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GSM Radio Network Optimization
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
RF people work in either
RF Planning RF Optimization

Nominal Plan Design

Sites Survey

Validation from field

Set RF design (Structure, Azimut,

!eigt, "ilt, #ables type$

Fre%uency Plan

Sites Acceptance

"ey ave to provide te coverage eiter

outdoor or indoor&

'aintain te Net(or)*s Accessibility +P,s

'aintain te Net(or)-s Retain ability +P,s

'aintain te Net(or)-s Service ,ntegrity +P,s

Study and Apply ne( features

"ry to tin) of innovative solutions to ma.imize

te Net(or) capacity

"ey ave to maintain te performance of

te Net(or) as good as possible&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

!at will "e our concern during t!i# part o$ t!e cour#e%
RF Optimiztion

&ow t!e RF Optimization people can maintain t!e 'PI#%

!y st"#ying the #i$$erent r#io network $et"res n# st"#ying the %ontrolling
prmeters o$ e%h $et"re n# how to t"ne them in smrt wy to %hie&e the
trget '()s.

!at are we going to #tud( during t!i# part o$ t!e cour#e%

*ost o$ the R#io Network $et"res n# their %ontrolling prmeters.
'()s monitoring n# nlysis.
+ro",le shooting n# +"ning.
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Cour#e Outline#

G-* O&er&iew.

)#le *o#e !eh&ior.


.C- /.ierr%hi%l Cell -tr"%t"re0.

Con%entri% 1 *"lti !n# Cells.

CL- / Cell Lo# -hring0.

Fre2"en%y .opping.

)ntr Cell .n#o&er.

Dynmi% .R 3llo%tion.

(ower Control.

G-* to 4*+- Cell Resele%tion n# .n#o&er.

+ro",le -hooting n# '()s monitoring.

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T&+N' ,OU
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MS in Idle Mode

Doesn5t h&e #e#i%te# %hnnel6 ,"t ,le to %%ess the Network n# ,le to
,e re%he# ,y the Network.

*- will lwys try to %mp on the ,est %ell ,se# on the signl strength

*- will %ontin"o"sly monitor the ser&ing n# neigh,or !CC. %rriers to

#e%i#e whi%h %ell to %mp on.

+he p"rpose ,ehin# st"#ying the )#le *o#e !eh&ior is to lwys ens"re tht
the *- is %mpe# on the %ell where it hs the highest pro,,ility o$ s"%%ess$"l
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MS Ta#k# during Idle Mode

). (L*N -ele%tion.
)). Cell -ele%tion.
))). Cell Resele%tion.
)7. Lo%tion 4p#ting.
7. *onitor the )n%oming (ging.
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I/ P*MN Selection Criterion

(L*N i#entity is #e$ine# s 8MCC0MNC9 whi%h is prt o$ the L3)6 where

MCC< *o,ile Co"ntry Co#e = MNC< *o,ile Network Co#e = *+C< Lo%tion
3re Co#e

>hen the *- is powere# ON6 it will per$orm Lo%tion 4p#te n# %ompre

the new L3) with the ol# store# one.

3n *- will nee# to mke (L*N sele%tion only in%se<

1. *- is powere# ON $or the 1
st time i.e. No (L*N ws registere# on ,e$ore
/No )n$ormtion on *CC1*NC is store# on -)*0
Ol# (L*N is not &il,le ny more.
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I/ P*MN Selection Criterion

>hen the *- hs to #o (L*N sele%tion #"e to one o$ the pre&io"s %ses6

the sele%tion mo#e will #epen# on the *- settings either 3"tomti% or *n"l.

3"tomti% (L*N -ele%tion *o#e steps<

1. .ome (L*N.
2. E%h (L*N store# on the -)* %r# in priority or#er.
?. Other (L*Ns h&e -ignl -trength @ =AB #!m in rn#om or#er.
C. 3ll other (L*Ns in or#er o$ #e%resing -ignl -trength.
*n"l (L*N -ele%tion *o#e<
1. .ome (L*N.
2. 3ll other &il,le (L*Ns n# gi&e the "ser the %hoi%e to sele%t.
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I/ P*MN Selection Criterion
National Roaming

)$ Ntionl Roming is permitte# then *- %n register on (L*N in its

home %o"ntry other thn its home (L*N.

Ntionl Roming my ,e llowe# on %ertin lo%tion res L3s o$ the

&isitor (L*N.

*- sho"l# perio#i%lly try to %%ess ,%k his home (L*N6 ,"t this perio#i%
ttempts will o%%"r only on 3"tomti% sele%tion mo#e.
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II/ Cell Selection Criterion

+he Cell -ele%tion lgorithm tries to $in# the most s"it,le %ell in the sele%te#
(L*N n# mke the *- %mp on.

Cell -ele%tion is #one ,y the *- itsel$.

D"ring )#le *o#e the Network #oesn5t know the %ell whi%h the *- is %mping
on6 it only knows the Lo%tion 3re where the mo,ile registere# himsel$ in.
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II/ Cell Selection Criterion
'S (ill syncronize to te /##!
fre%uency and read system
information (0A,,/A 0ist,1etc$
Scan RF Fre%uencies one by one and
calculates te Average received
signal strengt over 2 3 seconds
"une to te RF Fre%uency (it te
igest average received signal
#amp on te #ell
#ec) if te cosen fre%uency is a
/##! carrier fre%uency or not
#ec) if #
4 5 6 or not
#ec) if #ell is barred or not
#ec) if P0'N is desired or not
"une to te ne.t iger fre%uency tat
(asn-t tried before
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II/ Cell Selection Criterion

-%nning RF Fre2"en%ies my o%%"r in 2 wys<

1. Norml -%nning< -%n ll Fre2"en%ies in the ,n# eD<12C $re2. in G-*E00
2. -tore# List -%nning< -%n the Fre2"en%ies in the )#le !3 list /!CC.
3llo%tion0 store# on the *- -)* ,e$ore ,eing swit%he# o$$.
/!3 list %n h&e mDim"m ?2 $re2"en%ies0
)$ *- $o"n# %ell ,elongs to the #esire# (L*N ,"t not s"it,le6 the *- will
strt to s%n the )#le !3 list o$ this %ell.
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II/ Cell Selection Criterion

Cell is si# to ,e s"it,le i$<

1. Cell ,elongs to the #esire# (L*N
)$ t lest ?0 strongest $re2"en%ies $rom G-*E00 ,n# were trie# n# no
s"it,le %ell ws $o"n#6 then the *- will try nother (L*N ,se# on (L*N

2. Cell is not !rre# / C- : NO0
-ome %ells %n ,e ,rre# $or %%ess t sele%tion n# resele%tion or gi&en
lower priority ,se# on settings o$ prmeters< C- n# C-1
?. C
1 @ 0
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II/ Cell Selection Criterion
1 is %lle# 8Cell -ele%tion F"ntity9

)t is %l%"lte# t the *- ,se# on the ,elow e2"tion<

C1 : /Re%ei&e# -- G +CCMIN0 G mD /CC&PR=(600
+CCMIN *inim"m llowe# DL re%ei&e# -- t the *- in or#er to %%ess the system
CC&PR *Dim"m llowe# trnsmitting power ,y the *- in the 4L.
( *Dim"m o"t p"t power o$ the *- %%or#ing to its %lss.
+CCMIN n# CC&PR re %ell prmeters sent to the *- t the !CC. %hnnel.
)$ CC&PR @ ( then C1 will #e%rese n# so the Re%ei&e# -- sho"l# ,e lrge eno"gh to keep C1 @ 0 /*y ,e this %ell is not
#esigne# o$ this *- %lss0
+CCMIN6 CC&PR6 ( re ll mes"re# in #!m6 where C11C2 re mes"re# in #!s
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion

3$ter %ell hs ,een sele%te#6 the *- will strt the %ell resele%tion
mes"rements to know i$ it is ,etter to sty on the %"rrent %ell or to %mp on
nother %ell.

Cell resele%tion mes"rements<

1. *onitors the -- /-ignl -trength0 o$ the !CC. %rrier o$ the ser&ing %ell.
2. *onitors the -- o$ the !CC. %rrier o$ ll #e$ine# neigh,ors in the )#le !3
?. Contin"o"sly re# system in$ormtion sent on the ser&ing !CC. %rrier t
lest e&ery ?0 se%on#s.
C. Contin"o"sly re# system in$ormtion sent on the !CC. %rrier $or the siD
strongest neigh,ors t lest e&ery B min"tes.
B. +ry to #e%o#e !-)C o$ the siD strongest neigh,ors e&ery ?0 se%on#s to ss"re
tht it is still monitoring the sme %ells.
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion

Cell resele%tion mes"rements s"mmry<

BSIC BCCH Data (System
Serving Cell
- Every 30 Seconds
Six Strongest Neig!ors
Every 30 Seconds Every " #in$tes
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion

>hen will Cell Resele%tion o%%"r HIII

1. -er&ing Cell ,e%me ,rre# / C- : JE- 0
2. C
1 ser&ing %ell $lls ,elow zero $or more thn B se%on#s.
*- trie# to %%ess the network thro"gh this %ell "ns"%%ess$"lly $or the llowe# no. o$ times #e$ine# ,y the prmeter M+3R)T
C2 neigh,or %ell / one o$ the siD strongest neigh,ors0 ,e%me greter thn C2 ser&ing %ell $or more thn B se%on#s.
*- #ete%ts Downlink -ignling Fil"re.
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion

>ht will hppen when the *- nee#s to mke %ell resele%tionH

+he *- will %mp on the %ell tht hs the highest C
2 &l"e.

C2 is %lle# 8Cell Resele%tion F"ntity9

C2 : C1 ; CRO G TO K ./ PT G + 0 where (+ L ?1
C2 : C1 G CRO where (+ : ?1
0 6 M N 0
!ere ./D0
1 6 M O 0

CRO Cell Resele%tion O$$set6 "nit : 2 #!6 &l"e rnge : 0 to P?

TO +emporry O$$set6 "nit : 10 #!6 &l"e rnge : 0 to Q

PT (enlty +ime #"ring whi%h +O is &li#

T )nitite# $rom zero when the *- pl%es the neigh,or in the list o$ the
-iD -trongest
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion

CRO < #e$ines signl strength o$$set to en%o"rge or #is%o"rge *-s to

resele%t tht %ell.

TO < #e$ines negti&e temporry o$$set $or %ertin time %%or#ing to settings
o$ PT /(r%ti%lly this is "se$"l to pre&ent $st mo&ing *- $rom %mping on

PT< )$ (+ is set to ?16 this mens tht /G&e0 -- o$$set 8CRO9 will ,e pplie#
to this %ell n# it ppers less $&orite $or %ell resele%tion.
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion
Down *ink Signaling Failure +lgorit!m

+he 3lgorithm o$ type 8Leky !"%ket9 n# "se# %o"nter 8D96 where D :


MFRMS is %ell prmeter #e$ines the no. o$ m"lti=$rmes ,etween the

trnsmission o$ e%h pging gro"p i.e. i$ MFRMS:C then *- tt%he# to
%ertin pging gro"p will wit in sleeping mo#e $or C m"lti=$rmes /CK2B?mse%0
"ntil it is "p gin to listen to pging.

>hen the *- is "p to listen to its pging gro"p6 i$ the messge is not #e%o#e#
s"%%ess$"lly then D is #e%remente# ,y C n# i$ the messge is #e%o#e#
%orre%tly then D is in%remente# ,y 1.

)$ D re%hes zero6 then Down Link -ignling Fil"re is #ete%te# n# %ell

resele%tion took pl%e.
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion
Down *ink Signaling Failure +lgorit!m
)42 3ss"me tht *FR*- : C
Downlink signling $il"re %o"nter is initilize#< D : ro"n#/E0R*FR*-0:22.
)$ the *- "ns"%%ess$"lly #e%o#es pging messge6 then< D : D = C : 1A.
)$ the *- s"%%ess$"lly #e%o#es pging messge6 then< D : D ; 1 : 1E.

)$ D re%hes zero6 then Down Link -ignling Fil"re is #ete%te# n#

%ell resele%tion took pl%e.
D %n5t eD%ee# the ,"%ket size gi&en ,y ro"n#/E0R*FR*-0
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III/ Cell Re#election Criterion
CR& 5 Cell Re#election &(#tere#i# 6

Cell Resele%tion ,etween two %ells lie in two #i$$erent Lo%tion 3res6 will ,e
%%ompnie# ,y Lo%tion 4p#te.

3t the ,or#er ,etween %ells the -ignl le&el my ,e %ompr,le6 %ell

resele%tion my o%%"r mny times %%ompnie# ,y mny lo%tion "p#ting
le#ing to h"ge signling lo#.

+o &oi# this6 prmeter CR& is intro#"%e# s"%h tht %ell in nother

lo%tion re L32 sho"l# h&e C
L32 sho"l# greter thn C
L31 o$ ser&ing %ell lie in L31 ,y t lest CR& in
or#er to ,e sele%te#.

)$ C
L31 : B #!6 CR. : C #!6 then C
L32 O E #! in or#er to ,e sele%te#.
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I./ *ocation Updating

+o mke it possi,le $or the mo,ile s",s%ri,er to re%ei&e %ll n# initite %ll
whene&er nee#e#6 the network m"st know where the *- is lo%te# whene&er
it mo&es tht5s why Lo%tion 4p#ting is nee#e#.

)n the )#le *o#e6 the Network knows the lo%tion o$ the *- on Lo%tion re
resol"tion not on %ell resol"tion.

+here re three #i$$erent types o$ lo%tion "p#ting #e$ine#<

1. Norml Lo%tion 4p#ting.
2. (erio#i% registrtion.
?. )*-) tt%h 1 )*-) #et%h /when the *- in$orms the network when it enters
n in%ti&e stte0
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I./ *ocation Updating
7/ Normal *ocation Updating
)nitite# ,y the *- when it enters %ell ,elongs to new Lo%tion 3re
. +he *- will %ompre the L3)
ol# store# on the -)* with the L3)new ,ro#%ste# $rom the new %ell n# it will
$o"n# them #i$$erent so it5ll per$orm Lo%tion 4p#te type norml.
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I./ *ocation Updating
8/ Periodic Regi#tration
Reg"lrly the *- sho"l# "p#te the Network with its %"rrent lo%tion 3re.
+he Network will in$orm the *- how o$ten it sho"l# report the lo%tion 3re
he is registering himsel$ in.
!se# on the &l"e o$ the (rmeter T9878 the *- will know how $re2"ent it
sho"l# mke perio#i% registrtion.
T9878 tke &l"es $rom 1 /Pmin0 to 2BB /2B.B .o"rs06 #e$"lt : C0 /C .o"rs0
*-C hs s"per&ision time : -TDM;GTDM i$ it #oesn5t her $rom the *-
#"ring this perio#6 the *-C will %onsi#er the *- impli%itly #et%he#.
-TDM;GTDM sho"l# @ T98786 to not %onsi#er the *- #et%h ,e$ore
perio#i% lo%tion "p#te is per$orme#.
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I./ *ocation Updating
9/ IMSI +ttac!:Detac!
)*-) tt%hR#et%h opertion is n %tion tken ,y the *- to in$orm the
Network either it will go to in%ti&e stte /(ower o$$0 or it ret"rne# ,%k to i#le
+TT is %ell prmeter tht will in$orm the *- whether )*-) tt%hR#et%h is
opertionl or not.
)$ +TT:Jes6 then ,e$ore the *- will ,e swit%he# o$$6 it will sen# n )*-)
#et%h re2"est to the Network6 so no pging messges will ,e sent to this
*- while it is in this stte.
>hen the *- is swit%he# on gin it will sen# n )*-) tt%h re2"est to the
Network so now pging messges %n ,e sent normlly to this *-.
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Let "s re&ise the DL logi%l %hnnels n# their mpping<
I6 -C&5-roadca#t C!annel#62 in%l"#ing

FCC./Fre2"en%y Corre%tion Chnnel0

-C./-yn%hroniztion Chnnel0

!CC./!ro#%st Control Chnnel0

II6 CCC&5Common Control C!annel#62 in%l"#ing

(C./(ging Chnnel0

3GC./3%%ess Grnt Chnnel0

III6 DCC&5Dedicated Control C!annel#62 in%l"#ing

-DCC./-tn# 3lone De#i%te# Control Chnnel0

-3CC./-low 3sso%ite# Control Chnnel0

C!C./Cell !ro#%st Chnnel0

F3C./Fst 3sso%ite# Control Chnnel0

'ay be 'apped on eiter
"S48#6 or "S68#6
Al(ays 'apped on "S68#6
Al(ays 'apped on "S68#6
9 :or) in Stealing mode by
replacing te "#! time slot;
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
8 ; < = 7> 78 7; 7< 7= 8> 88 8; 8< 8= 9> 98 9; 9< 9= ;> ;8 ;; ;< ;= ?>
7 9 ? @ A 77 79 7? 7@ 7A 87 89 8? 8@ 8A 97 99 9? 9@ 9A ;7 ;9 ;? ;@ ;A ?7
> 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 6 Frame 7
Default Mapping on TS0/C0 (BC!CCC" #$on Com%ine& Mo&e'
51 TDM( Frame) * 1 Control Multi+frame
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
D1 D1 D0 D0 D0
8 ; < = 7> 78 7; 7< 7= 8> 88 8; 8< 8= 9> 98 9; 9< 9= ;> ;8 ;; ;< ;= ?>
7 9 ? @ A 77 79 7? 7@ 7A 87 89 8? 8@ 8A 97 99 9? 9@ 9A ;7 ;9 ;? ;@ ;A ?7
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 (0 (1 (2 (3
Default Mapping on TS1/C0
> 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 6 Frame 7
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Com"ination o$ Control c!annel# 5Di$$erent Mapping Criteria6

*pping on +-0RC0 is %ontrolle# ,y (rmeter %lle# -CC&T,P)

S. NCO*! /Non Com,ine#6 !C.1CCC.0 +-1RC0 will %rry -DCC.;-3CC.
S. CO*! /Com,ine#6 !C.1CCC.1-DCC.RC0 +-1RC0 will ,e $ree $or +C.
S. CO*!C /Com,ine# with %ell ,ro#%st %hnnel C!C. is in "se6
!C.1CCC.1-DCC.RC1C!C.0 +-1RC0 will ,e $ree $or +C.
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Com"ination o$ Control c!annel# 5Di$$erent Mapping Criteria6

SDCC& my h&e on o$ the $ollowing C %on$ig"rtions ,se# on prmeter

S. 5i6 SDCC&:= /A -DCC. -",=%hnnels i.e. mke %ll set"p $or A "sers0
S. 5ii6 SDCC&:= in%l"#ing C!C. /Q -DCC. -",=%hnnels ; 1 C!C.0
For t!e#e two ca#e#B the -CC&T,P):NCO*! n# the mpping o$ the -DCC.
%hnnel is #one on +-1RC0
S. 5iii6 SDCC&:; /C -DCC. -",=%hnnels0
S. 5iC6 SDCC&:; in%l"#ing C!C./? -DCC. -",=%hnnels ; 1 C!C.0
For t!e#e two ca#e#B the -CC&T,P):CO*! or CO*!C n# the mpping o$ the
-DCC. %hnnel is #one on +-0RC0
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Com"ination o$ Control c!annel# 5Di$$erent Mapping Criteria6
$on Default Mapping on TS0/C0 (BC!CCC"
2,51 TDM( Frame) * 2 Control Multi+frame
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Com"ination o$ Control c!annel# 5Di$$erent Mapping Criteria6

+he +,le ,elow s"mmrizes ll the pre&io"s #etils<

Default Mapping ($on Com%ine&" $on Default Mapping (Com%ine&"
BC!CCC on TS0/C0 an&
CBC &oe)n-t e.i)t CBC e.i)t CBC &oe)n-t e.i)t CBC e.i)t
1 %lo/0 for BCC 1 %lo/0 for BCC 1 %lo/0 for BCC 1 %lo/0 for BCC
1 %lo/0) for CCC 1 %lo/0) for CCC 3 %lo/0) for CCC 3 %lo/0) for CCC
2 %lo/0) for SDDC 7 %lo/0) for SDDC 4 %lo/0) for SDDC 3 %lo/0) for SDDC
1 %lo/0 for CBC 1 %lo/0 for CBC
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Paging Group#

+he *- will monitor the in%oming pging in only spe%i$i% times6 n# the rest
o$ the time it will remin in sleeping mo#e.

)n this wy we s&e the *- ,ttery n# we #e%rese the 4L inter$eren%e on

the system.

+he *- will monitor the in%oming pging when the 8(ging Gro"p9 ssigne#
$or this *- is trnsmitte# only.

+he CCC. ,lo%k %n ,e "se# ,y either (C. or 3GC..

>hen the CCC. ,lo%k is "se# $or pging it will ,e %lle# 8(ging !lo%k9

+he (ging !lo%k %onsists o$ C %onse%"ti&e +ime slots lie in C %onse%"ti&e


+he (ging !lo%k %n ,e "se# to pge CR?R2 "sers %%or#ing to )*-) or

+*-) is "se# when pging the *- / Length )*-) : 2 +-6 Length +*-):1+-0

+he gro"p o$ "sers ,elong to the sme pging ,lo%k will ,e %lle# 8(ging
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
8 ; < = 7> 78 7; 7< 7= 8> 88 8; 8< 8= 9> 98 9; 9< 9= ;> ;8 ;; ;< ;= ?>
7 9 ? @ A 77 79 7? 7@ 7A 87 89 8? 8@ 8A 97 99 9? 9@ 9A ;7 ;9 ;? ;@ ;A ?7
> 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @ > 7 8 9 ; ? < @
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 6 Frame 7
Default Mapping on TS0/C0 (BC!CCC" #$on Com%ine& Mo&e'
51 TDM( Frame) * 1 Control Multi+frame
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./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Paging Group#

3s ppere# the *- will listen to pging in only spe%i$i% times.

+he *- will "tilize the time ,etween the C +- tht lie in C %onse%"ti&e $rmes
to mke the re2"ire# mes"rements on the neigh,or %ells.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR
./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Paging Group#

3s we si# ,e$ore the no. o$ the CCC. ,lo%ks will #epen# on either non=
%om,ine# mo#e or %om,ine# mo#e is in "se.

+he str"%t"re o$ the CCC. will #epen# on prmeter %lle# +G-*'/

)$ +G-*'D7 1 CCC. ,lo%k will ,e reser&e# $or 3GC. n# we will h&e

either A or 2 ,lo%ks ssigne# $or (ging.

)$ +G-*'D> No !lo%ks re reser&e# $or 3GC. n# we will h&e either E

or ? ,lo%ks ssigne# $or (ging.
Default Mapping($on Com%ine&" $on Default Mapping(Com%ine&"
BC!CCC on TS0/C0 an&
CBC &oe)n-t e.i)t CBC e.i)t CBC &oe)n-t e.i)t CBC e.i)t
1 %lo/0) for CCC 1 %lo/0) for CCC 3 %lo/0) for CCC 3 %lo/0) for CCC
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR
./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Paging Group#

.ow mny (ging Gro"ps we h&eH +his will #epen# on prmeter


MFRMS is prmeter #e$ine# per %ell n# it #e$ines how $re2"ent the

pging gro"p ssigne# $or %ertin *- will ,e trnsmitte#.

MFRMS tkes &l"es $rom 1 to E6

)$ MFRMSD7 then the pging gro"p ssigne# $or %ertin *- will ,e

trnsmitte# e&ery 1 %ontrol *"lti$rmes:2B? mse%

)$ MFRMSDA then the pging gro"p ssigne# $or %ertin *- will ,e

trnsmitte# e&ery E %ontrol *"lti$rmes : EK2B?mse%:2.? se%on#s.

)$ MFRMS is lrge<

Po#itiCe Side2 +he *- ,ttery li$e time will in%rese %oz the *-
remins in sleeping mo#e $or long time.

NegatiCe Side2 Cll set"p time will in%rese %oz my ,e pging %ome to
the *- while it is still in the sleeping mo#e.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR
./ Monitor t!e Incoming Paging
Paging Strategie#

(ging -trtegies re %ontrolle# ,y prmeters in the *-C.

-etting o$ prmeters will #e%i#e whether the pging will ,e lo%l pging
/within the L30 or glo,l pging /within the *-C ser&i%e re0.

-etting o$ prmeters will #e%i#e lso whether pging will ,e #one &i )*-)
or +*-).

4sing the prmeters we %n #e%i#e lso how the se%on# pging will ,e
in%se the $irst pging $ile#6 eD< )$ 1
st pging ws lo%l with +*-) then we %n set the 2n# pging to ,e
glo,l with )*-).
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR

Related Feature to t!e Idle Mode -e!aCior

+daptiCe Con$iguration o$ *ogical C!annel# 5+C*C6

3s we know the -DCC. %hnnel is "se# $or signling i.e. %ll set"p6 while the
+C. %hnnel is "se# to %rry rel "ser tr$$i% /spee%hR#t0.

3s r"le o$ th"m, GO- $or +C.:2T i.e. within 100 %lls i$ 2 o$ them re
,lo%ke# then this will ,e %%ept,le6 $or the -DCC.RA the GO-:0.BT n# $or
the -DCC.RC the GO-:1T

3s we know in the #e$"lt settings $or $re2"en%y C06 +-0 is "se# to %rry
!C.;CCC. n# +-1 "se# to %rry -DCC.;-3CC.6 n# +-2+-Q "se# to
%rry spee%hR#t
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR

Related Feature to t!e Idle Mode -e!aCior

+daptiCe Con$iguration o$ *ogical C!annel# 5+C*C6

Now i$ the signling lo# is high i.e. mny "sers nee# to mke %ll set"p then
high ,lo%king will o%%"r eD%ee#ing the llowe# &l"e 0.BT

+o sol&e the ,lo%king we h&e 2 wys<

i6 Static Con$iguration o$ +C. +- to ,e "se# s -DCC. $ore&er
/Now +-11+-2 "se# $or -DDC.;-3CC. n# +-?+-Q "se# to %rry spee%hR#t0
!"t in this %se we lost 1 +C. %hnnel i.e. B "sers %n tlk sim"ltneo"sly inste#
o$ P
ii6 +daptiCe Con$iguration o$ +C. +- to ,e "se# s -DCC.RA w!en t!ere i#
"locking onl(
/Now +-11+-2 "se# $or -DDC.;-3CC. n# +-?+-Q "se# to %rry spee%hR#t0
!"t w!en t!ere i# no "locking /+-2 will ,e %on$ig"re# ,%k "tomti%lly s
+C. n# "se# to %rry spee%hR#t0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR

Related Feature to t!e Idle Mode -e!aCior

+daptiCe Con$iguration o$ *ogical C!annel# 5+C*C6

*in Controlling (rmeters<

+CST+T)2 3%ti&tesRDe%ti&tes the $et"re on %ell ,sis6 &l"es< ONROFF

S*).)*2 No. o$ )#le -DCC. s",=%hnnels ,elow whi%h the $et"re will work.

+he %on#itions tht sho"l# ,e $"l$ille# $or the 3CLC $et"re to work<
7/ +CST+T):ON
2. No. o$ )#le -DCC. s",=%hnnels N S*).)* /+his is n in#i%tion $or
?. No. o$ )#le +C.s @ C or no. o$ )#le +C.s @ +otl no. o$ +RMs /Fre2"en%ies0
C. No. o$ lre#y #e$ine# -DCC. %hnnelsRA N *D. llowe# %on$ig"rtion o$
-DCC.s in the %ell.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR

Parameter# Summar(
SC 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
BS7C $CC8 0 to 7 BCC8 0 to 7 9 9
5(C Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
M(:5;T 1<2<4<7 4 9
Control C=annel 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
0 to 16 (08 $o SDCC/2
/onfigure&+/om%ine& mo&e"
1 9
7MS7 (tta/=/Deta/= 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
(TT >e)< $o >e) 9
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
ID*) MOD) -)&+.IOR

Parameter# Summar(
3aging 3arameter) an& 3erio&i/ 6p&ate
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
MF5MS 2 to 1 6 Control C=annel Multi frame
(@BAB 0 or 1 0 9
0 to 255 (08 infinite+$o perio&i/
40 6 minute)
Cell Sele/tion an& 5e)ele/tion 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
(CCM7$ C 47 &Bm to C110 &Bm C110 &Bm &Bm
@SM1008 13 to 43 in )tep) of 2
@SM12008 4 to 30 in )tep) of 2
@SM1008 33 &Bm
@SM12008 30 &Bm
C5? 0 to 63 0 2 &B
T? 0 to 7 (78infinite" 0 10 &B
3T 0 to 31 0
C5 0 to 14 in )tep) of 2 &B
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

&andoCer 5*ocating6 +lgorit!m

+he .n#o&er /Lo%ting0 3lgorithm

is the ,si% $et"re to pro&i#e mo,ility in the R#io Network.

3ims 3tH
i. 'eep the %ontin"ity o$ %"rrent %ll with %%ept,le 2"lity.
ii. Cell size %ontrol in=or#er to #e%rese totl inter$eren%e in the system.

)mplemente# whereH
)n the !-C.

Lo%tion pro%ess initite# whenH

3$ter .n# O&er /.O06 3ssignment or )mme#ite 3ssignment.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

&andoCer 5*ocating6 +lgorit!m

)np"ts to the 3lgorithmH

-ignl -trength6 F"lity mes"rements 1+3 $or ser&ing %ell n# -ignl
-trength mes"rements $or neigh,or %ells.

O"tp"t $rom the 3lgorithmH

List o$ %n#i#tes whi%h the lgorithm U"#ges to ,e possi,le %n#i#tes $or
.O /List o$ .O %n#i#tes re rnke# n# sorte# in #es%en#ing or#er0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

&andoCer 5*ocating6 +lgorit!m

>ht types o$ .n#o&er /lo%ting0 lgorithm we h&eH

i/ SS E Pat! *o## "a#ed +lgorit!m2 Follows the G-* spe%i$i%tions. .O
#e%ision is tken ,se# on ,oth -ignl -trength /--0 n# (th Loss.
ii/ SS "a#ed +lgorit!m2 .O #e%ision is tken ,se# on -ignl -trength
only n# this le#s to ,etter per$ormn%e.
)t is less %ompleD6 "ses less prmeters n# esy to ,e mintine# in
the R#io Network.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

&andoCer 5*ocating6 +lgorit!m

+he min Flow o$ the .n#o&er /lo%ting0 3lgorithm goes s $ollow<

Filtering Ba)i/ 5an0ing
6rgen/E Con&ition) an&ling
(u.iliarE 5a&io $etFor0
Feature) ;Galuation
?rganiHing t=e Ai)t
Sen&ing t=e Ai)t I
(llo/ation 5eplE
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

&andoCer 5*ocating6 +lgorit!m

). )nitition.
)). Filtering.
))). !si% Rnking.
)7. 4rgen%y Con#itions .n#ling.
7. 3"Diliry R#io Network Fet"res E&l"tion.
7). Orgnizing the List.
7)). -en#ing the List 1 3llo%tion Reply.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I/ Initiation o$ t!e &andoCer 5*ocating6 Proce##:+lgorit!m

+he Lo%ting (ro%ess is initite# when one o$ the $ollowing o%%"rs<

7/ &andoCer2 Norml6 )ntr Cell .O /).O06 -",=%ell %hnge /OL4L or
8/ +##ignment2 3llo%tion o$ +C. %hnnel $ter %ompleting %ll set"p on
9/ Immediate a##ignment2 Jo" re ssigne# -DCC. to mke %ll set"p6 or
+C. to mke %ll set"p on when no $ree -DCC. %hnnels eDist.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I/ Initiation o$ t!e &andoCer 5*ocating6 Proce##:+lgorit!m

.n#o&er on -DCC. %n ,e en,le#R#is,le# ,se# on prmeter SC&O

3t initition o$ Lo%ting $ter s"%%ess$"l .O6 3ssignment or )mme#ite

ssignment timer TINIT strts whi%h will #is,le .O $or some time "ntil it

+he reson is to le&e the %onne%tion on the %"rrent %hnnel $or some time
"ntil the lo%ting lgorithm pro#"%es reli,le res"lts we %n rely on.

TINIT will #is,le .O only6 ,"t 3ssignment on own or other %ell will o%%"r
normlly n# will not wit TINIT till eDpire#.

TINIT is !-C prmeter not %ell prmeter n# it mes"re# in -3CC.

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering

-imply it is the pro%ess o$ %olle%ting the re2"ire# #t on -ignl -trength

/--06 F"lity n# +ime 3#&n%e /+30 $or ser&ing n# neigh,or %ells n#
&erge these %onse%"ti&e mes"rements o&er spe%i$ie# perio# to rnk
these %ells.

+his is %%omplishe# in two steps<

1. *es"rements (reprtion
2. --6 F"lity n# +3 Filtering
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
7/ Mea#urement# Preparation
Dt tht is mes"re#<
+he *- %n mes"re the -- o$ "p to ?2 neigh,or $re2"en%ies ,"t only the
siD strongest neigh,ors /whi%h it s"%%ee#e# to #e%o#e its !-)C o&er the lst
10 se%on#s0 re reporte# n# %onsi#ere# %n#i#tes $or .O.
Cell on F=i/= mea)urement)
are reporte&
Mea)ure& JuantitE
D=o ma0e) t=e
SerGing Cell
JualitE DA (r.LualMDA" MS
JualitE 6A (r.LualM6A" BTS
6 Stronge)t neig=%or /ell) SS DA MS
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
7/ Mea#urement# Preparation
-- mes"rements re #eli&ere# s integer &l"es 0 P? %orrespon#s to
rel -- $rom =110 #!m = CQ #!m
F"lity is mes"re# ,se# on the !ER n# it my ,e represente# in two
i. )ntegers 0 /!est0 Q />orst0
ii. De%i +rns$orme# F"lity 4nits /#t2"0 $rom 0 /!est0 Q0 />orst0
+ime 3#&n%e /+30< is reporte# s &l"es ,etween 0 P? ,it perio#.
)$ +3:1 then the *- is t nerly 0.B km $rom the %ell
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
8/ SSB 1ualit( and T+ Filtering2
+he %onse%"ti&e mes"rements $or --6 F"lity n# +3 re &erge# in
some wy ,se# on the e2"tion o$ the $ilter "se#.
>e5&e B +ypes o$ Filters tht my ,e "se#6 e%h one hs its own e2"tion or
its wy to pro#"%e o"tp"t res"lts $rom the %olle%te# %onse%"ti&e
3. Generl F)R Filters
!. Re%"rsi&e -tright 3&erge Filter
C. Re%"rsi&e EDponentil Filter
D. Re%"rsi&e 1
st Or#er !"tterworth Filter
*e#in Filter
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
8/ SSB 1ualit( and T+ Filtering2
)n ##ition to the wy e%h $ilter "se to pro#"%e o"tp"t res"lts $rom the
%onse%"ti&e mes"rements6 e%h $ilter hs wht we %ll $ilter length whi%h is
the perio# o&er whi%h mes"rements re %onsi#ere#.
>e h&e %ontrolling prmeters on %ell ,sis to sele%t the type o$ $ilter "se#
n# the length o$ the $ilter.
3lso the type o$ the $ilter "se# in signling /%ll set"p0 n# #e#i%te# phses
my ,e %on$ig"re# seprtely s we5ll see.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
8/ SSB 1ualit( and T+ Filtering2
8Fi6 Signal Strengt! Filter# controlling parameter#
SS).+*SI -ele%ts the +ype o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring -ignling
SS).+*SD -ele%ts the +ype o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring
Conne%tion phse.
SS*)NSI -ele%ts the Length o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring -ignling
SS*)NSD -ele%ts the Length o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring
Conne%tion phse.
SS*)NSI 1 SS*)NSD re mes"re# in the $orm o$ -3CC. perio#s6
i.e. i$ SS*)NSD:106 then the length o$ the $ilter #"ring the %onne%tion
phse : 10K0.CA se% : C.A se%on#s
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
8/ SSB 1ualit( and T+ Filtering2
8Fii6 1ualit( Filter# controlling parameter#
1).+*SI -ele%ts the +ype o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring -ignling
1).+*SD -ele%ts the +ype o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring
Conne%tion phse.
1*)NSI -ele%ts the Length o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring -ignling
1*)NSD -ele%ts the Length o$ the $ilter tht will ,e "se# #"ring
Conne%tion phse.
1*)NSI 1 1*)NSD re mes"re# in the $orm o$ -3CC. perio#s6
i.e. i$ 1*)NSD:106 then the length o$ the $ilter #"ring the %onne%tion
phse : 10K0.CA se% : C.A se%on#s
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
II/ Filtering
8/ SSB 1ualit( and T+ Filtering2
8Fiii6 Time +dCance 5T+6 controlling parameter#
One single type o$ $ilters is "se# whi%h is the Re%"rsi&e -tright 3&erge
Filter n# the length o$ the $ilter is spe%i$ie# ,y prmeter T++.)*)N whi%h
is lso mes"re# in -3CC. perio#s.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

)t is %lle# 8!si%9 %oz in this stge rnking is #one ,e$ore hn#ling the
"rgen%y %on#itions n# e&l"tion o$ the "Diliry r#io network $et"res.

3s mentione# erlier6 two lgorithms re &il,le $or ,si% rnking

/--1(th loss ,se# 3lgorithm n# -- ,se# 3lgorithm0 n# they5re
sele%te# %%or#ing to the prmeter ).+*T,P)

).+*T,P):16 -- 1 (th loss ,se# 3lgorithm is "se# $or ,si% rnking

tking into %onsi#ertion ,oth -ignl -trength mes"rements n# the pth

).+*T,P):?6 -- ,se# 3lgorithm is "se# $or ,si% rnking tking into

%onsi#ertion -ignl -trength mes"rements only.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm will ,e #one on

$o"r steps<
3. Corre%tion o$ !se -ttion o"tp"t power.
!. E&l"tion o$ the minim"m signl strength %on#ition $or neigh,ors.
C. -",tr%tion o$ signl strength penlties.
D. Rnk the Cn#i#tes $ter pplying O$$sets n# .ysteresis.
for bot
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

+/ Correction o$ -a#e Station output power
+he lo%tion lgorithm ims t mking the ("re +r$$i% Fre2"en%ies to %ontrol
the %ell ,or#ers n# not the !CC. $re2"en%ies6 %oz most o$ the time the
seize# +C. +ime slot will ,e lo%te# on +C. $re2"en%y.
-SPR is prmeter to set the o"tp"t power o$ the !CC. %rrier
-ST3PR is prmeter to set the o"tp"t power o$ the +C. $re2"en%ies.
Corre%tion $or the o"tp"t power will #one $or ,oth<
5+Fi6 Correction $or Neig!"or Cell#/
5+Fii6 Correction $or SerCing Cell/
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

+/ Correction o$ -a#e Station output power
5+Fi6 Correction $or Neig!"or Cell#
+he *- is in$orme# ,y the !CC. $re2"en%ies o$ the neigh,ors %ells on whi%h
he hs to per$orm his mes"rements &i 3%ti&e !3 list.
. --V%orre%te#VDL
neigh,or : --Vmes"re#VDLneigh,or = / -SPR = -ST3PR 0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

+/ Correction o$ -a#e Station output power
5+Fii6 Correction $or SerCing Cell
10 +C. +ime -lot /+-0 is on the !CC. $re2"en%y
servingcell = SS<measured<D0servingcell > ( BS3D5 > BST:3D5 $
+C. +- is hopping ,etween !CC. $re2"en%y n# +C. $re2"en%y<
SS<corrected<D0servingcell = SS<measured<D0servingcell > ( BS3D5 > BST:3D5 $8N 6
>here N is the no. o$ the hopping $re2"en%ies
+C. +- is on the OL /O&er Li# s", %ell0
SS<corrected<D0?nder0aid = SS<measured<D0@ver0aidA ( BST:3D5 6n&er Aai& N BST:3D5?GerAai& $
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

-/ )Caluation o$ t!e minimum Signal Strengt! condition $or Neig!"or#
Not ll the neigh,ors re llowe# to ,e rnke#II
+he neigh,or sho"l# pss the minim"m signl strength %on#ition in or#er to
,e rnke#.
. SS<corrected<D0
neigbor (ill be compared (it respect to parameter called MS5:M7$<
,f SS<corrected<D0neigbor B MS5:M7$ tis neigbor (ill be included in ran)ing
,f SS<corrected<D0neigbor C MS5:M7$ tis neigbor (ill be e.cluded from ran)ing
,f ?0 measurements are included ten SS<corrected<?0neigbor (ill be compared (it respect to parameter called BS5:M7$<
,f SS<corrected<?0neigbor B BS5:M7$ tis neigbor (ill be included in ran)ing
,f SS<corrected<?0neigbor C BS5:M7$ tis neigbor (ill be e.cluded from ran)ing
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

-/ )Caluation o$ t!e minimum Signal Strengt! condition $or Neig!"or#
Assume tat a 'S is connected to cell A tat as five neigbors /,#,D,DEF, te
MS5:M7$ for all te cells is >46F d/m and te SS<corrected<D0
neigbor for eac cell after
correcting te /"S o8p po(er is given in te belo( "ableG
Cell C Fill %e e./lu&e& from
ran0ing an& FonOt %e /on)i&ere&
in t=e ne.t )tage an& t=e MS Fill
neGer ? to it
Cell C Fill %e e./lu&e& from
ran0ing an& FonOt %e /on)i&ere&
in t=e ne.t )tage an& t=e MS Fill
neGer ? to it
B +25 &Bm
C +110 &Bm
D +27 &Bm
; +70 &Bm
F +100 &Bm
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

C/ Su"traction o$ #ignal #trengt! penaltie#
(enlties or ("nishments will ,e pplie# on %ells tht re $or some resons
temporrily "n#esir,le.
3 (enlty &l"e will #e%rese the rnk o$ some %ells $or %ertin penlty time.
--Vp"nishe#VDL : --V%orre%te#VDL G Lo%ting (enlties G .C- (enlties
)n the %oming sli#es we5ll tlk ,o"t the two types o$ penlties<
/C=i0 Lo%ting (enlties
/C=ii0 .C- (enlties
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

C/ Su"traction o$ #ignal #trengt! penaltie#
5CFi6 *ocating Penaltie#
76 Due to &O $ailure2
)$ .O to neigh,or %ell $ile# then we5&e to pply penlty &l"e $or some
time on this neigh,or so when ,si% rnking is #one gin we #on5t go ,%k
to this %ell.
(enlty &l"e will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PSS&F /#e$"lt P? #!0
(enlty time will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PTIM&F /#e$"lt B se%0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

C/ Su"traction o$ #ignal #trengt! penaltie#
5CFi6 *ocating Penaltie#
86 Due to -ad 1ualit( 5-16 Urgenc( &O2
)$ %ell ws ,n#on #"e to !F6 then it sho"l# h&e ,een the ,est %ell $rom
-- point o$ &iew so witho"t penlties "sing the ,si% rnking we5ll ,e ,%k to
this %ell.
(enlty &l"e will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PSS-1 /#e$"lt Q #!0
(enlty time will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PTIM-1 /#e$"lt B se%on#s0
96 Due to )4ce##iCe T+ Urgenc( &O2
.n#le# in the sme mnner like the !F %se.
(enlty &l"e will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PSST+ /#e$"lt P? #!0
(enlty time will ,e %on$ig"re# "sing prmeter PTIMT+
/#e$"lt ?0 se%on#s0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

C/ Su"traction o$ #ignal #trengt! penaltie#
5CFii6 &CS Penaltie#
)t is relte# to the .C- /.ierr%hi%l Cell -tr"%t"re0 $et"re when *- is
#ete%te# s $st mo&ing mo,ile.
3 penlty will ,e pplie# on lower lyer %ells so in rnking we will prioritize
%ells in the sme lyer o$ the ser&ing %ell n# %ells in higher lyers n# in this
wy "nne%essry .O5s re pre&ente# / eD< lyer2 %ells will ,e prioritize# thn
lyer1 %ells0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

D/ Rank t!e Candidate# a$ter appl(ing O$$#et# and &(#tere#i#
Rnking $or neigh,or %ells will ,e #one $ter pplying O$$sets n# .ysteresis.
O$$#et2 Displ%e the %ell ,or#er s %ompre# to
the ,or#er stri%tly gi&en ,y --.
Controlling prmeter< OFFS)T /#e$"lt< zero #!0
&(#tere#i#2 +o re#"%e the risk o$ ping pong .O
region $or .ysteresis is pplie#
ro"n# the %ell ,or#er.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

D/ Rank t!e Candidate# a$ter appl(ing O$$#et# and &(#tere#i#
)$ the .ysteresis &l"e is too high there will ,e risk tht the *- will ,e
%onne%te# to the %ell o$ low -- $or long time n# i$ the .ysteresis is too low
then there will ,e risk tht ping pong .O5s o%%"r.
-o the pplie# &l"e o$ .ysteresis will ,e &ri,le ,se# on the re%ei&e# --
o$ the ser&ing %ell.
. --V%orre%te#VDL
ser&ing%ell will ,e %ompre# to &l"e &,STS)P /#e$"lt =E0 #!m06

)$ --V%orre%te#VDLser&ing%ell @ &,STS)PB then the ser&ing %ell is strong eno"gh n# high &l"e o$ .ysteresis will ,e pplie#
s"%h tht .ysteresis &l"e:&I&,ST /#e$"lt B #!0

)$ --V%orre%te#VDLser&ing%ell N &,STS)PB then the ser&ing %ell is not strong eno"gh n# low &l"e o$ .ysteresis will ,e
pplie# s"%h tht .ysteresis &l"e:*O&,ST /#e$"lt ? #!0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
III/ -a#ic Ranking

!si% Rnking 3lgorithm $ollowing the -- ,se# 3lgorithm

D/ Rank t!e Candidate# a$ter appl(ing O$$#et# and &(#tere#i#
servingcell 5 >STS;3
@utput from /asic
)erGing/ell * SSM/orre/te&MDl)erGing/ell
5an0neig=%or* SSMpuni)=e&MDAneig=%or N ?FFS;Tneig=%or N >STneig=%or
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I./ Urgenc( Condition# &andling

3$ter the !si% Rnking stge %he%k is m#e on the ser&ing %ell to know i$
4rgen%y %on#itions re #ete%te# or not.

>e h&e two types o$ 4rgen%y .O<

7/ -ad 1ualit( 5-16 Urgenc( &O
8/ )4ce##iCe Time +dCance 5T+6 Urgenc( &O
)$ 4rgen%y %on#itions re #ete%te# then the ser&ing %ell sho"l# ,e ,n#on
s $st s possi,le6 ,"t some o$ the neigh,ors will ,e remo&e# $rom the
%n#i#te list n# the *- will not ,e ,le to .O to them s we will see lter.
3s seen ,e$ore6 %ells tht were ,n#on #"e to 4rgen%y .O will ,e
s",Ue%te# to p"nishmentRpenlty.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I./ Urgenc( Condition# &andling
7/ -ad 1ualit( 5-16 Urgenc( &O
+he F"lity mes"re# t the DL n# 4L $or the ser&ing %ell will ,e
%ompre# with two prmeters 1*IMD* 1 1*IMU* /#e$"lt B0 #t2"0 n# i$<
rD2"lVDL @ 1*IMD*
rD2"lV4L @ 1*IMU*
+he F"lity my #rop like tht s res"lt o$ Co=Chnnel )nter$eren%e or
when the -- ,e%me &ery low.
>hen 4rgen%y Con#ition is #ete%te# the *- hs to le&e the %ell n# mke
.O to other %ell6 ,"t in this %se the ser&ing %ell is the one tht hs the
highest -- so the *- hs to .O to %ell o$ worse --6 ,"t is the *- llowe#
to .O to ny worse %ellH
@r ?rgency !@ due to /H sould be performed
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I./ Urgenc( Condition# &andling
7/ -ad 1ualit( 5-16 Urgenc( &O
)s the *- llowe# to .O to ny worse %ellH No6 this will ,e ,se# on
prmeter %lle# -1OFFS)T whi%h will ens"re tht $r neigh,ors won5t ,e
. )$ Rnk
ser&ing%ell G Rnkneigh,or N -1OFFS)T0&,STB then this neigh,or is ner to the ser&ing %ell n# it is not m"%h worse
thn the ser&ing %ell n# it %n ,e %n#i#te $or .O.
)$ Rnkser&ing%ell G Rnkneigh,or @ -1OFFS)T0&,STB then this neigh,or is $r $rom the ser&ing %ell n# it will ,e remo&e# $rom
the %n#i#te list.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
I./ Urgenc( Condition# &andling
7/ -ad 1ualit( 5-16 Urgenc( &O
,f ?rgency condition is detected (ere Ran)
servingcell = >I3 d/m and te neigborsG
((Ran)/ = >IJ d/m , Ran)# = >J6 d/m , Ran)D = >KI d/m$$ and
((BJ?FFS;T=3d/, >ST=6 d/$$
Ran)servingcell L Ran)/ = Fd/ C BJ?FFS;T= 3d/ 9#ell / is )ept in te candidate list;
Ran)servingcell L Ran)# = 43d/ 5 BJ?FFS;T= 3d/ 9#ell # is removed from te
candidate list;
Ran)servingcell L Ran)D = Kd/ 5 BJ?FFS;T=3d/ 9#ell D is removed from te
candidate list;
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
I./ Urgenc( Condition# &andling
8/ )4ce##iCe Time +dCance 5T+6 Urgenc( &O
+3 %n ,e "se# s mes"re $or the #istn%e ,etween the !+- n# the
)$ +3 @ T+*IM /P? ,it perio#0 4rgen%y .O #"e to +3 is initite#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

3$ter -a#ic Ranking n# )Caluation o$ t!e Urgenc( Condition#6 the -er&ing

Cell n# Neigh,or Cells will ,e #i&i#e# into ? Gro"ps<
Better Cell
SerGing Cell
Dor)e Cell

CategoriHation P1
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
1. 3ssignment to 3nother Cell E&l"tion
2. Cell Lo# -hring E&l"tion
?. O&er Li#R4n#er Li# s",=%ell E&l"tion
C. ).O E&l"tion
B. .C- E&l"tion
3$ter these E&l"tions6 some %n#i#tes will ,e remo&e# $rom the .O
%n#i#te list n# CategorizationG8 will ,e per$orme#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
7/ +##ignment to +not!er Cell )Caluation
+he Lo%ting 3lgorithm my ,e initite# $ter imme#ite ssignment to know
whether it is ,etter $or the *- to tke +C. time slot on the %"rrent %ell or
)$ #"ring the signling phse !etter Cell ws $o"n# $ter rnking then
83ssignment to !etter Cell9 will ,e initite#.
)$ #"ring the signling phse no ,etter %ell ws $o"n#6 then the *- will
normlly ,e ssigne# +C. time slot on the %"rrent %ell.
)$ the !etterR-er&ing Cells were %ongeste# then 83ssignment to >orse Cell9
will ,e #one.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
7/ +##ignment to +not!er Cell )Caluation
)s the *- llowe# to tke +C. time slot on ny worse %ellH No6 this will ,e
,se# on prmeter %lle# +OFFS)T whi%h will ens"re tht $r
neigh,ors won5t ,e sele%te#.
. Only i$ Rnk
ser&ing%ell G Rnkneigh,or N +OFFS)TB then this neigh,or is ner to the ser&ing %ell n# it is not m"%h
worse thn the ser&ing %ell n# ssignment to it %n ,e #one.
)$ Rnkser&ing%ell G Rnkneigh,or @ +OFFS)TB then this neigh,or is $r $rom the ser&ing %ell n# it will ,e remo&e# $rom the
%n#i#te list.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
8/ Cell *oad S!aring 5C*S6 )Caluation
+his $et"re is "se# to re#"%e %ongestion on the ser&ing %ell.
>hen CL- is %ti&te# n# the lo# on the ser&ing %ell ,e%omes higher thn
%ertin threshol# then<
i0 7li# CL- .O %n#i#tes re #e$ine#
ii0 Re=%l%"ltion o$ their rnking &l"es will ,e per$orme#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
8/ Cell *oad S!aring 5C*S6 )Caluation
i/ .alid C*S &O candidate# are de$ined a# $ollow2

>orse %ells< %oz i$ they were ,etter then they5ll ,e %hosen t !si%

Lo# on neigh,or %ells N CL- lo# threshol#

)nternl %ells< lies in the sme !-C

-me Lyer
ii/ ReFcalculation o$ t!eir ranking Calue# will "e per$ormed2

>e5re going to re%l%"lte the Rnking &l"es o$ the &li# CL-

neigh,ors with re#"%e# .ysteresis so these worse neigh,ors will pper
with higher -- thn they relly re n# the *- %n mke .O to them
n# relie$ the %ongestion on the %"rrent %ell.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
9/ O*:U* Su"FCell )Caluation
+he OLR4L $et"re pro&i#es wy o$ in%resing the tr$$i% %p%ity in
%ell"lr network witho"t ,"il#ing new sites.
-in%e OL s",=%ell ser&es smller re thn the %orrespon#ing 4L s",=%ell
smller re"se #istn%e %n ,e "se# in in the OL s",=%ell thn in the "n#er
+he OLR4L e&l"tion my res"lt in re%ommen#tion to %hnge the s",=
%ell $rom the one %"rrently in "se6 this e&l"tion is ,se# on<
DL --6 +3 -er&ing Cell6 Distn%e to %ell ,or#er6 +r$$i% Lo# in the %ell
+his $et"re will ,e #is%"sse# in #etils $terwr#s.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
;/ Intra Cell &O 5I&O6 )Caluation
+he ).O $et"re pro&i#es wy to impro&e the spee%h 2"lity #"ring the
%onser&tion when ,# 2"lity is #ete%te# while the -- is high.
+his is %n ,e %%omplishe# ,y %hnging the %hnnel the %onne%tion is
%"rrently "sing within the sme %ell.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
./ +u4iliar( Radio Network Feature# )Caluation
?/ &ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6 )Caluation
+he .C- $et"re pro&i#es the possi,ility to gi&e priority to %ells tht re not
strongest ,"t pro&i#e s"$$i%ient --.
+he priority o$ %ell is gi&en ,y sso%iting lyer to the %ell.
>e h&e A lyers $rom lyer 1 /.ighly prioritize#0 to lyer A /lest
*i%ro %ells re prioritize# thn *%ro %ells $or %p%ity p"rposes.
Cells o$ lower lyers will ,e rnke# higher thn %ells o$ higher lyers in the
.O %n#i#te list.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

3$ter the +u4iliar( Radio Network $eature# eCaluation some %n#i#tes my ,e

prioritize# n# the or#er o$ the %n#i#te list will ,e mo#i$ie#.

+he -er&ing Cell n# Neigh,or Cells will ,e #i&i#e# into ? Gro"ps<

(%oGe S
SerGing Cell (SC"
BeloF S

CategoriHation P2
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
.I/ Organizing t!e *i#t

+he $inl list will %ontin mDim"m "p to -iD Neigh,ors ; +he -er&ing Cell
n# %tegorize# s $ollows< -er&ing Cell /-C06 3,o&e -6 !elow -

+o re%h the $inl $orm ,e$ore sen#ing the list the $ollowing steps will ,e
+/ RemoCal o$ Candidate#
-/ Ordering t!e Candidate *i#t "a#ed on t!e Current Condition#/
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
.I/ Organizing t!e *i#t
+/ RemoCal o$ Candidate#
-ome Cn#i#tes my ,e remo&e# %oz<
-ome Controlling timers re %ti&e n# pre&enting .O to %ertin %ell<
T+**OC2 +his timer pre&ents .O on trget %ell $or some time $ter
ssignmentR.O $il"re #"e to %ongestion on trget %ell.
/N/-2 No penlties re pplie# on this %ell0
TURG)N2 +his timer pre&ents .O on trget %ell $or some time $ter
"rgen%y .O $il"re #"e to %ongestion on trget %ell.
T+**OC n# TURG)N re !-C prmeters
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
.I/ Organizing t!e *i#t
-/ Ordering t!e Candidate li#t "a#ed on t!e Current Condition#
*ens whtH *ens in wht or#er the ? %tegories /3,o&e -6 -6 !elow -0
will ,e rrnge# ,e$ore sen#ing the %n#i#te list. +his will ,e ,se# on
some %on#ition $lgs.
Condition Flag#2
1. 3ssignment Re2"est 3rri&e#
2. 3ssignment to >orst Cell is in 4se
?. ED%essi&e +3 Dete%te#
C. !F 4rgen%y .O
B. OLR4L -",=Cell Lo# Chnge or ).O
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
.I/ Organizing t!e *i#t
-/ Ordering t!e Candidate li#t "a#ed on t!e Current Condition#
Con&ition Flag)8 3 ;./e))iGe T( Dete/te&
1 ())ignment 5eLue)t (rriGe& 4 BJ 6rgen/E ?
2 ())ignment to Dor)t Cell i) in 6)e
5 ?A/6A Su%+Cell Aoa& C=ange or
Con&ition Flag)
?r&ering Comment
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 . 0 0 0 (%oGe S $ormal Ca)e
2 0 . 0 1 0 (%oGe S BeloF S
SerGing Cell =a) BJ )o it )=oul& %e a%an&on
eit=er to t=e (%oGe S or BeloF S /ell
3 1 0 0 0 0 (%oGe S S
(n ())ignment reLue)t /ame an& t=e (D flag i)
not rai)e&
4 1 1 0 0 0 (%oGe S S BeloF S
(n ())ignment reLue)t /ame an& t=e (D flag i)
5 0 . 0 1 1 (%oGe S S BeloF S
SerGing Cell =a) BJ )o it )=oul& %e a%an&on %ut
/oH t=e ?A/6A )u%/ell /=ange flag i) rai)e&< t=en
t=e )erGing /ell i) in/lu&e& /oH t=i) )u%/ell
/=ange maE )olGe t=e i))ue Fit= no nee& to go
for a %eloF For)e /ell
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
.II/ Sending t!e *i#t E +llocation Repl(

+he res"lting %n#i#te list will $orm the ,sis on whi%h .O will ,e

Empty list mens tht no options re ,etter thn remining on the %"rrent
%ell n# no .O will o%%"r.

+he %hnnel llo%tion reply my ,e s"%%ess or $il"re.

Fil"re my ,e #"e to %ongestion or signling $il"re on the trget %ell.

!se# on the res"lt o$ llo%tion either s"%%essR$il"re6 some %tions will ,e

tken like pplying some penlties or en,ling o$ %ertin timers s we sw
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
Assume tat te o8p from te Filtering stage for te SS measurements is as
belo( and (e (ant to prepare te /asic Ran)ing #andidate list for !@G
BS3D5 = BST:3D5, MS5:M7$ = >J6 d/m,
#ell A (as abandon due to /H urgency !@ (3SSBJ=Id/$
SS based Algoritm is in use (ere ?FFS;T=6, >STS;3= >J6 d/m,
7>ST= 3 d/, A?>ST= 2 d/
Cell SS(&Bm"
( +70
B (SerGing Cell" +74
C +72
D +62
; +20
F +12
@ +15
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell SS(&Bm"
( +70
B (SerGing Cell" +74
C +72
D +62
; +20
F +12
@ +15
&andoCer 5*ocating6
(" Corre/tion of Ba)e Station output poFer8

Since BS3D5 = BST:3D5 ten te current measurements (ill be )ept as it is&

neigbor = SS<measured<D0neigbor

SS<corrected<D0serving = SS<measured<D0serving
B" ;Galuation of t=e minimum Signal Strengt= /on&ition for $eig=%or)8

"e SS for neigbors (ill be compared against MS5:M7$ = >J6 d/m

#ell F and #ell M ave SS C MS5:M7$ ten tey (ill be removed from te list and can-t be candidates for !@&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6
C" Su%tra/tion of )ignal )trengt= penaltie)8

Since #ell A (as abandon due to /H urgency !@ (3SSBJ=Id/$ ten it (ill be

#ell A = SS<corrected<D0 L 3SSBJ = >I6 L I = >II d/m

"e candidate list (ill no( be in te follo(ing formG

Cell SS(&Bm"
( +77
B (SerGing Cell" +74
C +72
D +62
; +20
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
D" 5an0 t=e Can&i&ate) after applEing ?ff)et) an& E)tere)i)
Since SS
Serving cell / = >IF d/m 5 >STS;3= >J6 d/m, ten it is better to stay on te current cell and ig !ysteresis (ill be applied

i&e& !7S" = 7>ST = 3 d/

Ran)servingcell / = >IF d/m 9Serving #ell;

Ran)A= >II d/m L ?FFS;T L !7S" = >II L 6 L 3 = >KN d/m 9:orse #ell;

Ran)#= >IK d/m L ?FFS;T L !7S" = >IK L 6 L 3 = >K2 d/m 9:orse #ell;

Ran)D= >OK d/m L ?FFS;T L !7S" = >OK L 6 L 3 = >I2 d/m 9/etter #ell;

Ran)D= >K6 d/m L ?FFS;T L !7S" = >K6 L 6 L 3 = >K3 d/m 9:orse #ell;
Cell SS(&Bm"
( +77
B (SerGing Cell" +74
C +72
D +62
; +20
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&andoCer 5*ocating6
No( te final list according to CategoriHationP1 (ill be arranged as follo(sG
Cell SS(&Bm" CategorE
D +73 Better Cell
B +74 SerGing Cell
( +22 Dor)e Cell
C +23 Dor)e Cell
; +25 Dor)e Cell
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

Di#connection Criteria

+he Dis%onne%tion lgorithm is not prt o$ the lo%ting lgorithm ,"t $or
%ompleteness6 the topi% is trete# here.

+he Dis%onne%tion lgorithm mnges when the %onne%tion ,etween the *- n#

the Network shll ,e #roppe# when signling $il"re is #ete%te#.

+he Dis%onne%tion %riterion %n ,e m#e in ,oth the DL n# the 4L s"%h tht<

)n the DL< mnge# ,y the *-


)n the 4L< mnge# ,y the !-C

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&andoCer 5*ocating6

Di#connection Criteria

In D*2

Controlle# ,y prmeter R*IN'T /mD. ,"%ket size0 6 when the *- %o"l#n5t

#e%o#e -3CC. messge /0.CA se%06 the ,"%ket will ,e #e%rese# ,y 1 "nit6
when the *- s"%%ess$"lly #e%o#es -3CC. messge6 the ,"%ket will ,e
in%rese# ,y 2 "nits6 i$ the ,"%ket re%he# &l"e : Wero then #is%onne%tion will
o%%"r6 re%ommen#e# &l"e R*IN'T:1P

In U*2

+he #is%onne%tion lgorithm will r"n in the sme wy6 the !-C will mke the
e&l"tion6 n# the %ontrolling prmeter is %lle# R*IN'UPB 6 re%ommen#e#
&l"e R*IN'UP:1P

N/-2 +he ,"%ket %n5t h&e &l"es lrger thn the mD. &l"e gi&en ,y
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&andoCer 5*ocating6

Parameter# Summar(
(lgorit=m Sele/tion
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
;4(AT>3; 1 or 3 3 9
FloF Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
T7$7T 0 to 120 10 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
T(AA?C 0 to 120 2 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
T65@;$ 0 to 120 2 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
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&andoCer 5*ocating6

Parameter# Summar(
Filtering Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
SS;4(AS7 1 to 1 6 9
SS;4(ASD 1 to 1 6 9
J;4(AS7 1 to 1 6 9
J;4(ASD 1 to 1 6 9
SSA;$S7 1 to 20 4 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
SSA;$SD 1 to 20 10 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
JA;$S7 1 to 20 4 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
JA;$SD 1 to 20 10 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
T((4;A;$ 1 to 20 4 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

Parameter# Summar(
Signal Strengt= %a)e& Ba)i/ 5an0ing 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
>STS;3 C150 to 0 +10 &Bm
A?>ST 0 to63 3 &B
7>ST 0 to63 3 &B
?FFS;T C63 to 63 0 &B
an&oGer Failure 3arameter) (Signaling Failure"
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
3SSF 0 to 63 63 &B
3T7MF 0 to 600 5 Se/on&)
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&andoCer 5*ocating6

Parameter# Summar(
6rgen/E Con&ition) 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
JA7M6A 0 to 100 55 &tLu
JA7MDA 0 to 100 55 &tLu
BJ?FFS;T 0 to 63 3 &B
3SSBJ 0 to 63 7 &B
3T7MBJ 0 to 600 15 Se/on&)
T(A7M 0 to 63 62 Bit 3erio& (0Q577m)e/"
3SST( 0 to 63 63 &B
3T7MT( 0 to 600 30 Se/on&)
Di)/onne/tion (lgorit=m 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
5A7$BT 4 to 64 in )tep) of 4 16 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
5A7$B63 1 to 63 16 S(CC perio&*420 m)e/
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

.C- $et"re pro&i#es the ,ility n# $leDi,ility to gi&e priority to %ells tht re
not strongest ,"t pro&i#e s"$$i%ient -ignl -trength.

+he priority o$ %ell is gi&en ,y sso%iting n .C- lyer to the %ell where
e%h %ell will ,e ,elonging to n .C- ,n#.

+he lower the lyer / n# the .C- ,n#06 the priority is higher6
i.e. lyer 1 hs higher priority thn lyer 26 lyer ?6 lyer C6 X..
lyer 2 hs higher priority thn lyer ?6 lyer C6 lyer B6 X..

4p to A lyers /in "p to A ,n#s0 my ,e #e$ine#6 where one or se&erl lyers

%n ,e ssigne# to the sme .C- ,n#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

+he lower .C- ,n#s will only in%l"#e lower lyers %ompre# to higher .C-

3 miDt"re o$ smll mi%ro %ells /lower lyers0 n# lrge m%ro /higher lyers0
%ells will %hie&e ,oth high %p%ity n# goo# %o&erge.

*i%ro %ells will ,e "se# $or %p%ity iss"es while m%ro %ells will ,e "se# to
pro&i#e %o&erge6 $ill %o&erge holes n# hn#le the $st mo&ing mo,iles.
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&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

>ith !si% Rnking only6 mi%ro %ells will ,e rnke# s the strongest ser&er in
&ery smll re6 so to let mi%ro %ells ser&e in n re where %%ept,le -- is
g"rntee# then .C- sho"l# ,e "se#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

+he i#e with lyere# %ell str"%t"re is to let lower lyer %ells ser&e *-s tht
re%ei&e s"$$i%ient -- e&en i$ there is other %ells with strongest re%ei&e# -- in
the re.

!"t how to #e%i#e i$ the lower lyer %ell hs s"$$i%ient -- to ,e prioritize# o&er
strongest %ellsH

+his will ,e %%or#ing to two threshol#s *+,)RT&R /Lyer +hreshol#0 n#

&CS-+NDT&R /.C- !n# +hreshol#0

*+,)RT&R2 De%i#es i$ the %ell sho"l# ,e prioritize# o&er stronger %ells lie in
the sme .C- ,n# or not.

&CS-+NDT&R2 De%i#es i$ the %ell sho"l# ,e prioritize# o&er stronger %ells

$rom #i$$erent .C- ,n#s or not.
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&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

+he inp"t to the .C- E&l"tion 3lgorithm is the !si% Rnking list we
prepre# $rom the lo%ting pro%ess.

+he o"tp"t will ,e in the $orm o$ two lists< .C- prioritize# list /on +op0 then
!si% Rnking list.

.C- prioritize# list< will in%l"#e %ells tht $"l$ille# the .C- %on#itions 1 r"les
n# will ,e rnke# %%or#ing to .C- e&l"tion /lyere# rnking0

!si% Rnking list< will in%l"#e %ells tht #i#n5t $"l$ill the .C- %on#itions n#
will ,e rnke# %%or#ing to ,si% rnking r"les /-- rnking0
!#S Dvaluation
!#S Prioritized #ell
/asic Ran)ing 0ist
/asic Ran)ing 0ist
,nput @utput
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5+6 -and )Caluation2

)n or#er to ,e %n#i#te in the .C- e&l"tion pro%ess6 then the -- o$

ser&ing n# neigh,or %ells sho"l# ,e greter thn their ,n# threshol#
/ &CS-+NDT&R 0
servingcell 5 CSB($DT5servingcell L CSB($D>STservingcell

SSneigborcell 5 CSB($DT5neigborcell A CSB($D>STneigborcell

Cells tht will not $"l$ill the ,o&e %on#ition will go to ,e sorte# in the !si% Rnking list in priority or#er %%or#ing to --.

Cells tht will $"l$ill the %riterion will pss to the neDt step in the .C- E&l"tion.

N/-2 &CS-+NDT&R n# &CS-+ND&,ST re !-C (rmeters.

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5-6 De$ine t!e #tronge#t Cell 5SS6 in eac! -and

Cells tht psse# the ,n# e&l"tion in step /30 will ,e mo&e# to the neDt

)n this stge6 the strongest %ells in e%h !n# $rom -- point o$ &iew will ,e

-trongest %ells will pss #ire%t to ,e .C- Rnke#

+he rest o$ %ells tht re not strongest within the ,n# will ,e mo&e# to
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5C6 *a(er T!re#!old )Caluation

Cells tht psse# the ,n# e&l"tion in step /30 n# they re not strongest
within their own ,n#6 their -- will ,e %he%ke# ginst the Lyer threshol#
servingcell 5 A(>;5T5servingcell L A(>;5>STservingcell

SSneigborcell 5 A(>;5T5neigborcell A A(>;5>STneigborcell

Cells tht will not $"l$ill the ,o&e %on#ition will go to ,e sorte# in the !si% Rnking list in priority or#er %%or#ing to --.

Cells tht will $"l$ill the %riterion will pss to the neDt step in the .C- E&l"tion
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5D6 Identi$( t!e Stronge#t Cell# wit!in eac! la(er

Now we will #el with %ells tht psse# the ,n# e&l"tion /in -tep 30 n#
they were not strongest within their own ,n# /in -tep !0 n# they psse# the
lyer threshol# %on#ition /in -tep C0

Cells tht re strongest within their own lyer will ,e i#enti$ie# n# they5ll pss
#ire%t to ,e .C- rnke#.

Cells tht re not strongest within their own lyer will ,e mo&e# to the neDt
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5)6 C!eck !ow man( cell# $rom eac! la(er are allowed to pa## to "e
&CS ranked

Now we will #el with %ells tht psse# the ,n# e&l"tion /in -tep 30 n#
they were not strongest within their own ,n# /in -tep !0 n# they psse# the
lyer threshol# %on#ition /in -tep C0 n# they re not strongest within their
own ,n# /in step D0

M+3C)**SIN*+,)R< will i#enti$y how mny %ells $rom e%h lyer %n pss
to ,e .C- rnke#6 eD< i$ M+3C)**SIN*+,)R : 2 then two %ells only re
llowe# to pss to ,e .C- rnke#.

M+3D-D).IN*+,)R< will i#enti$y how the neDt strongest %ell in the lyer is
$r $rom the strongest %ell in the lyer.
i.e. i$ SS<Strongest #ell
layer . > SS<ne.t strongest celllayer .CM(:DBD;47$A(>;5
then the neDt strongest %ell is not wek n# it will pss to ,e .C- rnke#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

5F6 Form t!e Final li#t

Now ll %ells tht s"%%ee#e# to pss to ,e .C- rnke#6 will ,e sorte# in

s%en#ing or#er %%or#ing to their lyer not -- /s in !si% Rnking0.

i.e. lyer1 %ells6 then lyer2 %ells6 XX n# these %ells will $orm n .C-
(rioritize# List tht will lie on +op.

3ll %ells tht $ile# to pss to ,e .C- Rnking6 will go to ,e sorte# in !si%
Rnking List n# this list will lie $ter the .C- (rioritize# List.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Assume tat te output from te /asic Ran)ing is as belo(, (ere for all cells ave
CSB($DT5 = > J6 d/m, A(>;5T5 = > K6 d/m,
CSB($D>ST= A(>;5>ST= 6,
M(:C;AAS7$A(>;5 = 2, M(:DBD;47$A(>;5 = 2
Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
B (SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

((" Ban& ;Galuation8 ,n order to be a candidate in te !#S Dvaluation Process, ten te SS
of serving and neigbor cells sould be greater tan teir band tresold(CSB($DT5$
servingcell 5 CSB($DT5servingcell L CSB($D>STservingcell

SSneigborcell 5 CSB($DT5neigborcell A CSB($D>STneigborcell

CSB($DT5servingcell = CSB($DT5neigborcell = >J6 d/m

CSB($D>STservingcell = CSB($D>STneigborcell = 6 d/m

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
B (SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4

Cell D &i&nOt fulfill t=e /on&ition
D * +15 &Bm R +10 &Bm"< )o it Fill %e out of
t=e CS eGaluation an& it Fill go to %e )orte& in t=e Ba)i/
5an0ing Ai)tQ
Cell D &i&nOt fulfill t=e /on&ition
D * +15 &Bm R +10 &Bm"< )o it Fill %e out of
t=e CS eGaluation an& it Fill go to %e )orte& in t=e Ba)i/
5an0ing Ai)tQ
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(B" Define t=e )tronge)t Cell (SS" in ea/= Ban&

#ells tat passed te band evaluation in step (A$ (ill be moved to te ne.t step&

,n tis stage, te strongest cells in eac /and from SS point of vie( (ill be identified&

Strongest cells (ill pass direct to be !#S Ran)ed

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Stronge)t in Ban& 2 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6 Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep8 AaEer ;Galuation
B +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Stronge)t in Ban& 4 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3 Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep8 AaEer ;Galuation
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep8 AaEer ;Galuation
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep8 AaEer ;Galuation
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t
$oF Cell) @ I B Fill go &ire/t to %e CS eGaluate&<
F=ile /ell) ;<(<CIF Fill %e e.amine& in t=e ne.t )tep)Q
$oF Cell) @ I B Fill go &ire/t to %e CS eGaluate&<
F=ile /ell) ;<(<CIF Fill %e e.amine& in t=e ne.t )tep)Q

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&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(C" AaEer T=re)=ol& ;Galuation8 #ells D,A,#EF tat are not strongest (itin teir o(n band,
teir SS (ill be cec)ed against te 0ayer tresold (A(>;5T5$ if
servingcell 5 A(>;5T5servingcell L A(>;5>STservingcell

SSneigborcell 5 A(>;5T5neigborcell A A(>;5>STneigborcell

A(>;5T5servingcell = A(>;5T5neigborcell = > K6 d/m

A(>;5>STservingcell = A(>;5>STneigborcell = 6 d/m

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Stronge)t in Ban& 2 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6 SS S A(>;5T5 * +20 &Bm< Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep
B +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Stronge)t in Ban& 4 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3 SS S A(>;5T5 * +20 &Bm< Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 SS S A(>;5T5 * +20 &Bm< Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 SS S A(>;5T5 * +20 &Bm< Dill go to t=e ne.t )tep
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(D" 7&entifE t=e Stronge)t Cell) Fit=in ea/= laEer

After #ells D,A,#EF all of tem passed te layer tresold condition (0A7DR"!R$, #ells
tat are strongest (itin teir o(n layer (ill be identified and tey-ll pass direct to be !#S

#ells DEA are strongest (itin teir o(n layer so tey (ill go direct to be !#S ran)ed&

#ells #EF are not te strongest (itin teir o(n layer, so tey (ill be e.amined in te ne.t
step to )no( if tey can pass to be !#S ran)ed or not&
Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Stronge)t in Ban& 2 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6 Stronge)t in AaEer 6 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
B +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Stronge)t in Ban& 4 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3 Stronge)t in AaEer 3 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 $ot Stronge)t in AaEer+Dill %e e.amine& in t=e ne.t )tep
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 $ot Stronge)t in AaEer+Dill %e e.amine& in t=e ne.t )tep
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(;" C=e/0 =oF manE /ell) from ea/= laEer are alloFe& to pa)) to %e CS ran0e&

M(:C;AAS7$A(>;58 (ill identify o( many cells from eac layer can pass to be !#S ,n
our e.ample M(:C;AAS7$A(>;5 = 2 ten tree cells only are allo(ed to pass to be
!#S ran)ed&

M(:DBD;47$A(>;58 (ill identify o( te ne.t strongest cell in te layer is far from te

strongest cell in te layer&
i&e& if SS<Strongest #ell
layer . > SS<ne.t strongest celllayer .C M(:DBD;47$A(>;5 = 2 d/,
ten te ne.t strongest cell is not (ea) and it (ill pass to be !#S ran)ed&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(;" C=e/0 =oF manE /ell) from ea/= laEer are alloFe& to pa)) to %e CS ran0e&

Cell C8

C=e/018 0ies in layer I and ran)ed as te N

nd strongest cell in te layer and since 2 cells are allo(ed to be ran)ed
according to M(:C;AAS7$A(>;5 ten #ec)4 is passed&

C=e/028 ,s SS<strongest cell

layer I>SS<ne.t strongest celllayer I C M(:DBD;47$A(>;5=2d/PQ

SS#ell M > SS#ell # = >OK>(>I3$ = I d/ 5 M(:DBD;47$A(>;5=2d/, ten #ec)N failed&

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Stronge)t in Ban& 2 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6 Stronge)t in AaEer 6 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
B +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Stronge)t in Ban& 4 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3 Stronge)t in AaEer 3 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(;" C=e/0 =oF manE /ell) from ea/= laEer are alloFe& to pa)) to %e CS ran0e&

Cell F8

C=e/018 0ies in layer F and ran)ed as te N

nd strongest cell in te layer and since 2 cells are allo(ed to be ran)ed
according to M(:C;AAS7$A(>;5 ten #ec)4 is passed&

C=e/028 ,s SS<strongest cell

layer F>SS<ne.t strongest celllayer F C M(:DBD;47$A(>;5=2d/PQ

SS#ell M > SS#ell # = >I2>(>I3$ = N d/ C M(:DBD;47$A(>;5=2d/, ten #ec)N is passed&

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment

@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 Stronge)t in Ban& 2 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6 Stronge)t in AaEer 6 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
B +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 Stronge)t in Ban& 4 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3 Stronge)t in AaEer 3 + @o &ire/t to CS ;Galuation li)t
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 2
n& Stronge)t in AaEer4+@o to
CS ;Galuation li)t
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4 ?ut of t=e CS ;Galuation N Ba/0 to t=e Ba)i/ 5an0ing li)t
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&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

(F" Form t=e Final li)t

No( all cells tat succeeded to pass to be !#S ran)ed, (ill be sorted in ascending order
according to teir layer not SS (as in /asic Ran)ing$ i&e& layer4 cells, ten layerN cells,
11 and tese cells (ill form an !#S Prioritized 0ist tat (ill lie on "op&

All cells tat failed to pass to be !#S Ran)ing, (ill go to be sorted in a /asic Ran)ing 0ist
and tis list (ill lie after te !#S Prioritized 0ist&
Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
CS 3rioritiHe& Ai)t
(AaEer 5an0ing"
B(SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

&CS Tra$$ic Di#tri"ution Concept

+his $et"re is "se$"l )n or#er to %ontrol the tr$$i% #istri,"tion ,etween %ells.

)$ this $et"re is %ti&e then some %ells tht were prioritize# #"e .C- Rnking
/lyer rnking0 will ,e remo&e# i$ they lre#y h&e eno"gh tr$$i%.

&CSTR+FDISST+T)2 )s !C- (rmeter tht shows i$ .C- +r$$i%

Distri,"tion is en,le# within the %ells in the !C- or not.

)$ the .C- tr$$i% #istri,"tion is llowe# then two %he%ks will ,e m#e<
/i0 Che%k on the ser&ing %ell5s &il,ility &s. prmeter on %ell le&el %lle#
/ii0 Che%k on the neigh,or %ells5 &il,ility &s. prmeter on %ell le&el %lle#
(R$ +he 3&il,ility mens< the per%entge o$ Free /non=o%%"pie#0 +ime -lots.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

*e%hnism o$ the .C- 3lgorithm

&CS Tra$$ic Di#tri"ution Concept

5i6 C!eck on t!e #erCing cellH# aCaila"ilit(2
)$ 3&il,ility
-er&ingCell @ &CSOUT6 then this %ells hs too mny $ree +ime slots n# it is not pre$erre# to le&e this %ell.
5ii6 C!eck on t!e neig!"or cellH# aCaila"ilit(2

)$ 3&il,ilityneigh,orCell N &CSIN6 then this %ells hs $ew $ree +ime slots n# it %n5t %%ept .O5s #"e to .C- prioritiztion.
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&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

7" ;.ample8
:en !#S "raffic Distribution is enabled (Availability
Serving#ell C SC?6T$

After ordinary !#S evaluation (e formed te belo( list from te previous e.ample&

Assume CS?6T=36S, CS7$=26S, Availability of #ell / (serving$ = F6S and availability of #ell F (neigbor cell$ = 46S only, (ile all oter cells ave
availability = F3 S

:at (ill be te final list form P

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
CS 3rioritiHe& Ai)t
(AaEer 5an0ing"
B(SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m


Availability of Serving #ell (/$ = F6S C CS?6T (36S$, ten te serving cell as fe( free
"ime Slots and (e can leave tis cell i&e& outgoing !@ from tis cell is enabled&

Availability of Neigbor #ell F=46S C CS7$ (26S$, ten tis cell can-t accept !@-s due
to !#S prioritization coz it as fe( free "S i&e& tis cell is congested&

"is cell (ill be removed from te !#S prioritized list and it (ill be moved to te /asic
Ran)ing 0ist&
Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
CS 3rioritiHe& Ai)t
(AaEer 5an0ing"
B(SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m


"e final list (ill be as belo(G

Band (ayer Comment
) -*+ Band + (ayer 3
HCS ,rioriti-ed (ist
((ayer .an/ing)
-*3 Band + (ayer +
E -*0 Band 1 (ayer 2
3 -21 Band 1 (ayer *
' -*" Band + (ayer +
Basic .an/ing (ist (SS
C -*" Band 1 (ayer *
D -4" Band + (ayer +
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

77" ;.ample8
(en !#S "raffic Distribution is enabled (Availability
Serving#ell 5 SC?6T$

,f te serving cell as a cannel availability above CS?6T it is considered to be ta)ing too little traffic so it is decided to not allo( andovers out due to
!#S from te cell&

,nstead all te remaining !#S prioritized candidate cells, fulfilling te CS7$ criterion and tat are in a lo(er layer or in te same layer as te serving cell,
(ill be basic ran)ed among temselves and added to a 9Prioritized basic ran)ed cells list; tat (ill be put above te oter basic ran)ed cells in te final
candidate list&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

77" ;.ample8
(en !#S "raffic Distribution is enabled (Availability
Serving#ell 5 SC?6T$

After ordinary !#S evaluation (e formed te belo( list from te previous e.ample&

Assume CS?6T=36S, CS7$=26S, Availability of #ell / (serving$ = O6S and availability of #ell F (neigbor cell$ = 46S only, (ile all oter cells ave
availability = F3S

:at (ill be te final list form P

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
CS 3rioritiHe& Ai)t
(AaEer 5an0ing"
B(SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m


Availability of Serving #ell (/$ = O6S 5 CS?6T (36S$, ten te serving cell as "oo
many "ime slots and !@ out from tis cell due to !#S is not allo(ed&

Availability of Neigbor #ell F=46S C CS7$ (26S$, ten tis cell can-t accept !@-s due
to !#S prioritization coz it as fe( free "S i&e& tis cell is congested&

"is cell (ill be removed from te !#S prioritized list and it (ill be moved to te /asic
Ran)ing 0ist&

#ells DEM are layers OEI respectively i&e& tey are of iger layers tan te serving cells&
"ese cells (ill be removed from te !#S prioritized list and it (ill be moved to te /asic
Ran)ing 0ist&

No( cells AE/ (ill be ran)ed according to SS 9Prioritized /asic Ran)ing list;
cells #,D,D,FEM (ill be ran)ed according to SS 9/asic Ran)ing list;
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
( +74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
CS 3rioritiHe& Ai)t
(AaEer 5an0ing"
B(SerGing" +73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
F +75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
; +72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
@ +62 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
C +75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
D +15 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m


"e final list (ill be as belo(G

Final Ai)t
Cell SS(&Bm" Ban& AaEer Comment
B(SerGing" - 73 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
3rioritiHe& Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t
( - 74 Ban& 4 AaEer 3
@ - 68 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
Ba)i/ 5an0ing Ai)t (SS 5an0ing"
; - 72 Ban& 2 AaEer 6
F - 75 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
C - 75 Ban& 2 AaEer 7
D - 95 Ban& 4 AaEer 4
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Optimizing a pro"lematic Tra$$ic Ca#e2

3ss"me we h&e the ,elow %se with ? *%ro %ells /lyer C0 n# 1 *i%ro %ell
/lyer20 n# ll o$ them ,elong to the sme .C- ,n#6 .C-!3ND 1

One o$ the *%ro %ells %rries &ery high tr$$i% n# it is ,o"t to %ongest6 how
%o"l# we sol&e this %seH
'acro #ell
Ma/ro Cell (A4"
Cell (A2"
'acro #ell
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Solution 72

Direct more Tra$$ic to t!e Micro Cell

>e %n #e%rese the *+,)RT&R o$ the *i%ro %ell /Lyer 20 $rom =QB#!m to
=A0#!m $or eDmple6 so the mi%ro %ell will %pt"re more tr$$i% $rom the %ongeste#
m%ro %ell.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Solution 82

Direct more Tra$$ic to t!e +dIacent Macro Cell#

>e %n in%rese the Lyer o$ the %ongeste# *%ro %ell /Lyer C Lyer B0 so it
will pper less prioritize# with respe%t to the #U%ent neigh,or %ells n# it will
o$$lo# its tr$$i% to them.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Solution 92

Direct more Tra$$ic to one o$ t!e +dIacent Macro Cell#

>e %n #e%rese the Lyer o$ one o$ the #U%ent *%ro %ell /Lyer C Lyer ?0
so it will pper more prioritize# with respe%t to the %ongeste# %ell n# it will
%pt"re some o$ its tr$$i%.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

&CS )Caluation +lgorit!m

Fa#t MoCing MS#

)$ %ell prmeter F+STMSR)G is 8ON9 n# *- m#e no. o$ .Os @N&O

/#e$"lt:?0 in time win#ow T&O /#e$"lt:?0se%0 then *- is %onsi#ere# s $st
mo&ing *-.

+he stronger %ells %%or#ing to !si% Rnking in ll higher lyers within the
sme system type re gi&en priority.

For )4ample2

1A00 %n#i#tes re in Lyers 1621? while E00 %n#i#tes re in Lyers C1B6 i$

the *- is %onsi#ere# s $st in lyer16 then %n#i#tes in lyers 21? o$ higher
,si% rnking thn the ser&ing %ell re gi&en priority.

.ighest priority is gi&en $or the strongest %ell regr#less o$ its lyer.

+o pre&ent .O ,%k to lower lyer %ells6 penlty PSST)MP /0 to P?0 is pplie#

$or time PTIMT)MP /0 to P00s0 on ll neigh,or %ells within the %"rrent system
type n# ll %ells in other system types.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
&ierarc!ical Cell Structure 5&CS6

Parameter# Summar(

For re#"%e# .C- $"n%tionlity we h&e only 2 ,n#s .C- !n#1 n# .C- !n#2

For re#"%e# .C- $"n%tionlity we h&e only ? lyers

CS (lgorit=m Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
CSB($D 1 to 2
2 2 9
CSB($DT5 150 to 0 15 9 &Bm (NGe"
CSB($D>ST 0 to 63 2 2 &B
A(>;5 1 to 2
2 9 9
A(>;5T5 150 to 0 75 9 &Bm (NGe"
A(>;5>ST 0 to 63 2 2 &B
M(:C;AAS7$A(>;5 1 to 31 1 1
M(:DBD;47$A(>;5 0 to 63 3 3 &B
CST5(FD7SST(T; 0<1 0 1 9
CS7$ 0 to100 0 9 T
CS?6T 0 to100 100 9 T
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU
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5O.)R *+ID UND)R *+ID SU-FC)**S6
MU*TI -+ND C)**S 5M-C6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
(89E. ()ID :NDE. ()ID S:B-CE((S)
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6

+r$$i% Cp%ity o$ %ell"lr network %n ,e in%rese# ,y either ##ing more

$re2"en%ies or re#"%ing the $re2"en%y re"se #istn%e.

One ppro%h is to pply se%on# $re2"en%y re"se pttern with tighter

$re2"en%y re"se /O&erly0 on the eDisting pttern.

+hese %ells sho"l# ,e restri%te# in size6 so shorter re"se #istn%e %n ,e

%%omplishe# witho"t %"sing Co=%hnnelR3#U%ent %hnnel inter$eren%e.

+hey re terme# O&erli# /OL0 -",=%ells6 wheres the originl %ells will ,e %lle#
4n#er li# /4L0 -",=%ells.

Now ,y h&ing more $re2"en%ies per %ell6 then Network %p%ity is in%rese#.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6

+he $"n#mentl i#e ,ehin# the OLR4L s",=%ells is to let the tr$$i% %lose to the
site to ,e mo&e# to the OL s",=%ell6 while tr$$i% %lose to the %ell ,or#er to ,e
mo&e# to the 4L s",=%ell.

)n tht wy o$ tre#ing the tr$$i%6 the $re2"en%ies in the OL s",=%ell %n h&e

tighter $re2"en%y re"se.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6


Assume tat cell A as fre%uenciesG f4EfN, cell / as fre%uenciesG f2EfF and no( cell A
as increase in te traffic, so (e-re going to assign cell A fre%uency fF also&

No( ig #o>cannel interference (ill occur on fF at te border bet(een te t(o cells, coz
fF is reused bet(een t(o adTacent cells&
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6

?sing te @08?0 concept (e can solve te case as follo(sG

fF (ill be used in te @0 sub>cell and it (ill be restricted to serve in a small area only near
to te site so interference from te neigbor cell (ill be minimized and a good #8, can be
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6

+o mintin the ser&i%e re o$ the OL s",=%ell restri%te# to %ertin region we

h&e three threshol#s we %n ply with<
3. (th Loss +hreshol#
!. +iming 3#&n%e +hreshol#
C. Distn%e to Cell !or#er +hreshol#

>ith the or#inry OLR4L s",=%ells6 the *- ner the %ell will %mp on the o&erli#
s",=%ell ,"t e&en i$ the OL s",=%ell got %ongeste# there is no wy to p"sh tr$$i%
to the 4L s",=%ell n# ,lo%king will o%%"r.

4sing -",=%ell Lo# Distri,"tion /-CLD0 Con%ept6 we %n %on$ig"re the %ell to "se
the OL s the pre$erre# s",=%ell initilly n# when tr$$i% on the OL in%rese#
,eyon# %ertin lo#6 ny eDtr tr$$i% will ,e o$$lo#e# to the 4L s",=%ell.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
3s we stte# ,e$ore6 the ser&i%e re o$ the OL s",=%ell %n ,e #e$ine# ,se#
on one o$ three %riteri< (th Loss6 +ime 3#&n%e n# Distn%e to %ell ,or#er.
+/ Pat! *o## Criterion2
Controlling (rmeters re the pth Loss threshol# *O* n# the pth Loss
hysteresis *O*&,ST
. DL (th Loss L:/-ST3PR = !+- power re#"%tion0 GRe%ei&e#V--VDL
-ST3PR2 !+- o"tp"t power $or the +C. $re2"en%ies.
DL (th Loss L will ,e %he%ke# &s. *O* /(th Loss +hreshol#0 n# *O*&,ST to know whether s",=%ell %hnge $rom OL4L or
4LOL is nee#e#.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
-/ Time +dCance Criterion2
+ime 3#&n%e %n ,e "se# s mes"re $or the #istn%e ,etween the !+-
n# *-.
Controlling (rmeters re the +ime 3#&n%e +hreshol# T+O* n# the +ime
3#&n%e .ysteresis T+O*&,ST
+he 8t9 o$ the *- will ,e mes"re# &i !+- n# %he%ke# &s. T+O* n#
T+O*&,ST to know whether s",=%ell %hnge is nee#e# or not.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
C/ Di#tance to Cell -order Criterion2
DTC-SC< )s !-C prmeter tht en,lesR#is,les the Distn%e to Cell
!or#er E&l"tion Criterion on whole %ells on the !-C.
Controlling (rmeters re the Distn%e to Cell !or#er +hreshol# DTC- n#
the Distn%e to Cell !or#er .ysteresis DTC-&,ST
+he Cell !or#er is #e$ine# s the #i$$eren%e ,etween the
-er&ingCell n# the Re%ei&e#V---trongest Neigh,or 6 where this strongest neigh,or sho"l# meet the
$ollowing< Non Co=site#6 -me -ystem +ype /E00R1A0006 -me .C- Lyer.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
C/ Di#tance to Cell -order Criterion2
. Re%ei&e#V--
-er&ingCell = Re%ei&e#V---trongest Neigh,or will ,e %he%ke# &s. DTC- n# DTC-&,ST to see whether
s",=%ell %hnge is nee#e# or not.
!"t $or the e&l"tion to ,e triggere# /initite#06 the ser&ing %ell sho"l# h&e n"m,er o$ neigh,or %ells @ NNC)**S /i$ NNC)**S:26
t lest 2 neigh,or %ells0 tht re mes"re# ,y the *- h&ing eno"gh -- s"%h tht<
Re%ei&e#V---er&ingCell = Re%ei&e#V--Neigh,or N DTC-;DTC-&,ST;NDIST where6
NDIST is threshol# mes"re# in #!s.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
O* U* Su"Fcell c!ange2 $or s",=%ell %hnge $rom OL 4L then one o$ the
$ollowing sho"l# ,e $"l$ille#.
L /(th Loss0 @ *O* ; *O*&,ST 8OR9
t /+ime 3#&n%e0 O T+O* ; T+O*&,ST 8OR9
. --
-er&ing = --Neigh,or N DTC- = DTC-&,ST
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
/ut as mentioned before, for tis evaluation to be initiated ten,
No& of neigbor cells B $$C;AAS sould be reported meeting te follo(ing e%uationG
Serving > SSNeigbor C DTCB A DTCB>ST A $D7ST
Non #o>sited, Same "ype, Same !#S 0ayer
Strongest, Non #o>sited, Same "ype, Same !#S 0ayer
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
U* O* Su"Fcell c!ange2 $or s",=%ell %hnge $rom 4L OL then one o$ the
$ollowing sho"l# ,e $"l$ille#.
L /(th Loss0 Y *O* = *O*&,ST 8n#9
t /+ime 3#&n%e0 N T+O* = T+O*&,ST 8n#9
. --
-er&ing = --Neigh,or O DTC- ; DTC-&,ST
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Strongest, Non #o>sited, Same "ype, Same !#S 0ayer
/ut as mentioned before, for tis evaluation to be initiated ten,
No& of neigbor cells B $$C;AAS sould be reported meeting te follo(ing e%uationG
Serving > SSNeigbor C DTCB A DTCB>ST A $D7ST
Non #o>sited, Same "ype, Same !#S 0ayer
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

I/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution DeactiCated
)$ prmeter T+O* is set to its mDim"m &l"e : P1 ,it perio#s n# DTC- is
set to its minim"m &l"e : = P? #! then the OLR4L s",=%ell %hnge will only
,e %ontrolle# ,y the pth loss "sing *O* %oz<
O*U*2 +ime 3#&n%e 1 Distn%e to %ell ,or#er %on#itions will ne&er ,e
met n# so the (th Loss only "sing *O* will %ontrol the e&l"tion.
U*O*2 +ime 3#&n%e 1 Distn%e to Cell !or#er Con#itions will lwys ,e
met n# so the (th Loss only *O* will %ontrol the e&l"tion.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

II/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution +ctiCated
3 s",=%ell lo# #istri,"tion is "se# to %ontrol the tr$$i% ,etween the OLR4L
s",=%ells6 so i$ the initilly pre$erre# %ell got %ongeste# we will try to llo%te
reso"r%es in the other s",=%ell.
/3%ti&te# ,y setting %ell prmeter SC*D : ON0
SC*DSC< )s %ell prmeter "se# to #e$ine the pre$erre# %ell in llo%tion
whether 4L or OL i.e. the s",=%ell whi%h will %rry tr$$i% $irst.
!"t i$ the OL s",=%ell is the pre$erre# one6 i.e. i$ SC*DSC:OL6 then the ,elow
%on#itions sho"l# ,e met otherwise +C. on the 4L s",=%ell will ,e llo%te#.
L N *O* G *O*&,ST n#t N T+O* G T+O*&,ST n#
-er&ing = --Neigh,or O DTC- ; DTC-&,ST
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
No& of neigbor cells B $$C;AAS sould be reported meeting te
follo(ing e%uationG
Serving > SSNeigbor C DTCB A DTCB>ST A $D7ST
Strongest, Non #o>sited, Same "ype, Same !#S 0ayer
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

II/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution +ctiCated
3 s",=%ell %hnge my o%%"r #"e to lo# ,se# on the settings o$ the
prmeters SC*D*U* n SC*D*O*/
,f serving cell is te @0 sub>cell and te follo(ing occur
Percentage of idle "#!s in te @0 sub>cell C SCADA?A and
Percentage of idle "#!s in te ?0 sub>cell 5 SCADA6A
ten sub>cell cange from @0?0 due to S#0D (ill occur&
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

II/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution +ctiCated
3 s",=%ell %hnge my o%%"r #"e to lo# ,se# on the settings o$ the
prmeters SC*D*U* n SC*D*O*
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

II/ O*:U* Su"Fcell C!ange wit! Su"Fcell *oad Di#tri"ution +ctiCated
)$ some tr$$i% will ,e mo&e# $rom the OL 4L s",=%ell #"e to lo#
#istri,"tion6 then the *-s with the high pth loss will ,e %hosen $irst i.e. *-s
tht re ner to %ell ,or#er.
)$ some tr$$i% will ,e mo&e# $rom the 4L OL s",=%ell #"e to lo#
#istri,"tion6 then the *-s with the low pth loss will ,e %hosen $irst i.e. *-s
tht re ner to the site.
3 prt $rom the s",=%ell %hnge #"e to -CLD6 s we mentione# ,e$ore the
*- %n lso re2"est to mo&e $rom OL 4L ,e%"se o$ pth loss6 +3 or
#istn%e to %ell ,or#er %riterion n# in this %se the lo# is not %he%ke# %oz
the threshol#s < SC*D*U*1SC*D*O* re only %ontrolling the lo# in%se o$
s",=%ell %hnge #"e to lo# #istri,"tion.
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

Parameter# Summar(
Concentric Cell# 5OCer laid Under laid Su"Fcell#6
?Gerlai&/6n&erlai& Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
SCT>3; 6A<?A C C C
A?A 0 to 200 C C &B
A?A>ST 0 to 63 3 3 &B
T(?A 0 to 61 C C Bit 3erio&) (3Q61 U)e/"
T(?A>ST 0 to 61 C C Bit 3erio&) (3Q61 U)e/"
DTCBSC 0<1 0 C C
DTCB C63 to 63 +63 C &B
DTCB>ST 0 to 63 2 2 &B
$D7ST 0 to 63 10 C &B
$$C;AAS 1 to 5 3 1 C
SCADA?A 0 to 11 20 C T
SCADA6A 0 to 11 20 C T
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T&+N' ,OU
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ND / MU*TI -+ND C)**S 5M-C6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

3 m"lti ,n# network %onsists o$ %ells $rom #i$$erent $re2"en%y ,n#s $or
eDmple< E00R1A00 *.z

!y %om,ining these $re2"en%ies in the sme %ell with 1 %ommon !CC.6 the
r#io per$ormn%e n# tr$$i% %p%ity re impro&e# where the no. o$ %ells
n# neigh,or reltions re signi$i%ntly re#"%e#.

4sing 1 !CC. inste# o$ two will in%rese the no. o$ time slots tht will ,e
"se# $or tr$$i%.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

4sing *!C %on%ept with only 1 !CC.6 this will re#"%e the no. o$ #e$ine#
neigh,ors to B0T le#ing to ,etter %%"r%y $or the mes"rement reports
%oz there will ,e more time &il,le $or mes"rements $or e%h neigh,or.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+he Dynmi% OLR4L s",=%ells /Con%entri% Cells0 is prere2"isite $et"re $or the
*"lti !n# Cells.

*ostly the $re2"en%y ,n# with 8!etter Co&erge9 /i.e. lower $re2"en%y ,n#0 is
%on$ig"re# s the 4n#er li# s",=%ell while the other $re2"en%y ,n# with 8>orse
Co&erge9 /i.e. higher $re2"en%y ,n#0 is %on$ig"re# s the O&erli# -",=%ell.

)42 E00*.z $re2"en%y ,n# 4L6 while 1A00*.z $re2"en%y ,n# OL

)t is re%ommen#e# to sele%t the !CC. $re2"en%y to lie in the 8!etter Co&erge9

i.e. 4L s",=%ell.

For the pre&io"s eDmple then !CC. $re2"en%y will ,elong to the E00*.z ,n#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

3 prmeter CS,ST,P) #e$ines the ,n# o$ the "se# !CC. $re2"en%y in

m"lti ,n# %ell.

3 prmeter -+ND #e$ines the ,n# o$ the Chnnel Gro"p6 where the
%hnnel gro"p %onsists o$ no. o$ $re2"en%ies s will ,e seen lter.

3s mentione# ,e$ore6 the (th LossRDistn%e to Cell !or#erR+ime 3#&n%e

Criteri will #e$ine the %o&erge limit o$ the $re2"en%y ,n# "se# in the OL s",=
%ell &s. 4L s",=%ell6 /)n this %se the OL14L will ,elong to two #i$$erent ,n#s0

3lso the tr$$i% lo# %n ,e mintine# ,etween the two s",=%ells /tht ,elong
to two #i$$erent ,n#s0 "sing the s",=%ell lo# #istri,"tion $et"re where the
SC*D prmeter will #e$ine whi%h s",=%ell is
pre$erre# $irst.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+he propgtion o$ the r#io w&es #epen# on the "se# $re2"en%y ,n#6
i.e. the reporte# signl strength $rom one *- will #i$$er #epen#ing on the
$re2"en%y ,n# "se#.
'S is in te same location but
te reported SS differs depend
on te used fre%uency band
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

-o to lo%te the *- %orre%tly regr#less o$ the ,n# it is "sing we h&e 2

possi,le wys<
1. 3pplying $re2"en%y !n# O$$set<
)$ OL s",=%ell is on 1A00*.z ,n# n# the 4L is on the E00*.z ,n# so
when the *- is lo%te# on the OL s",=%ell n# report %ertin -- then it
sho"l# ,e %ompenste# $or the 4L s",=%ell.
2. )n%l"#es the !CC. %rrier $re2"en%y in the 3%ti&e !CC. 3llo%tion /!30 list<
+he 3%ti&e !3 list is the list whi%h the ser&ing %ell "ses to in$orm the *- the
neigh,ors whi%h he hs to monitor n# mke mes"rements on while it is in
#e#i%te# mo#e n# in this wy no %ompenstion is nee#e#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+ppl(ing a FreJuenc( -and O$$#et2

F-OFFS /Fre2"en%y !n# O$$set0< is the prmeter tht #etermines the

#i$$eren%e ,etween the pth loss ,etween ,n#s6 it is mes"re# in #!s n#
tke &l"es ,etween = C0 C0 #!s
)$ the *- is ser&e# ,y 1A00 ,n# $re2"en%y n# reporting --
1A00 ,n# : =AB #,m n#
F-OFFS:Q#! then the %ompenste# -- i$ the *- ws ser&e# ,y the E00 ,n# $re2"en%y will ,e -- E00 ,n# : =AB #,m ; Q : =QA

F-OFFS hs to ,e #U"ste# in %orre%t wy %oz<

)t will ,e "se# to lo%te the *- %orre%tly with respe%t to neigh,ors.
)t will ,e "se# to lo%te the *- %orre%tly in the -",=%ell Chnge E&l"tion.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+ppl(ing a FreJuenc( -and O$$#et2

a/ F-OFFS will "e u#ed to locate t!e MS correctl( wit! re#pect to
;.8 'S is on te @0 subcell (4K66 band$ and reporting SS<Serving<cellA
4K66 band = >K3 d/m
FB?FFS =Id/, and after applying te offset and !ysteresis
SS<neigbor<cell/J66 band = >K2d/m
:it applying FB?FFS
J66band = SS<Serving<cellA4K66 bandA I d/
SS<Serving<cellA J66band = >IK d/m
SS<Serving<cellA J66 band 5 SS<neigbor<cell/J66 band
#ell A (ill remain te serving cell but sub>cell cange may occur if needed&
5ig=t De/i)ion
:itout applying FB?FFS
4K66 band C SS<neigbor<cell/J66 band
!@ from #ell A #ell / (ill occur
Drong De/i)ion
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+ppl(ing a FreJuenc( -and O$$#et2

"/ F-OFFS will "e u#ed to locate t!e MS correctl( during t!e Su"Fcell
C!ange )Caluation
>hen the *- is ser&e# ,y the OL 1A00 ,n# s",=%ell /non=!CC. !n#06 the
pth loss in this %se will ,e %he%ke# &s. *O* G *O*&,ST ; F-OFFS)T
;.8 Assume a 'S is served by te @0 4K66 sub>cell and reporting SS
4K66 band = >J6 d/m,
BST:3D5=FOd/m, FB?FFS;T=Id/, A?A=424d/, A?A>ST=zero
>K3 d/m
>JN d/m
Subcell cange @0?0
>J6 d/m
>K2 d/m
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

+ppl(ing a FreJuenc( -and O$$#et2

"/ F-OFFS will "e u#ed to locate t!e MS correctl( during t!e Su"Fcell
C!ange )Caluation
;.8 Assume a 'S is served by te @0 4K66 subcell and reporting SS
4K66 band = >J6 d/m,
BST:3D5=FOd/m, FB?FFS;T=Id/, A?A=424d/, A?A>ST=zero
:itout applying FB?FFS
Pat loss= BST:3D5 > SS
4K66 band = FO>(>J6$=42O d/
Pat loss=42O d/ 5 A?A L A?A>ST=424 d/
Sub>cell cange from @0 ?0 (ill occur
Drong De/i)ion
:it applying FB?FFS
Pat loss= BST:3D5 > SS
4K66 band = FO>(>J6$=42O d/
Pat loss=42O C A?ALA?A>STAFB?FFS;T=42Kd/
"e 'S (ill stay on te @0 sub>cell

5ig=t De/i)ion
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Multi -and Cell# 5M-C6

Parameter# Summar(2
Multi Ban& Cell) Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
@SM200< @SM100< @SM1200<
@SM200< @SM100< @SM1200<
FB?FFS C40 to 40 0 C &B
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
C)** *O+D S&+RING 5C*S6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

+he ("rpose o$ the Cell Lo# -hring Fet"re is to #istri,"te some o$ %ells
tr$$i% lo# to s"rro"n#ing %ells #"ring peks in tr$$i%.

+his is %hie&e# ,y mo&ing est,lishe# %onne%tions to neigh,oring %ells tht

h&e i#le reso"r%es.

Cell Lo# -hring in%reses the n"m,er o$ hn#o&ers in the prt o$ the
network where the tr$$i% lo# is "ne&enly #istri,"te#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

Cell Lo# -hring is %ti&te# on the !-C le&el &i prmeter *SST+T)

+he tr$$i% lo# /mo"nt o$ i#le $"ll rte +C.s0 on e%h %ell is eDmine# ,y the
!-C e&ery CL- time )nter&l #e$ine# ,y prmeter C*STIM)INT)R.+*

)$ the per%entge o$ i#le $"ll rte tr$$i% %hnnels is Y prmeter C*S*).)*6

then this %ell will try to get ri# o$ some tr$$i% ,y inititing %ell lo# shring
hn#o&ers to neigh,ors.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

For neigh,or %ell to %%ept .Os #"e to %ell lo# shring then prmeter
&OC*S+CC sho"l# ,e set to 8ON9

+he tr$$i% lo# on the neigh,or %ells sho"l# lso ,e eDmine# so hn#o&ers
#"e to %ell lo# shring will only ,e #one to neigh,ors h&ing eno"gh i#le $"ll
rte +C.s /per%entge o$ i#le $"ll rte +C.s @ C*S+CC in or#er to %%ept .O
#"e to CL-0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

CL- e&l"tion is per$orme# $ter norml lo%ting e&l"tion $or neigh,oring


+he norml !si% rnking e&l"tion ws #one s $ollows<

ser&ing%ell : --VDlser&ing%ell

Rnkneigh,or: --VDLneigh,or G OFFS)Tneigh,or G .J-+neigh,or

Now when the T i#le $"ll rte +C.s N C*S*).)*6 then the .J-+ $or neigh,ors will ,e re%l%"lte# with re#"%e# &l"es ,se# on
prmeter R&,ST

Rnkneigh,or: --VDLneigh,or G OFFS)Tneigh,or G .J-+new neigh,or 6

where .J-+new neigh,or : .J-+neigh,or Z1=2 /R&,STR1000[
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

neigh,or: --VDLneigh,or G OFFS)Tneigh,or G .J-+new neigh,or 6
>here .J-+new neigh,or : .J-+neigh,or Z1=2 /R&,STR1000[
5>ST E)tere)i) 5e&u/tion
0 $o re&u/tion of t=e E)tere)i) area
Cell Bor&er i) re&u/e& to t=e nominal /ell
100 (ll t=e E)tere)i) area i) remoGe&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

For neigh,or %ell to ,e %n#i#te $or .O #"e to CL-6 then it sho"l# stis$y
the $ollowing<

Lies in the sme !-C s the so"r%e %ell.

.s the sme .C- lyer.

Cn 3%%ept .O #"e to CL- i.e. &OC*S+CC: ON

T )#le $"ll rte +C.s @ C*S+CC

+he settings $or C*S*).)* n# C*S+CC sho"l# ,e #U"ste# s"%h tht

C*S+CC @ C*S*).)* in or#er to not h&ing "nst,le sit"tion.

466S idle "#!s
Accept ,ncoming !@s due to #0S
'a)e @utgoing !@s due to #0S
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Cell *oad S!aring

Cell *oad S!aring

Parameter# Summar(
3arameter Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 4alue 5ange 6nit
CASA;4;A 20 C 0 to 11 T
CAS(CC 40 C 1 to 100 T
?CAS(CC ?FF ?$ ?$/?FF
5>ST 75 100 0 to 100 T
CAST7M;57$T;54(A 100 100 100 to 1000 m)
ASST(T; 7na/tiGe (/tiGe (/tiGe/7na/tiGe
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

FreJuenc( &opping

D"ring %ll %onne%tion6 time slot /,"rst0 %n esily ,e lost when the mo,ile
sttion hppens to ,e lo%te# in $#ing #ip $or tht prti%"lr $re2"en%y or i$
it is s",Ue%te# to inter$eren%e.

)$ the neDt time slot is sent on nother $re2"en%y6 there is high pro,,ility tht
this time slot will ,e re%ei&e# %orre%tly n# this %n ,e #one &i $re2"en%y

>ith $re2"en%y hopping<

+ighter $re2"en%y re"se %n ,e implemente# n# so higher %p%ity %n ,e


*ore ro,"st en&ironment %n ,e o,tine#.

+here will ,e possi,ility to gi&e s",s%ri,ers more "ni$orm spee%h 2"lity.

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

FreJuenc( &opping

)n $re2"en%y hopping6 set o$ pre#e$ine# $re2"en%ies is "se# in e%h %ell n#

the *- will ,e llowe# to trnsmit on #i$$erent $re2"en%y e&ery +D*3 $rme
/C.P1 mse%0 i.e. +he *- will %hnge its $re2"en%y 21Q times per se%on#

>ith $re2"en%y hopping we %n get<

i. Fre2"en%y Di&ersity
ii. )nter$eren%e Di&ersity
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
I/ FreJuenc( DiCer#it(

Fre2"en%y hopping %n sol&e the m"ltipth $#ing /$st $#ing0 pro,lem.

+he m"ltipth $#ing res"lts $rom re$le%tions $rom the s"rro"n#ing ,"il#ings
res"lte# in low signl strength $#ing #ips.

+he m"ltipth $#ing is $re2"en%y n# lo%tion #epen#ent.

>ith $re2"en%y hopping6 slow n# non=mo&ing *- won5t still in low signl

strength $#ing #ip more thn 1+D*3 $rme.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
II/ Inter$erence DiCer#it(

Fre2"en%y hopping %n lso o$$er ,etter 2"lity when the %"rrently "se#
$re2"en%y is inter$ere#.

)nter$eren%e #epen#s on the time6 $re2"en%y n# the *- lo%tion.

>ith $re2"en%y hopping6 %ertin *- will eDperien%e inter$eren%e only $or

1time #"ring n"m,er o$ hops i.e. i$ *- will hop on C $re2"en%ies one o$
them is inter$ere#6 then the *- will ,e s",Ue%te# to inter$eren%e1 time e&ery
C hops.

4sing $re2"en%y hopping will res"lt in spre#ing the inter$eren%e on mny

*-s whi%h will le# to r#io en&ironment tht is more e&en /symmetri%0.

+he inter$eren%e #i&ersity %n ,e eDpresse# s gin in the CR) rtio.

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
C!annel Group Concept 5C&GR6

E%h n"m,er o$ $re2"en%ies /+rnsmitters0 in the %ell re gro"pe# in wht

we %lle# %hnnel gro"p /C.GR06 some prmeters re #e$ine# per the
C.GR n# not per %ell6 $or eDmple< within the sme %ell $re2"en%y hopping
%n ,e en,le# on %ertin C.GRs n# #is,le# on others.

&OP< )s prmeter tht is "se# to en,le or #is,le $re2"en%y hopping on

%ertin C.GR6 it hs two &l"es either ONROFF
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

FreJuenc( &opping

Fre2"en%y .opping is pplie# on +r$$i% %hnnels /+C.s06 on -DCC.s n#

p%ket #t %hnnels ,"t it is not pplie# on !ro#%st n# Common %ontrol
%hnnels whi%h re mppe# on +-\0 on F0

*etho#s o$ .opping< we h&e two metho#s o$ hopping<

3. !se !n# .opping /!! .opping0
!. -ynthesize# $re2"en%y .opping /-J .opping0

F&OP< )s prmeter to spe%i$y the metho# o$ hopping6 it tkes &l"es<!!R-J

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
+/ -a#e -and &opping 5-- &opping6
E%h +rnsmitter is ssigne# %ertin $re2"en%y n# %onne%te# to mny *-s6
e%h +ime slot o"t o$ the trnsmitter will ,elong to #i$$erent *- ,"t t the
sme $re2"en%y.
From *- prospe%ti&e6 e%h *- will trnsmit e%h +- &i #i$$erent trnsmitter
n# on #i$$erent $re2"en%y.
"ransmitter F4
"ransmitter FN
"ransmitter F2
"ransmitter FF
"S4 "SN "S2 'S4
"S4 "SN "S2 'SN
'SN>"S4>F2 'S4>"SN>F2
'S2>"S4>F3 'SN>"SN>F3 'S4>"S2>F3
"S4 "SN "S2 'S2
/us for routing te time slots
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
-/ S(nt!e#izer FreJuenc( &opping 5S, FreJuenc( &opping6
>ith -ynthesize# $re2"en%y hopping6 the *- will trnsmit ll its time slots &i
only 1 trnsmitter n# the trnsmitter will %hnge its $re2"en%y %onse2"ently
e&ery +D*3 $rme ,se# on %ertin se2"en%e.
"rans F411&Fn
"rans F411&Fn
"rans F411&&Fn
"rans F4111Fn
"S4 "SN "S2 'S4
"S4 "SN "S2
'S2>"S4>F3 'SN>"SN>F4 'S4>"S2>F5
"S4 "SN "S2 'S2
'S4>"S4>F1 'S4>"S2>F3 'S4>"SN>F2
'SN>"S4>F2 'SN>"S2>F4 'SN>"SN>F3
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
-/ S(nt!e#izer FreJuenc( &opping 5S, FreJuenc( &opping6
+he 3#&ntge o$ -ynthesize# $re2"en%y hopping is tht the n"m,er o$
hopping $re2"en%ies %n ,e lrger thn the n"m,er o$ the lre#y eDisting
trnsmitters %"sing the hopping gin to in%rese witho"t nee# to "se more

*o#es o$ .opping<
i. Cy%li% Fre2"en%y .opping
ii. Rn#om Fre2"en%y .opping
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

Mode# o$ &opping
i/ C(clic FreJuenc( &opping
>ith this type o$ hopping6 $re2"en%ies re %hnge# e&ery +D*3 $rme in
%onse%"ti&e or#er strting with the $re2"en%y o$ the lowest 3,sol"te R#io
Fre2"en%y Chnnel N"m,er /3RFCN0.
For (=G-* /4L AE0=E1B *.z6 DL E?B=EP0*.z06 3RFCNs< 1626?6C6XX 12C
For eDmple $or $o"r $re2"en%ies the %y%li% hopping ,etween them will
pper s $ollow< $16 $26 $?6 $C6 $16 $26 $?6 $C6 $16 $26 $?6 $C6 $16 XXX
&SN /.opping -e2"en%e N"m,er0 < )s prmeter #e$ine# per C.GR
/n"m,er o$ $re2"en%ies0 tht will ,e "se# to spe%i$y the mo#e o$ hopping
with -ynthesize# $re2"en%y hopping6 it tke &l"es $rom 0 P?
>hen &SN : 06 this mens tht Cy%li% $re2"en%y hopping will ,e "se#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

Mode# o$ &opping
ii/ Random FreJuenc( &opping
>ith this type o$ hopping6 $re2"en%ies re %hnge# e&ery +D*3 $rme
rn#omly ,se# on pse"#o=rn#om se2"en%e. +he se2"en%e is store# in
look="p t,le in the *- s well s the !+- n# "p to P? in#epen#ent
se2"en%es %n ,e #e$ine#.
!se# on the settings o$ the prmeter &SN /1P?06 one o$ the P?
in#epen#ent rn#om se2"en%es will ,e "se#.
+he perio# o$ the Rn#om se2"en%e:P min"tes6 i.e. the rn#om se2"en%e
repets itsel$ on%e e&ery P min"tes.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
S(nt!e#izer FreJuenc( &opping 5S, FreJuenc( &opping6
M+IO Concept

3s we mentione# ,e$ore tht &SN is #e$ine# per C.GR6 so i$ C.GR

%ontins C +rnsmitters n# &SN:06 then this mens tht %y%li% hopping will
,e "se# o&er these C trnsmitters.

!"t in or#er $or the trnsmitters within the sme C.GR to not inter$ere e%h
other they m"st strt their hopping with #i$$erent $re2"en%ies.

3n# in or#er to #o so M+IO

5Mo"ile +llocation Inde4 O$$#et6will
!e ssigne# $or e%h trnsmitter so
e%h o$ them will strt the hopping=
se2"en%e either %y%li%Rrn#om $rom
#i$$erent strting point6 ,se#
the M+IO ssigne# to it.
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
Same #!MR, S$=6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping
S(nt!e#izer FreJuenc( &opping 5S, FreJuenc( &opping6
M+IO Concept

>e h&e #i$$erent *3)Os6 i.e. there re #i$$erent wys thro"gh whi%h e%h
trnsmitter will strt the %y%li%Rrn#om hopping.

4sing the #e$"lt *3)O6 the e&en *3)O &l"es in in%resing or#er re
pi%ke# $irst then the o## &l"es6 eDmple< $or C.GR o$ C +rnsmitters6 the
#e$"lt *3)O list is 0626C61
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
"ransmitterV4 (f6,f4,fN,1&fn$
Same #!MR,
$QB8 Number of used
fre%uencies can e.ceed
te no& of "ransmitters&
$QB8 Number of used
fre%uencies can e.ceed
te no& of "ransmitters&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
FreJuenc( &opping

Parameter# Summar(
FreLuen/E opping Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
?3 ?$<?FF ?FF ?$ C
F?3 BB<S> C C C
S$ 0 to 63 C C C
M(7? 0 to 31 or Default Default C C
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T&+N' ,OU
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
INTR+ C)** &+NDO.)R 5I&O6
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

)ntr Cell mens within the sme %ell.

)ntr Cell .n#o&er ims t mintining goo# 2"lity o$ %"rrent %onne%tion

,y per$orming hn#o&er to new %hnnel within the sme %ell when ,#
2"lity is #ete%te#.

>hen %onne%tion s"$$ers $rom ,# 2"lity n# t the sme time the -ignl
-trength is still high6 there is reson to ,elie&e tht the ,# 2"lity is #"e to
#annel suffering from
bad %uality
Ne( cannel
"S4 "SN "S2 "SF "S3 "SO "SI "SK
"S4 "SN "S2 "SF "S3 "SO "SI "SK
Same #ell
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

Chnging the ser&ing %hnnel on %ertin %ell to nother %hnnel within the
sme %ell my ,e "se$"l #"e to the $%t tht most likely the inter$eren%e on
#i$$erent %hnnels is not the sme6 n# the reson $or this %o"l# ,e<

+he %ell tht inter$eres %ertin %onne%tion /%hnnelR%ll0 my ,e not $"lly

lo#e# n# not trnsmitting on ll its %hnnels.

)$ power %ontrol is in "se in the inter$erer %ell6 then power "se# on e%h
%hnnel will #i$$er ,se# on the *- lo%tion $rom the !+-.

For "plink inter$eren%e6 the *-s %onne%te# to the inter$erer %ell will ,e lo%te#
in #i$$erent pl%es $rom the %ell %"sing #i$$erent le&els o$ inter$eren%e.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

3$ter )ntr %ell hn#o&er is per$orme#6 the 2"lity o$ %onne%tion will ,e

enhn%e# i$ the r#io %on#itions on the new %hnnel is ,etter thn the ol#
%hnnel6 n# this my ,e eDpe%te# when intr %ell hn#o&er is per$orme# t
high signl strength while the 2"lity /rD2"l0 is ,#.

)ntr Cell .n#o&er %n ,e triggere# #"e to ,# 2"lity either in the #ownlink

or in the "plink.

!"t t whi%h %on#itions )ntr Cell .n#o&er will ,e triggere# H

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

3t whi%h %on#itions )ntr Cell .n#o&er will ,e triggere# H

)ntr %ell hn#o&er is triggere#Rinitite# when signl strength is high n# t the

sme time the 2"lity is ,# ,se# on the $ollowing e2"tion<



rD2"lV4L @ 1OFFS)TU* ; FF-- /RMLE7V4L ; SSOFFS)TU*0

FF-- is 2"lity &s. signl strength $"n%tion tht spe%i$y t e%h signl le&el
the 2"lity ,eyon# whi%h n intr %ell hn#o&er sho"l# ,e triggere#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Condition# at w!ic! Intra Cell &andoCer i# initiated2

r.%ual<D0 5 J?FFS;TDA A FHSS (RU0DV<D0 A SS?FFS;TDA$ @r

r.%ual<?0 5 J?FFS;T6A A FHSS (RU0DV<?0 A SS?FFS;T6A$

RMLE7VDL n# RMLE7V4L ,oth re

mes"re# in rDle& "nits 0 P?6 whi%h
%orrespon#s to =110 #!m = CQ #!m

,f RU0DV<D0 = 3I and
J?FFS;TDA=SS?FFS;TDA= zero, ten
(en r.%ual<D0 5 3N dt%u an intra cell
andover (ill be initiated&
T=e FJSS Ta%leQ T=e r.Lual 4alue) 7) @iGen in &tLu
(&e/i Tran)forme& JualitE 6nit)"
5:A;4 5.Lual
R*30 infinitE
31 60
32 + 35 51
36 + 32 52
31 + 41 57
42 + 45 56
46 + 42 55
41 + 52 54
53 + 55 53
56 + 52 52
51 + 62 51
S*63 50
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Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

SSOFFS)TD* 1 SSOFFS)TU* re signl strength o$$set prmeters6

in%resing them will mke the mes"re# signl strength to pper ,etter thn
the %t"l sit"tion %"sing the intr %ell hn#o&er to ,e triggere# more o$ten.

1OFFS)TD* 1 1OFFS)TU* re 2"lity o$$set prmeters6 #e%resing them

will trigger the intr %ell hn#o&er more o$ten.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Selection o$ a new c!annel at I&O

+he primry trget is to $in# new %hnnel tht #i$$ers s m"%h s possi,le
$rom the %"rrently "se# %hnnel.

+he sele%tion o$ new %hnnel will #epen# on whether $re2"en%y hopping is

"se# or not.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Selection o$ a new c!annel at I&O

5+6 it! FreJuenc( &opping Not U#ed

3mong the i#le %hnnels6 sele%t %hnnel tht lies on #i$$erent $re2"en%y
thn the %"rrent %hnnel is "sing.

)$ no i#le %hnnels were $o"n# then sele%t one o$ the i#le timeslots tht re on
the sme $re2"en%y s the %"rrent %hnnel.
,nterfered #annel
st coice at ,!@
(#ange fre%uency$
nd coice at ,!@
(#ange "ime Slot on te same fre%uency$
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Selection o$ a new c!annel at I&O

5-6 it! FreJuenc( &opping In U#e

-ele%t one o$ the i#le %hnnels tht ,elongs to #i$$erent C.GR thn the
%"rrent %hnnel.

)$ no i#le %hnnels were $o"n# or only 1 C.GR is #e$ine# then sele%t one o$
the i#le timeslots tht re on the sme C.GR s the %"rrent %hnnel.

)$ no i#le %hnnels were $o"n# sele%t i#le %hnnels on the sme C.GR n#
time slot s the %"rrent %hnnel.
st coice at ,!@(#ange #!MR$
nd coice at ,!@ (#ange "ime Slot (itin te same #!MR $
,nterfered #annel
rd coice at ,!@
(Same #!MR, same "S but different cannel$
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Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

)$ 2"lity is not impro&e# $ter mking n"m,er o$ %onse%"ti&e ).Os6 this

mens tht ll %hnnels re s"$$ering $rom poor 2"lity n# my ,e prt o$
the %ell is s",Ue%te# to high inter$eren%e.

>e %n limit the n"m,er o$ %onse%"ti&e ).Os $or %ertin %onne%tion to %ertin
n"m,er "sing prmeter M+3I&O eD< )$ M+3I&O:?6 then the mDim"m
n"m,er o$ llowe# %onse%"ti&e ).Os:? n# i$ the *- trie# to mke the C
th ).O it
will ,e #is,le# n# timer TI&O will strt to inhi,it ny $"rther ttempts to mke ).O "ntil this timer is relese#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Intra Cell &andoCer

)ntr %ell hn#o&er n# ,# 2"lity "rgen%y re ,oth triggere# t poor 2"lity


)ntr %ell hn#o&er hs higher priority o&er ,# 2"lity "rgen%y hn#o&er6 i.e. i$
the %riteri $or ,oth re $"l$ille# then ).O will ,e triggere#Rinitite# $irst.

)$ the #ynmi% OLR4L s",=%ell $et"re is in "se n# i$ the n"m,er o$

%onse%"ti&e ).Os re%he# its mDim"m ,se# on the settings o$ the
prmeter M+3I&O6 then s",=%ell %hnge $rom OL4L or 4LOL will ,e
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Intra Cell &andoCer

Parameter# Summar(
7ntra Cell an&oGer Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
7? ?$<?FF ?FF ?$ C
SS?FFS;TDA C30 to 30 0
SS?FFS;T6A C30 to 30 0 C10 &B
J?FFS;TDA C50 to 50 0 C &tLu
J?FFS;T6A C50 to 50 0 C &tLu
M(:7? 0 to 15 3 3 C
T7? 10 to 60 10 10 Se/on&)
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T&+N' ,OU
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic &R +llocation

D(namic &R +llocation

)n high lo# sit"tions it is importnt tht the llo%tion o$ tr$$i% %hnnel is

#one e$$i%iently $or new %onne%tion.

+his will res"lt in high "tiliztion o$ the %hnnels while keeping goo# spee%h
2"lity $or the eDisting %onne%tions.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic &R +llocation

D(namic &R +llocation

For new %onne%tion the Dynmi% .R 3llo%tion 3lgorithm e&l"tes the

tr$$i% lo# in the %ell n# ,se# on this #e%i#es the %onne%tion mo#e< FR6 .R
or 3*R .R

+o 3%ti&te the $et"re6 set the prmeter< D&+ to 8ON9

+he $et"re #i$$erentites ,etween 3*R n# N3*R *-s n# %n ,e

%ontrolle# on %ell le&el.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic &R +llocation

D(namic &R +llocation

Ne( #onnection
Dual Rate 'S P
(Supports !RP$
Support A'R !RP
No& of ,dle "#!s
"otal no& of "#!s
C DT$(M5
No& of ,dle "#!s
"otal no& of "#!s
A'R !R Allocation !R Allocation
FR8A'R FR Allocation
7es 7es
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D(namic &R +llocation

D(namic &R +llocation

DT&+MR2 +he threshol# ,elow whi%h the Dynmi% .R 3llo%tion strts $or
3*R s"pporte# *-s

DT&N+MR2 +he threshol# ,elow whi%h the Dynmi% .R 3llo%tion strts $or
Non 3*R s"pporte# *-s
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic &R +llocation

Parameter# Summar(
7ntra Cell an&oGer Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
D( ?$<?FF ?FF ?$ C
DT(M5 0 to 100 30
DT$(M5 0 to 100 15 15 T
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T&+N' ,OU
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic Power Control

D(namic Power Control

)n this %hpter we5ll tlk on ,oth !+- n# *- Dynmi% (ower Control.

+he im with (ower Control is to in%rese the n"m,er o$ %onne%tions while

mintining goo# CR) /Crrier to )nter$eren%e Rtio0.

>hy (ower Control is importnt H

i. De%reses the totl inter$eren%e in the system / )nter$eren%e 0

-o when +r$$i% in%reses /no. o$ *-s0 then goo# CR) %n ,e


>hen +r$$i% is norml6 CR) is impro&e#.

>hen )nter$eren%e is low6 *-s with poor 2"lity will ,e ,le to

s"%%ess$"lly %omplete their %lls.
ii. De%reses the %ons"mption o$ the *- ,ttery n# the !+- ,%k"p ,tteries
when the min s"pply is #own.
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic -TS Power Control

D(namic -TS Power Control

+he 3lgorithms $or ,oth !+- n# *- #ynmi% power %ontrol re the sme.

+he ,elow grph shows the reltion ,etween !+- oRp power n# the
mes"re# /re%ei&e#0 signl strength t the *- &s. the pth loss ,etween !+-
n# *-.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

D(namic -TS Power Control

For the re ,e$ore point 16 the re%ei&e# power t the *- in the DL is &ery
goo# n# s"$$i%ient6 howe&er the !+- %n5t mke ny sort o$ #own reg"ltion
n# sen#s with power less thn its minim"m power.

3s the *- is mo&ing wy $rom the !+-6 the re%ei&e# power is #e%resing6 so

$ter %rossing point 16 the !+- will strt "p reg"lting its power in steps to
%ompenste $or the pth loss.

3t point 26 the !+- %n5t "p reg"lte its power $or &l"e ,o&e the mD.
llowe# power le&el e&en i$ the re%ei&e# power in the *- is #eteriorte# or the
pth loss in%rese#.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

D(namic -TS Power Control

For F"lity mes"rements the ,elow grph shows the "p reg"ltions in the
!+- oRp power when 2"lity is #eteriorte# /-- is not into %onsi#ertion here0

3s the F"lity got worse / 0 Q06 the !+- will try to in%rese its power to
%ompenste $or the 2"lity #rop.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

D(namic -TS Power Control


+he Dynmi% !+- (ower Control lgorithm is #one on ? stges<

1. (reprtion o$ the )np"t Dt.
2. Filtering o$ mes"rements.
?. Cl%"ltion o$ (ower Or#er.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
Dynmi% (ower Control is m#e on +C.s time slots s well s on the -DCC.
time slots6 while the !CC. $re2"en%y with ll its time slots is sent with mD.
power with no power %ontrol.
+ype o$ *es"rements<
!oth --VDL n# F"lityVDL mes"rements will ,e "se# in the e2"tion
thro"gh whi%h the neDt power or#er is %l%"lte#.
Mea)urement Sour/e
poFer leGel u)e& %E t=e BTSMDA BTS
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
R)GINTD*< 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the minim"m time perio# ,etween two
%onse%"ti&e power or#ers in the DL. *es"re# in -3CC. perio#s /0.CA
-e%on#s0 $rom 1 to 10 -3CC. perio#s i.e. Reg"lting )nter&l in DL. /)t is
!-C prmeter0
+he !+- is ,le to %hnges its o"tp"t power 6 the resol"tion in oRp power is in
the $orm o$ steps o$ 2 #!s n# mDim"m %hnge is ?0 #!s.
/eD< 2#!s6 C#!s6XXX. 6 mD to ?0 #!s0
>hen power %ontrol is in "se the !+- o"tp"t power le&el will ,e gi&en s<
Down Reg"ltion< !+- oRp power /#!m0 : -SPRT G 2K(L
"se# 6
4p Reg"ltion< !+- oRp power /#!m0 : -SPRMIN G 2K(L"se# 6
where (L"se# : 0to 1B
(L"se# is the power reg"ltion step
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
SSD)SD*2 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the #esire# -ignl -trength in DL whi%h
we im to mintin "sing power %ontrol. *es"re# in #!m
+he -- mes"re# will ,e %he%ke# ginst SSD)SD* to know i$ Down
reg"ltion in the !+- power or "p reg"ltion is nee#e#
1D)SD*2 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the #esire# F"lity in DL whi%h we im to
mintin "sing power %ontrol. *es"re# in #t2" / 0 to Q00
+he F"lity mes"re# will ,e %he%ke# ginst 1D)SD* to know i$ Down
reg"ltion in the !+- power or "p reg"ltion is nee#e#.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
+he e2"tion "se# to %l%"lte the power or#er in the neDt -3CC. perio#
%ontins in$ormtion on SSD)SD*]--VDL
mes"re# n# 1D)SD*]F"lityVDLmes"re#.
SSD)SD*] --VDLmes"re# is mes"re# in #!m6 while 1D)SD*] F"lityVDLmes"re# is mes"re# in #t2" so to ,e "se# in the
sme e2"tion some sort o$ mpping sho"l# ,e #one6
i.e. 1D)SD*]F"lityVDLmes"re# sho"l# ,e represente# in the $orm o$ #!s s well.
JD;SDA (&tLu" 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
&B tran)formation C/7
/al/ulation (&B"
23 11 17 15 13 11 2 4
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
SS Compen#ation
>e im to get the -- o$ the p"re +C. time slot %ompenste# $or ,oth
$re2"en%y hopping when !CC. $re2"en%y is in%l"#e# n# %ompenste# $or
power %ontrol.
Compen#ating $or $reJuenc( !opping2
>hen the *- is "sing +- on !CC. %rrier
--VDL+C. : --VDL*es"re# G Z -SPR G /-ST3PR = 2K(L"se#0 [
--VDL+C. : --VDL*es"re# G / -SPR G -ST3PR ; 2K(L"se# 0
>hen the *- is "sing +- on +C. $re2"en%y
--VDL+C. : --VDL*es"re#
!y 3&erging the res"lts then<
--VDL+C. : --VDL*es"re# G / -SPR G -ST3PR ; 2K(L"se# 0R N$ 6
N$ : no. o$ hopping $re2"en%ies
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D(namic -TS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data
SS Compen#ation
ii/ Compen#ating $or power control2
Compenste# : --VDL+C. ; 2K(L"se#
Now in $"rther %l%"ltions --VDLCompenste# will ,e "se#6 where --Compenste# is the signl strength %ompenste# $or ,oth
$re2"en%y hopping n# power reg"ltions.
1ualit( Compen#ation
F"lityVDLCompenste# is %l%"lte# in the sme wy s"%h tht<
F"lityVDLCompenste# : F"lityVDLmes"re# /in #!s0 ; 2K(l"se#
>here the F"lityVDLmes"re# /in #!s0 is the F"lityVDLmes"re# /0Q0 $ter trns$orming it into #!s
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic -TS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
Filtering $or ,oth -- n# F"lity is #one with eDponentil non=liner $ilters in
or#er to eliminte &ritions o$ temporry nt"re n# get prtil res"lts.
5+6 Filtering o$ SS Mea#urement#
Filtere# /k0 : ,K --VDLCompenste# /k0 ; K --VDLFiltere# /'=106 k is the -3CC. perio#
1 , /,:1=0 re the non=liner $ilter5s %oe$$i%ients n# 89 will #e$ine the length o$ the $ilter 8L96 where e%h $ilter length 8L9
%orrespon#s to %ertin &l"e o$ 89 .
!"t how the length o$ the non=liner $ilter is %l%"lte#H
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D(namic -TS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
5+6Filtering o$ SS Mea#urement#
Filtere# /k0 : ,K --VDLCompenste# /k0 ; K --VDLFiltere#/'=106
k is the -3CC. perio#
,f SS<D0
#ompensated ()$ C SS<D0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = SSA;$DA
SSA;$DA = 2 43 SA##! periods
,n tis case 9up regulation is needed; and it sould be done very fast in
order to not lose te connection&
,f SS<D0
#ompensated ()$ 5 SS<D0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = SSA;$DA ,63DD$5(T7?8466 (ere,
SSA;$DA = 2 43 SA##! periods
63DD$5(T7? = 466 I66
,n tis case 9Do(n regulation is needed; and it sould be done in a smoot (ay, coz
decreasing te po(er suddenly may arm te connection&
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D(namic -TS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
5-6 Filtering o$ 1ualit( Mea#urement#
Filtere# /k0 : ,K F"lityVDLCompenste# /k0 ; K F"lityVDLFiltere#/'=106
k is the -3CC. perio#
,f Huality<D0
#ompensated ()$ C Huality<D0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = JA;$DA (ere,
JSA;$DA = 4 N6 SA##! periods
,n tis case 9up regulation is needed; and it sould be done very fast in order to not
lose te connection&
,f Huality<D0
#ompensated ()$ 5Huality<D0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = JSA;$DA ,63DD$5(T7?8466 (ere,
JSA;$DA = 4 N6 SA##! periods
63DD$5(T7? = 466 I66
,n tis case 9Do(n regulation is needed; and it sould be done in a smoot (ay, coz
decreasing te po(er suddenly may arm te connection&
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D(namic -TS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
Filtere#/'=10 is set initilly : SSD)SD*6 tht will le# to strt power reg"ltions imme#itely $ter the $irst &li#
mes"rement report.
3lso F"lityVDLFiltere#/'=10 is set initilly : 1D)SD*6 tht will le# to strt power reg"ltions imme#itely $ter the $irst &li#
mes"rement report.
SSD)SD*< hs &l"e rnge $rom =110 to =CQ #,m n# re%ommen#e# &l"e is =E0 #,m
1D)SD*< hs &l"e rnge $rom 0 to Q0 #t2" n# re%ommen#e# &l"e is ?0 #t2"
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D(namic -TS Power Control

+ill now we $inlize# two stges $rom the lgorithm<
1. (reprtion o$ the )np"t Dt.
2. Filtering o$ mes"rements.
Compen)ation Filtering
measured (Huality
JualitE unit) to
&B tran)formation
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D(namic -TS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
+his will ,e #one on three stges<
/30 Cl%"lting the two ,si% (ower Or#ers.
/!0 3pplying the (ower Or#ers %onstrints.
/C0 Con&ersion o$ o"tp"t #t.
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D(namic -TS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5+6 Calculating t!e two "a#ic Power Order#

i : 162 n# ^1 1 _1 re prmeters to %ompenste $or the pth loss n# 2"lity.
^1 : *COMPD*R1006 _1 : 1COMPD*R1006 ^2 : 0.?6 _2 : 0.C
(41 is %l%"lte# %%or#ing to settings o$ ^1 1 _1 / +he opertor will set the
proper &l"es $rom his point o$ &iew $or *COMPD* 1 1COMPD*06
De$"lt &l"es< *COMPD*:B n# COPMD*:BB
(42 is %l%"lte# %%or#ing to re%ommen#e# settings o$ ^2 1 _2 ,se# on
trils n# $iel# mes"rements.
i * Vi , (SSD;SDA + SSMDAFiltere&" ! Wi , (JD;SDA + JMDAFiltere&"
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D(namic -TS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5+6 Calculating t!e two "a#ic Power Order#

i : 162 n# ^1 1 _1 re prmeters to %ompenste $or the pth loss n# 2"lity.
(41 n# (42 ,oth o$ them im to mintin the -- within the #esire# &l"e
#e$ine# %%or#ing to SSD)SD* n# to mintin the F"lity within the #esire#
&l"e #e$ine# %%or#ing to 1D)SD* ,"t e%h will %l%"lte the pth loss in
#i$$erent wy.
(4V"se# : mD /(416 (4206 mD o$ p"1 n# (42 will ,e "se# s the #esire#
power or#er in the neDt mes"rement report %oz the mD o$ ,oth o$ them will
men lower #own reg"ltionRhigher "p reg"ltion.
i * Vi , (SSD;SDA + SSMDAFiltere&" ! Wi , (JD;SDA + JMDAFiltere&"
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D(namic -TS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5-6 +ppl(ing Power Order con#traint#
+he highest llowe# power or#er (4V"se# : zero6 whi%h mens keeping the
o"tp"t power t mDim"m &l"e with no power %ontrol.
+he lowest llowe# power or#er is gi&en ,y the minim"m o$ the $ollowing<
(4V"se#: minim"m /?0 #!6 -SPRT= minim"m !+- oRp power0
i.e. it is not llowe# to #e%rese the oRp power or in%rese it ,y &l"e @ ?0#!
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D(namic -TS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5C6 ConCer#ion o$ output data
p"V"se# will ,e interprete# into $inl $orm (LV"se# whi%h tkes &l"es
$rom 0 1B
(LV"se# :)nteger/=p"V"se#R20
)42 i$ (LV"se# : ? n# Down reg"ltion $or power is re2"ire#6 then in the neDt
mes"rement report the !-C will in$orm the !+- to #e%rese its %"rrent
power ,y 2K (LV"se# : P #!s
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D(namic -TS Power Control

Parameter# Summar(
DEnami/ BTS 3oFer Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
SSD;SDA C110 to C47 C10 C10 &Bm
JD;SDA 0 to 76 30 30 &tLu
SSA;$DA 3 to 15 3 3 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
JA;$DA 1 to 20 2 3 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
AC?M3DA 0 to 100 5 5 C
JC?M3DA 0 to 100 55 55 C
63DD$5(T7? 100 to 700 200 300 C
5;@7$TDA 1 to 10 1 1 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
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T&+N' ,OU
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

D(namic MS Power Control

+he O,Ue%ti&e o$ the *- power %ontrol lgorithm is to #U"st the o"tp"t power
o$ the *- so tht #esire# signl strength is re%ei&e# in the !+-.

+he ,elow grph shows the reltion ,etween *- oRp power n# the mes"re#
/re%ei&e#0 signl strength t the !+- &s. the pth loss ,etween !+- n# *-.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

D(namic MS Power Control

For the re ,e$ore point 16 the re%ei&e# power t the !+- in the 4L is &ery
goo# n# s"$$i%ient6 howe&er the *- %n5t mke ny sort o$ #own reg"ltion
n# sen#s with power less thn its minim"m power.

3s the *- is mo&ing wy $rom the !+-6 the re%ei&e# power is #e%resing6 so

$ter %rossing point 16 the *- will strt "p reg"lting its power in steps to
%ompenste $or the pth loss.

3t point 26 the *- %n5t "p reg"lte its power $or &l"e ,o&e the mD.
llowe# power le&el e&en i$ the re%ei&e# power in the *- is #eteriorte# or the
pth loss in%rese#.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

D(namic MS Power Control

For F"lity mes"rements the ,elow grph shows the "p reg"ltions in the
*- oRp power when 2"lity is #eteriorte# /-- is not tken into %onsi#ertion

3s the F"lity got worse / 0 Q06 the *- will try to in%rese its power to
%ompenste $or the 2"lity #rop.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

D(namic MS Power Control


+he Dynmi% *- (ower Control lgorithm is #one on ? stges<

1. (reprtion o$ the )np"t Dt.
2. Filtering o$ mes"rements.
?. Cl%"ltion o$ (ower Or#er.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data

Dynmi% (ower Control is m#e on +C.s time slots s well s on the -DCC.
time slots6 while the !CC. $re2"en%y with ll its time slots is sent with mD.
power with no power %ontrol.

+ype o$ mes"rements<

!oth --V4L n# F"lityV4L mes"rements will ,e "se# in the e2"tion

thro"gh whi%h the neDt power or#er is %l%"lte#.
Mea)urement Sour/e
JualitEM6A BTS
poFer leGel u)e& %E t=e MSM6A MS
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D(namic MS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data

R)GINTU*< 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the minim"m time perio# ,etween two
%onse%"ti&e power or#ers. *es"re# in -3CC. perio#s /0.CA -e%on#s0 $rom
1 to ?0 -3CC. perio#s.

+he !+- is ,le to %hnges its o"tp"t power in the $orm o$ steps o$ 2 #!s
/eD< 2#!s6 C#!s6XXX. 6 mD to 1P #!s0

>hen power %ontrol is in "se the *- o"tp"t power le&el will ,e gi&en s<
(>RV"se# : min/MST3PR6*-(>R*3M0 G 2K(L
"se# 6 where (L"se# : 0 to A
n# (>RV"se# is the power "se# ,y the *- #"ring the %onne%tion
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D(namic MS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data

SSD)SU*< 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the #esire# -ignl -trength in 4L whi%h

we im to mintin "sing power %ontrol in the 4L. *es"re# in #!m

+he -- mes"re# will ,e %he%ke# ginst SSD)SU* to know i$ Down

reg"ltion in the *- power or "p reg"ltion is nee#e#

1D)SU*< 3 prmeter tht #e$ines the #esire# F"lity in 4L whi%h we im to

mintin "sing power %ontrol in the 4L. *es"re# in #t2" / 0 to Q00

+he F"lity mes"re# will ,e %he%ke# ginst 1D)SU* to know i$ Down

reg"ltion in the *- power or "p reg"ltion is nee#e#.
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D(namic MS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data

+he e2"tion "se# to %l%"lte the power or#er in the neDt -3CC. perio#
%ontins in$ormtion on SSD)SU*]--V4L
mes"re# n# 1D)SU*]F"lityV4Lmes"re#.

SSD)SU*] --V4Lmes"re# is mes"re# in #!m6 while 1D)SU*] F"lityV4Lmes"re# is mes"re# in #t2" so to ,e "se# in the
sme e2"tion some sort o$ mpping sho"l# ,e #one6

i.e. 1D)SU*]F"lityV4Lmes"re# sho"l# ,e represente# in the $orm o$ #!s s well.

JD;S6A (&tLu" 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
&B tran)formation (&B" 23 11 17 15 13 11 2 4
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D(namic MS Power Control

76 Preparation o$ T!e Input Data

SS Compen#ation

Compen#ating $or power control2

Compenste# : --V4Lmes"re# ; 2K(L"se#

Now in $"rther %l%"ltions --V4LCompenste# will ,e "se#6 where --Compenste# is the signl strength %ompenste# $or
power reg"ltions.

1ualit( Compen#ation

F"lityV4LCompenste# is %l%"lte# in the sme wy s"%h tht<

F"lityV4LCompenste# : F"lityV4Lmes"re# /in #!s0 ; 2K(L"se#

>here the F"lityV4Lmes"re# /in #!s0 is the F"lityV4Lmes"re# /0Q0 $ter trns$orming it into #!s.
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D(namic MS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#

Filtering $or ,oth -- n# F"lity is #one with eDponentil non=liner $ilters in

or#er to eliminte &ritions o$ temporry nt"re n# get prtil res"lts.
5+6 Filtering o$ SS Mea#urement#
Filtere# /k0 : ,K --V4LCompenste# /k0 ; K --V4LCompenste#/'=106 k is the -3CC. perio#.
1 , /,:1=0 re the non=liner $ilter5s %oe$$i%ients n# 89 will #e$ine the length o$ the $ilter 8L96 where e%h $ilter length 8L9
%orrespon#s to %ertin &l"e o$ 89
!"t how the length o$ the non=liner $ilter is %l%"lte#H
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D(namic MS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
5+6 Filtering o$ SS Mea#urement#
Filtere# /k0 : ,K --V4LCompenste# /k0 ; K --V4LFiltere#/'=106 k is the -3CC. perio#
,f SS<?0
#ompensated ()$ C SS<?0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = SSA;$6A
SSA;$6A = 2 43 SA##! periods
,n tis case 9up regulation is needed; and it sould be done very fast in
order to not lose te connection&
,f SS<?0
#ompensated ()$ 5 SS<?0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = SSA;$6A ,63DD$5(T7?8466 (ere,
SSA;$DA = 2 43 SA##! periods
63DD$5(T7? = 466 I66
,n tis case 9Do(n regulation is needed; and it sould be done in a smoot (ay,
coz decreasing te po(er suddenly may arm te connection&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
5-6 Filtering o$ 1ualit( Mea#urement#
(R$ F"lityV4L
Filtere# /k0 : ,K F"lityV4LCompenste# /k0 ; K F"lityV4LFiltere#/'=106
k is the -3CC. perio#
,f Huality<?0
#ompensated ()$ C Huality<?0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = JA;$6A (ere,
JSA;$6A = 4 N6 SA##! periods
,n tis case 9up regulation is needed; and it sould be done very fast in order to not
lose te connection&
,f Huality<?0
#ompensated ()$ 5Huality<?0Filtered(+>4$
ten 0 = JSA;$6A ,63DD$5(T7?8466 (ere,
JSA;$6A = 4 N6 SA##! periods
63DD$5(T7? = 466 I66
,n tis case 9Do(n regulation is needed; and it sould be done in a smoot (ay, coz
decreasing te po(er suddenly may arm te connection&
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

86 Filtering o$ Mea#urement#
Filtere#/'=10 is set initilly : SSD)SU*6 tht will le# to strt power reg"ltions imme#itely $ter the $irst &li#
mes"rement report.

3lso F"lityV4LFiltere#/'=10 is set initilly : 1D)SU*6 tht will le# to strt power reg"ltions imme#itely $ter the $irst &li#
mes"rement report.

SSD)SU*< hs &l"e rnge $rom =110 to =CQ #,m n# re%ommen#e# &l"e is

=E2 #,m

1D)SU*< hs &l"e rnge $rom 0 to Q0 #t2" n# re%ommen#e# &l"e is

Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

+ill now we $inlize# two stges $rom the lgorithm<
1. (reprtion o$ the )np"t Dt.
2. Filtering o$ mes"rements.
measured (Huality
JualitE unit) to &B
JualitE unit) to &B
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6

+his will ,e #one on three stges<

/30 Cl%"lting the two ,si% (ower Or#ers
/!0 3pplying the (ower Or#ers %onstrints
/C0 Con&ersion o$ o"tp"t #t.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5+6 Calculating t!e two "a#ic Power Order#

i : 162 n# ^1 1 _1 re prmeters to %ompenste $or the pth loss n# 2"lity.
^1 : *COMPU*R1006 _1 : 1COMPU*R1006 ^2 : 0.?6 _2 : 0.C

p"1 is %l%"lte# %%or#ing to settings o$ ^1 1 _1 / +he opertor will set the

proper &l"es $rom his point o$ &iew $or *COMPU* 1 1COMPU*0

p"2 is %l%"lte# %%or#ing to re%ommen#e# settings o$ ^2 1 _2 ,se# on

trils n# $iel# mes"rements.
i * Vi , (SSD;S6A + SSM6AFiltere&" ! Wi , (JD;S6A + JM6AFiltere&"
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D(namic MS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5+6 Calculating t!e two "a#ic Power Order#

i : 162 n# ^1 1 _1 re prmeters to %ompenste $or the pth loss n# 2"lity.

p"1 n# p"2 ,oth o$ them im to mintin the -- within the #esire# &l"e
#e$ine# %%or#ing to SSD)SU* n# to mintin the F"lity within the #esire#
&l"e #e$ine# %%or#ing to 1D)SU* ,"t e%h will %l%"lte the pth loss in
#i$$erent wy.

p"V"se# : mD /p"16p"206 mD o$ p"1 n# p"2 will ,e "se# s the #esire#

power or#er in the neDt mes"rement report %oz the mD o$ ,oth o$ them will
men lower #own reg"ltionRhigher "p reg"ltion
i * Vi , (SSD;S6A + SSM6AFiltere&" ! Wi , (JD;S6A + JM6AFiltere&"
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D(namic MS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5-6 +ppl(ing Power Order con#traint#

+he highest llowe# power or#er p"V"se# : zero6 whi%h mens keeping the
o"tp"t power t mDim"m &l"e with no power %ontrol.

+he lowest llowe# power or#er is gi&en ,y the minim"m o$ 1P #! i.e. it is not
llowe# to #e%rese the oRp power or in%rese it ,y &l"e @ 1P #!
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D(namic MS Power Control

96 Calculation o$ Power Order 5PU6
5C6 ConCer#ion o$ output data

p"V"se# will ,e interprete# into $inl $orm (LV"se# whi%h tkes &l"es
$rom 0 A

(LV"se# :)nteger/=p"V"se#R20

)42 i$ (LV"se# : ? n# Down reg"ltion $or power is re2"ire#6 then in the neDt
mes"rement report the !-C will in$orm the *- to #e%rese its %"rrent power
,y 2K (LV"se# : P #!s
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
D(namic MS Power Control

Parameter# Summar(
DEnami/ BTS 3oFer Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
SSD;S6A C110 to C47 C12 C12 &Bm
JD;S6A 0 to 76 30 30 &tLu
SSA;$6A 3 to 15 3 3 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
JA;$6A 1 to 20 3 3 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
AC?M36A 0 to 100 6 6 C
JC?M36A 0 to 100 75 75 C
63DD$5(T7? 100 to 700 200 300 C
5;@7$T6A 1 to 30 1 1 S(CC perio& (0Q42 Se/on&)"
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T&+N' ,OU
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010

GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer

3ll ?G "ser e2"ipments /4Es0 %n s"pport *"lti R3+s/R#io 3%%ess

+e%hnology0 i.e. !oth G-* n# 4*+-.

>ith $et"re G-*=4*+- %ell resele%tion n# .O $et"re n opertor %n

mke "se o$ ,oth G-* n# 4*+- systems to %omplement e%h other.

*"lti R3+ "sers %n h&e goo# %o&erge e&en in res where no 4*+-
%o&erge n# this %n ,e %%omplishe# "sing 4*+-=G-* %ell resele%tion
n# .O.

CO)3UMTS< )s !-C prmeter "se# to %ti&te the $et"re G-*=4*+-

%ell resele%tion n# .n#o&er.
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer

New %on%epts will ,e intro#"%e# to "n#erstn# how the $et"re works<

C()C. E%RNo<

Common (ilot Chnnel = Energy per %hipRNoise le&el power #ensity.

4se# s mes"re o$ the F"lity o$ the neigh,or 4*+- %ell.

C()C. R-C(<

Common (ilot Chnnel = Re%ei&e# -ignl Co#e (ower.

4se# s mes"re o$ the -- o$ the neigh,or 4*+- %ell $ter #ispre#ing.

GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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Mea#urement# on UMTS Cell#

)n or#er to ,e ,le to mke %ell resele%tion or .O to 4*+- neigh,or %ell6

the m"lti R3+ 4E sho"l# ,e ,le to mke mes"rements on this neigh,or s
well s the or#inry G-* %ells.

!"t when or t whi%h %on#itions the 4E will per$orm mes"rements on the

4*+- neigh,orsH
+his will ,e ,se# on the settings o$ the prmeters 1SI n# 1SC2

1SI2 "se# to mnge the %on#itions o$ mes"ring the 4*+- %ell in )#le *o#e.

1SC2 "se# to mnge the %on#itions o$ mes"ring the 4*+- %ell in 3%ti&e
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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Mea#urement# on UMTS Cell#

,f JSC=K, ten te ?D is allo(ed to measure te neigbor ?'"S cell only (en
te SS of te serving MS' #ell 5 >IK d/m
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
>IK d/m
>J6 d/m W
D=en to )tart mea)uring t=e neig=%or 6MTS /ell K
JS7/JSC Signal Strengt= of t=e )erGing @SM Cell
0 to 6 XBeloFX +12&Bm to +74 &Bm in )tep) of 4 &B
7 (lFaE)
2 to 14 X(%oGeX +72&Bm to +54 &Bm in )tep) of 4 &B
15 $eGer
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
5I6 GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election2

+his is %ontrolle# thro"gh set o$ prmeters<

1SI< >hi%h #e$ines t whi%h %on#itions the 4*+- %ell will ,e mes"re# in i#le
mo#e6 ,e%"se there won5t ,e ny kin# o$ %ell resele%tion witho"t per$orming

FDD1MIN< De$ines the minim"m 2"lity o$ 4*+- %ell inor#er to ,e

%n#i#te $or %ell resele%tion i.e. this %on#ition sho"l# ,e stis$ie# C()C.
E%RNo @FDD1MIN %on#ition\1
#e$"lt &l"e : B /=10 #!0

FDDRSCPMIN< De$ines the minim"m -- o$ 4*+- %ell inor#er to ,e

%n#i#te $or %ell resele%tion i.e. this %on#ition sho"l# ,e stis$ie# C()C.
R-C( @FDDRSCPMIN %on#ition\2
#e$"lt &l"e: P /=102 #!m0
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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5I6 GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election2

+his is %ontrolle# thro"gh set o$ prmeters<

FDD1OFF2 )t is the key prmeter to %ontrol the ,eh&ior o$ the %ell

resele%tion pro&i#e# tht %on#ition\1 n# %on#ition\2 re $"l$ille#.
` )$ C()C. R-C( @ RL3 /-;N0 ; FDD1OFFS $or t lest B se% %on#ition\?
then 8Cell resele%tion will o%%"r9

R*+ 5S0N62 )t is the Re%ei&e# Le&el 3&erge o$ the signl strength o$ the
ser&ing;neigh,or G-* %ells mes"re# in #!m6 &erging is m#e on t lest
B mes"rements o&er perio# o$ ?B se%on#s.

N/-2 )$ the %riteri $or inter system %ell resele%tion $rom G-* to 4*+- is
$"l$ille# then the m"lti R3+ 4E will per$orm %ell resele%tion to the 4*+- %ell
e&en i$ the %riteri $or sele%tion nother or#inry G-* %ell is $"l$ille#.
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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5II6 GSM to UMTS &andoCer2

FDDMRR2 +he m"lti R3+ 4E is in$orme# on how mny 4*+- %ells /0?0 he
sho"l# report in the mes"rement report "sing this prmeter.

4pon re%ei&ing the mes"rements $rom the m"lti R3+ 4E6 the !-C will hn#le
the G-* n# 4*+- %ells seprtely ,y $iltering o"t the 4*+- mes"rements
,e$ore the G-* lo%ting lgorithm.
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
Sending te list
and allocation
/asic Ran)ing
?rgency #ondition
Au.& Radio features
@rganizing te list
S idle "#!s X 7S?A;4
Dc8No 5 M5SA
Filtering out te ?'"S cells
Add ?'"S cells to #andidate list
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
5II6 GSM to UMTS &andoCer2

+his is %ontrolle# thro"gh set o$ prmeters<

1SC< >hi%h #e$ines t whi%h %on#itions the 4*+- %ell will ,e mes"re# in
%ti&e mo#e6 ,e%"se there won5t ,e ny kin# o$ %ell resele%tion witho"t
per$orming mes"rements.

MRS*< )t is !-C prmeter tht gi&es the minim"m threshol# $or the 2"lity
/E%RNo0 $or 4*+- neigh,or %ell in or#er to ,e ##e# to the .O %n#i#te
list6 re%ommen#e# &l"e:=E#!

IS&O*).< )t is Cell prmeter. +he per%entge o$ i#le +C.s in the ser&ing

G-* %ell will ,e %ompre# &s. IS&O*). to #e%i#e i$ the 4*+- will ,e ##e#
to the .O %n#i#te list or not.
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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5II6 GSM to UMTS &andoCer2

Con#itions tht sho"l# ,e $"l$ille# $or 4*+- %ell to ,e ##e# to the .O

%n#i#te list<
/10 No. o$ )#le +C.s
G-* -er&ingCell Y IS&O*).6 or "rgen%y %on#itions re #ete%te# in the G-* ser&ing %ell either
#"e to !F or +3
C()C. E%RNo 4*+- Neigh,or O MRS*
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
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5II6 GSM to UMTS &andoCer2

Now ll the &li# neigh,oring 4*+- %ells will ,e sorte# in or#er o$ #e%resing
C()C. E%RNo in or#er to $orm the 4*+- %n#i#te list.

!"t how the two lists6 the G-* n# 4*+- will ,e sorte#H

3ns.< this will #epen# on the "rgen%y %on#itions n# the lo# s $ollow<

N/-2 +o h&e ,ln%e ,etween the ,eh&ior in the i#le 1 %ti&e mo#es it is
re%ommen#e# to set the &l"es $or FDD1MIN /i#le0 : MRS* /%ti&e0
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
$on+6rgen/E ? Con&ition 6rgen/E ? Con&ition
$o Aoa& Aoa& $o Aoa& Aoa&
@SM li)t
6MTS li)t
@SM li)t
@SM li)t
6MTS li)t
6MTS li)t
@SM li)t
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Parameter# Summar(
GSM to UMTS Cell Re#election and &andoCer
@SM+6MTS Cell 5e)ele/tion an& ? Control 3arameter)
3arameter $ame 4alue 5ange Default 4alue 5e/ommen&e& 4alue 6nit
C?;:6MTS 0(?FF"<1(?$" 0(?FF" 1(?$" C
0 to 6(BeloF8+12&Bm t o +74&Bm"
2 to 14((%oGe8+72&Bm to +54&Bm"
15 ($eGer"
15 C C
0 to 6(BeloF8+12&Bm t o +74&Bm"
2 to 14((%oGe8+72&Bm to +54&Bm"
15 ($eGer"
15 C C
0 to 7 (+20&B< +6&B< +12&B< +2&B<
+16&B< +10&B< +14&B< +12&B"
0 (+20&B" 5(+10&B" C
FDD5SC3M7$ 0 to 15(+114 &Bm to +24 &Bm in )tep) of 2&Bm" 6(+102 &Bm" 6(+102 &Bm" C
FDDJ?FF 0 to 15 (+inf< +22&B to 22&B in )tep) of 4 &B" 2(0 &B" 0(+inf" C
FDM55 0 to 3 0 1 or 2 C
M5SA 0 to 41 C 30 (+1 &B"
7S?A;4 0 to 11 20 C T
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T&+N' ,OU
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Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

+he F"lity o$ ser&i%e mens tht how the s",s%ri,er is stis$ie# with the
o&erll ser&i%e.

+o keep the 2"lity o$ ser&i%e goo# s m"%h s possi,le6 we h&e to enhn%e

the $ollowing<
5+6 +cce##i"ilit(2 +he ,ility o$ "sers to %%ess the network.
5-6 Retaina"ilit(2 +he ,ility o$ "sers to s"%%ess$"lly %ontin"e their %onne%tions
with the network "ntil it is terminte# in norml wy.
5C6 SerCice Integrit(2 +he ,ility to keep the 2"lity o$ the ser&i%e goo# eno"gh
#"ring the %onne%tion with the network.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

'()s< 8'ey (er$ormn%e )n#i%tors9 it is generl term "se# to #e$ine the

keys or o,ser&tions thro"gh whi%h yo" %n U"#ge i$ the per$ormn%e is goo#
or not.
5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
1. (ging -"%%ess Rte
2. Rn#om 3%%ess
?. -DCC. Congestion /!lo%king0
C. +C. !lo%king
B. -DCC. Drop
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
1. +C. Drop Rte
2. .n#o&er -"%%ess Rte
5C6 SerCice Integrit( 'PI#2
?. RD2"l /Re%ei&e# -ignl F"lity0
C. -F) /-pee%h F"lity )n#i%tor0
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ Paging
On *-C le&el there is %o"nters to %o"nt<
No. o$ ttempts o$ pging to the Lo%tion 3re.
No. o$ pging response to $irst pging.
No. o$ pging response to the repete# pging.
4sing these %o"nters we %n $orm the e2"tion to %l%"lte the pging
s"%%ess rte.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ Paging
+he (ging -"%%ess rte on %ertin L3 s ppere# $rom the sttisti%s<
Paging Attempts
Paging Success Rate
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ Paging
>ht re the %"ses o$ ,# pging per$ormn%eH
)mpli%it #et%h is not "se#< prmeter 3++ is set to 8O$$9
Low -ignl -trength
Not optimize# pging strtegy
4se o$ %om,ine# !CC. mpping in high tr$$i% lo%tion res.
Lo%tion re #imensioning
4sing o$ )*-) most o$ the time inste# o$ +*-)
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
8/ Random +cce##
3 $il"re in the rn#om %%ess #oesn5t men %ll set"p $il"re ,e%"se the
*- sen#s mny rn#om %%ess ,"rsts e%h time it tries to %%ess the
+here re %o"nters to %o"nt the no. o$ %%epte# rn#om %%ess re2"ests6 n#
the no. o$ #is%r#e# re2"ests /in%remente# $or rn#om %%ess re2"ests tht
re re%ei&e# with too high +ime 3#&n%e0 thro"gh whi%h the rn#om %%ess
s"%%ess rte %n ,e %l%"lte#.
C"ses o$ low rn#om %%ess s"%%ess rte my ,e #"e to<
+oo high +ime 3#&n%e /+30
.igh )nter$eren%e
!# !-)C (lnning
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
9/ SDCC& Conge#tion
)t is the $il"re o$ %llR%onne%tion set"p #"e to high signling lo#.
+here re %o"nters to %o"nt the no. $ile# llo%tions #"e to -DCC.
%ongestion n# the no. o$ %ll ttempts thro"gh whi%h the -DCC. %ongestion
rte %n ,e %l%"lte#.
C"ses o$ high -DCC. %ongestionH +his is my ,e #"e to<
Lo%tion 3re ,or#er %ell.
.igh -*- +r$$i%.
.r#wre 3&il,ility.
No. o$ %on$ig"re# -DCC.s is low.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
;/ TC& -locking
)t is the $il"re o$ set"p %llR%onne%tion #"e to +C. %ongestion.
+here re %o"nters to %o"nt the no. o$ relese# %onne%tions on -DCC. #"e
to +C. %ongestion n# the no. o$ ssignment ttempts on +C. %hnnel
thro"gh whi%h the +C. ,lo%king rte %n ,e %l%"lte#.
C"ses o$ high +C. !lo%king my ,e #"e to<
.r#wre pro,lem.
+oo $ew +C. reso"r%es #e$ine#.
*issing neigh,or %ell #e$inition.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
;/ TC& -locking
+he +C. !lo%king s ppere# $rom the -ttisti%s
+C. !lo%king ws sol&e# $ter eDpnsion /##ing new $re2"en%y0
"#! "raffic
"#! /loc)ing
Defined "#!
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5+6 +cce##i"ilit( 'PI#2
?/ SDCC& Drop
)t is the $il"re o$ set"p %llR%onne%tion #"e to -DCC. %hnnel #rop.
N/-2 when %onne%tion is #roppe# t %ll set"p it will $$e%t the %%essi,ility '()s.
+here re %o"nters to %o"nt the no. o$ #roppe# %onne%tions on -DCC. n# the
no. o$ s"%%ess$"l *- %hnnel est,lishments on -DCC. thro"gh whi%h the
-DCC. #rop rte %n ,e %l%"lte#.
C"ses o$ high -DCC. #rop rte my ,e #"e to<
!# Co&erge.
.r#wre pro,lems.
>rong prmeters5 settings /O$$sets n# .ysteresis0.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ TC& Drop
)t is the #rop o$ the %onne%tion on the tr$$i% %hnnel whi%h ws ssigne# to the
+here re %o"nters to %o"nt the no. o$ #roppe# %onne%tions n# the initite#
%onne%tions on +C. %hnnels thro"gh whi%h the +C. #rop rte %n ,e
C"ses o$ high +C. #rop rte my ,e #"e to<
!# %o&erge.
.r#wre pro,lems.
*issing Neigh,ors.
>rong prmetersa settings.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ TC& Drop
+he +C. #rop s ppere# $rom the sttisti%s.
.igh #rop rte ws sol&e# $ter $iDing hr#wre pro,lem.
"#! "raffic
"#! Drop Rate
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ TC& Drop
+he +C. #rop resons s ppere# $rom the sttisti%s.
*in #rop reson is #"e to !F in #ownlink
/H /ot 0in)s
/H Do(nlin)
/H ?plin)
0o( SS /ot 0in)s
0o( SS Do(nlin)
0o( SS ?plin)
Sudden 0ost
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
7/ TC& Drop
+he +C. #rop resons s ppere# $rom the sttisti%s.
*in #rop reson is #"e to low -- !oth link
/H /ot 0in)s
/H Do(nlin)
/H ?plin)
0o( SS /ot 0in)s
0o( SS Do(nlin)
0o( SS ?plin)
Sudden 0ost
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5-6 Retaina"ilit( 'PI#2
8/ &andoCer Succe## Rate
+here re %o"nters to mes"re the n"m,er o$ .n#o&er ttempts $rom %ell to
%ell n# the .n#o&er s"%%ess rte.
(oor .n#o&er -"%%ess rte my ,e #"e to<
!# Fre2"en%y pln.
>rong #e$initions n# missing neigh,ors.
>rong prmeters settings.
.r#wre pro,lems.
.n#o&er $il"re #oes not men #rop %ll will o%%"r.
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5C6 SerCice Integrit( 'PI#2
7/ R4Jual
)t is o,tine# ,y &erging the !it Error Rte o&er %ertin perio# b 0.B se%
n# it is mes"re# in ,oth the Downlink n# 4plink
RD2"l tke &l"es $rom 0 /!est0 Q />orst0 n# gi&es in#i%tion $or the
2"lity o$ the r#io en&ironment.
+here re %o"nters to mes"re the no. o$ smples tht re%ei&e# with RD2"l
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

Trou"le S!ooting E 'PI# monitoring

5C6 SerCice Integrit( 'PI#2
8/ S1I 5Speec! 1ualit( Inde46
)s goo# mes"re $or the en# "ser per%ei&e# spee%h 2"lity.
+he lgorithm "se# $or %l%"ltion the -F) tkes into %%o"nt the !ER6 the
#istri,"tion o$ !ER6 the FER /Frme Ers"re Rte0 n# the %o#e% "se# /.R6
FR6 EFR0. +he o"tp"t &l"es re mes"re# on #!F s%le.
+ypi%lly6 the -F) tke &l"es $rom 0 />orst0 ?0 /!est06 on .R %onne%tion
mD:1Q#!F6 FR %onne%tion -F)mD:22#!F6 EFR %onne%tion -F)mD:?0#!F
N/-2 .R c .l$ Rte6 FR c F"ll Rte6 EFR c Enhn%e F"ll Rte
Copy Rights LEGEND Co. 2010
T&+N' ,OU

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