk
mengangkat kotaknya.)
 I’m strong enough to lift the box. (Aku cukup kuat untuk mengangkat kotaknya.)
Digunakan setelah kata sifat (adjective)
 English is easy to learn. (Bahasa Inggris mudah untuk dipelajari.)
 I am glad to meet you. (Aku senang untuk bertemu denganmu.)
 I am proud to have you as my brother. (Aku bangga untuk memilikimu sebagai
Sebagai verb (kata kerja) tertentu dan digunakan sebagai objek pelaku (objective
 She advised us to wait until tomorrow. (Ia menyarankan untuk menunggu sampai
 He allows me to use his car. (Ia mengijinkanku untuk menggunakan mobilnya.)

 I’m asking you to help them. (Aku meminta kesediaanmu untuk menolong
Mengikuti verb tertentu
 Saya tidak mampu membeli iPad baru. ( Saya tidak mampu membeli ipad baru.)
 Mereka setuju untuk membantu kami. ( Mereka setuju untuk membantu kita.)
 Dia tampak khawatir tentang cuaca. ( Ia mulai mengurangi cuaca.)
C. Jenis-jenis Infinitives
1 Bare Infinitive
Seperti namanya, bare infinitive berarti infinitive dimana verb berdiri tanpa to
bisanya, jenis infinitive ini digunakan setelah shall, will,may,do,should,dll
Contoh: I will finish my homework (saya akan menyelesaikan PR saya)
Ana should go now.(Ana harus pergi sekarang)
2 Full Infinitive
Ciri khas dari jenis infinitive ini adalah posisinya dalam sebuah kalimat.Biasanya full
infinitive kerap digunakan sebagai subject dalam sebuah kalimat.Tak jarang juga
ditemukan full infinitive dalam object,predikat,pelengkap,atau kata sifat.
contoh: To go is very imposible (untuk pergi jauh sangat tidak mungkin)
I am sad leave you alone (aku sedih meninggalkanmu sendirian)
3 Split infinitives
Jenis ini muncul ketika ada kata lain di antara kata kerja dan to
Contoh:To really love him, I have to forget my ex (untuk benar-benar mencintainya
aku harus melupakan mantanku
Beberapa verb (kata kerja) yang lazim diikuti oleh infinitives adalah sebagao
hope to,plan to,advise to,command to,compel to,encourage to,decide to,intend
to,agree to.
Untuk lebih jelasnya,perhatikan rumus penggunaan to infinitive dibawah ini:
 I want to study Mathematics (saya ingin belajar matematika)
 She refused to go (dia menolak untuk pergi)
 I hope to see you again (saya berharap bertemu kamu lagi)
Kata intend biasanya diikuti oleh infinitives contohnya: I intend to go to the
meeting.Tapi terkadang kata intend bisa diikuti oleh geerund

Selain ada Jenis-jenis Infinitive kita juga juga dapat membagi jenis To Infinitive
menjadi empat macam, yaitu:
a. Present To Infinitive
b. Continuous To Infinitive
c. Perfect To Infinitive
d. Passive To Infinitive
A. Present To Infinitive
Untuk membuat kalimat bentuk Present To Infinitive, maka dengan menambahkan
kata di depan kata “to”.
Contoh kalimat:I decided not to go to the tennis court. (Aku memutuskan tidak pergi
ke lapangan tenis)
She told me not to close the window. (Dia (pr) memberitahuku untuk tidak menutup
jendela itu.)
It is right not to help others. (Tidak benar jika tidak membantu yang lain.)
Kata not dalam bentuk kalimat To Infinitive tidak sama dengan kata not dalam bentuk
kalimat negatif.
Contoh kalimat To Infinitive:It is better not to go. (Lebih baik tidak pergi.)
Tell her not to come. (Beritahu dia jangan datang.)
She asked me not to watt. (Dia (pr) meminta agar aku tidak menunggu.)
Contoh kalimat Negative To Infinitive:
It isn’t better to go. (Tidak lebih baik pergi.)
Don’t tell me to come. (Jangan menyuruhku datang.)
She didn’t ask me to wait. (Dia (pr) tidak memintaku menunggu.)
B. Continuous To Infinitive
Ada 2 (dua) macam jenis Continuous To Infinitive, yaitu: Present Continuous To
Infinitive dan Perfect Continuous To Infinitive.
Present Continuous To Infinitive.
Bentuk Present Continuous To Infinitive adalah bentuk To Infinitive yang
menunjukkan bahwa suaru peristiwa atau perbuatan telah terjadi dan masih
berlansung terus.
Contoh: The man seems to be recovering from his illness. Kelihatannya pria itu
semakin membaik dari sakitnya.)
The boy is likely to be waiting for you at the school. (Anak laki-laki itu rupanya
sedang menunggu kamu di sekolah.)

Perfect Continuous To Infinitive.
Bentuk Perfect Continuous To Infinitive adalah bentuk To Infinitive yang
menunjukkan bahwa suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan sudah selesai dilakukan.
Contoh:He suspects us to have been auarreling. (Dia (lk) menduga bahwa telah terjadi
pertengkaran di antara kita.)
We are happy to have been working with you. (Kita gembira bahwa kami telah
bekerja dengan kamu.)
C. Perfect To Infinitive
Perfect To Infinitive adalah bentuk To Infinitive yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu
peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dinyatakan oleh To Infinitive terjadi atau dilakukan
lebih awal daripada peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dinyatakan oleh Finite Verb (kata
kerja terbatas).
Contoh Kalimat: I am sorry to have kept you waiting. (Aku menyesal telah
membiarkanmu menunggu.)
She seems to have heard about it. (Dia (lk) kelihatannya sudah mendengar tentang hal
D. Passive To Infinitive
Bentuk Passive To Infinitive dapat dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) jenis, yaitu: Simple Passive
To Infinitive dan Perfect Passive To Infiniive.Simple Passive To Infinitive.
Rumus Simple Passive To Infinitive: To + be + Verb-3
Contoh:He doesn’t think that there is anything to be said. (Dia (lk) tidak menyangka
bahwa ada sesuatu yang akan dikatakan).
She should to be punished for being rude. (Dia (pr) harus dihukum atas
Perfect Passive To Infinitive.
Rumus: To + Have + Been + Verb-3
Contoh Kalimat: This book is said to have been translated into many languages.
(Buku ini katanya sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa).
This work ought to have been finished when our boss arrived. (Pekerjaan ini
semestinya sudah diselesaikan ketika bos kita datang.).

In this paper, it can be concluded that the infinitive is a verb form that can be used as
a single verb or as a noun. Infinitives generally consist of the base verb added with the
word "to" in front of it, such as "to walk" or "to eat". The infinitive has several functions,
including as a subject, object, complement, or in the construction of an infinitive
clause.Apart from that, in this paper it is also concluded that the infinitive has unique
properties, such as not being able to change form to suit the subject or time. The
infinitive can also be connected to other verbs, such as "want" or "need", to express a
goal, desire, or need.
However, there are several rules and exceptions to the use of the infinitive that need
to be taken into account. For example, the infinitive cannot be used after certain verbs
such as "stop" or "remember", but instead use a gerund or clause that uses the word
"that".This shows that mastering the use of infinitives is very important in understanding
and producing correct sentences in English. By understanding the concept and function
of the infinitive, language learners can improve their ability to communicate effectively

In concluding this paper, it can be concluded that the use of infinitives in English has
an important role in forming different phrases, sentences or expressions. The infinitive
can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. In a linguistic context, the
infinitive can also place emphasis on a state or action that is indefinite or has not yet
occurred.In addition, a good understanding of the infinitive is important in learning
tenses and sentence forms in English. The ability to identify and use infinitives correctly
will help us convey messages and information more clearly and effectively.However, the
use of infinitives also has special rules and conventions that need to be taken into
account. Mistakes in using the infinitive can cause confusion in sentence understanding
and cause errors in communication.
When applying infinitives in writing or conversation, it is very important to
understand the context and purpose of using the infinitive. By learning and practicing the
use of infinitives regularly, our English language skills will increase and give us
confidence in communicating.In this brief conclusion, we hope that the discussion of
infinitives in this paper has provided a better understanding of the use and importance of
infinitives in English. Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers in understanding and
improving their English language skills.


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