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What determines the shape of a molecule?

Draw and name the bonding in the following four molecules. Label the bond angles. a) b) c) d) AlCl3 SiF4 SF6 CO2

Put the strengths of repulsion in order. lone-lone bonded-bonded bonded-lone

Now draw the following molecules explaining the bond angles in each. CH4 NH3 H2O

Why is the hydrogen-hydrogen bond NON-POLAR in H2?

What happens to the bond if we have HCl?

Define: -electro negativity -Permanent dipole

Why is CH4 a non-polar molecule despite having permanent dipoles? Why is H2O polar and CO2 non-polar?

In terms of electronegativity which types of elements are most likely to form - A non polar covalent bond - An ionic bond - Polar covalent bonding?

What causes intermolecular forces? What are the 3 types? Can you put them in order of relative strength?

Where do permenant dipole-dipole interactions come from?

Can you give an example?

Explain how van der waals forces occur.

What increases the strength of van der waals forces?

Explain why boiling point increases down a group.

What is a hydrogen bond? Give an example in your answer.

Explain these properties of H2O in terms hydrogen bonds. 1. Ice is less dense than water 2. Water has relatively high melting and boiling points

Draw a picture and explain it to describe metallic bonding.

Why do metals have high melting and boiling points? Why can they conduct electricity? Why are the malleable/ductile?

How does metallic bonding differ from covalent bonding?

Draw and explain the giant ionic lattice structure between sodium and chlorine.

Why does the MgO lattice have higher melting and boiling points than NaCl lattice?

Explain the difference in electric conductance of an ionic compound when solid, molten or aqueous.

Why do ionic compounds dissolve in polar solutions but not non-polar?

Draw a simple molecular lattice of I2 molecules naming and labelling any BONDS and any FORCES.

When I2 melts or boils what is happening? Describe the a) melting/boiling point b) Electrical conducance c) Solubility Of simple molecular lattices

What is the difference between simple molecular structures and giant covalent structures?

What properties do giant covalent structures GENERALLY have?



Electrical Conductivity Hardness

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