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Curriculum Night!
Mrs. Carscallen and
Mrs. Barreneche
Lets talk about
Daily Schedule

Common Core Standards


Readin and !ritin !orksho"


%ositi#e Disci"line
%arent &olunteers
Mrs. Carscallen
Mrs. !illiams
Mrs. Barreneche
Mrs. ()orio
Daily Schedule
Since the students o to two
classes we try to kee" the same
schedule so that it is consistent *or
Schedule is sub+ect to chane
de"endin on acti#ities
Daily Schedule
,-./01-23 Mornin !ork
1-2301-.3 Mornin Meetin
1-.304-./ Readin
4-./04-53 Snack 6(nly *ruit or
#eetables "lease78
4-5302/-53 !ritin
2/-3/022-9/ Lunch 22-93022-53
22-3/029-53 Math
29-3/02-./ Science:Social Studies
2-./09-93 S"ecials
9-./09-5/ !ra" u"
9-5/ Dismissal
Common Core Standards
The CCGPS "ro#ide a consistent *ramework to
"re"are students *or success in collee and:or the
92st century work"lace. ;hese standards
re"resent a common sense ne<t ste" *rom the
=eoria %er*ormance Standards 6=%S8.
(ur em"hasis is on mastery throuh
"er*ormance> "ro+ects and "roducts.
Frameworks are theteachin and learnin
acti#ities that hel" "romote studentsuccess as it
relates to the =eoria %er*ormance Standards.
;hey may include tasks 6acti#ities8> rubrics 6uides
used to score lessons8> and resources *or the units.
@ou can #isit www.eoriastandards.or to learn
more about Common Core and the %arents
section. ;he Aational %;A has de#elo"ed *our0
"ae "arent uides that "ro#ide an o#er#iew o*
what your child will learn by the end o* each
school year in mathematics and Bnlish Lanuae
Homework %olicy

;he "ur"ose o* homework is to rein*orce


Do not e<"ect a lot because when your

child is *ully enaed in learnin all day>
they need to rest at niht.

Remember- Homework should be *or

practice oly> not new in*ormation.
;eachers may use rubrics to assess daily "er*ormance>
assinments such as "ro+ects> re"orts> etc.
!e use sta!ar!s "ase! progress reports which we
will do twice a semester. #$cto"er% &ecem"er% 'arch%
'nstead o* a letter rade we are lookin *or "roress
and rowth o#er time
!e will use "ort*olios and rubrics but we will not ha#e
raded worksheets
Students will "artici"ate in ')P #'easure o* )ca!emic
Progress( testig three times a year.
Com"uter based
'ndi#idual Assessment
Constructi#ist ;eachin

Hands on learnin

Students create their work

Children are "art o* the "rocess

%ro+ect based learnin

;eacher is a uide
Readin and !ritin

Readin !orksho"

Start with a short "honics


Mini Lesson co#erin a

readin standard

Break o$ into centers or

inde"endent readin time

!ritin !orksho"

Mini Lesson co#erin

writin standard

inde"endent writin
Di$erentiated 'nstruction
$goig% *ormati+e assessmet, ;eachers continually assess to
identi*y students strenths and areas o* need so they can meet
students where they are and hel" them mo#e *orward.
-ecogitio o* !i+erse learers, ;he students we teach ha#e
di#erse le#els o* e<"ertise and e<"erience with readin> writin>
thinkin> "roblem sol#in> and s"eakin. (noin assessments enable
teachers to de#elo" di$erentiated lessons that meet e#ery students
Group Work, Students collaborate in "airs and small rou"s whose
membershi" chanes as needed. Learnin in rou"s enables students
to enae in meanin*ul discussions and to obser#e and learn *rom one
Pro"lem Sol+ig, ;he *ocus in classrooms that di$erentiate
instruction is on issues and conce"ts rather than Cthe bookD or the
cha"ter. ;his encouraes all students to e<"lore bi ideas and e<"and
their understandin o* key conce"ts.
Choice, ;eachers o$er students choice in their readin and writin
e<"eriences and in the tasks and "ro+ects they com"lete. By
neotiatin with students> teachers can create moti#atin assinments
that meet students di#erse needs and #aried interests.
%ositi#e Disci"line
(ur sta$ is still oin throuh
(ur main oal this semester is *or
students to bein to de#elo"
intrinsic moti#ation to make ood
choices. !hen they do not> our oal
is *or the students to ain
understandin as to why it was a
wron choice and how we as a
community can work throuh it to
make better choices ne<t time we
are *aced with that decision.
!e do not o$er "ri)es> 2
take away recess> etc.
Do not o"erate under a
"unishment:reward system
%arent &olunteer

'ystery -ea!er

Computer.'e!ia Time

Paret /elper

All in*ormation on #olunteerin

is on the ShutterEy %ae run by
our room "arents
;hank you
*or comin7

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