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Strukture u kontrastu


The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, poneki, koji, kakav
She is not a good cook. ~
Once in a while a guy has a date here. ~
If you were to say a good word to him
sometimes, it would be safer. ~
It was an informal affair like the annual
gathering of a large and happy family. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, poneki, koji, kakav
She is not a good cook. ~ Nije ona neka dobra
Once in a while a guy has a date here. ~
If you were to say a good word to him
sometimes, it would be safer. ~
It was an informal affair like the annual
gathering of a large and happy family. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, poneki, koji, kakav
She is not a good cook. ~ Nije ona neka dobra
Once in a while a guy has a date here. ~ Tu i
tamo poneki momak zakae devojci
sastanak ovde.
If you were to say a good word to him
sometimes, it would be safer. ~
It was an informal affair like the annual
gathering of a large and happy family. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, poneki, koji, kakav
She is not a good cook. ~ Nije ona neka dobra
Once in a while a guy has a date here. ~ Tu i tamo
poneki momak zakae devojci sastanak ovde.
If you were to say a good word to him sometimes, it
would be safer. ~ Kada biste sa njim ponekad
prozborili koju ljubaznu re, bilo bi sigurnije.
It was an informal affair like the annual gathering of
a large and happy family. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, poneki, koji, kakav
She is not a good cook. ~ Nije ona neka dobra
Once in a while a guy has a date here. ~ Tu i tamo
poneki momak zakae devojci sastanak ovde.
If you were to say a good word to him sometimes, it
would be safer. ~ Kada biste sa njim ponekad
prozborili koju ljubaznu re, bilo bi sigurnije.
It was an informal affair like the annual gathering of
a large and happy family. ~ To je bio neusiljen
skup slian godinjem sastanku kakve velike i
srene porodice.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Numerals jedan,

It was a bright, frosty morning. ~
He did it without a flutter of the sails. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Numerals jedan,

It was a bright, frosty morning. ~ Bilo je to
jednog svetlog, ledenog jutra.
He did it without a flutter of the sails. ~ Uinio
je to bez ijednog drhtaja jedara.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite adverbs

nekako, makar
It was a particularly beautiful book. ~
A man will help a fellow in a tight spot, if hes
got a drop of Christian blood in him. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite adverbs

nekako, makar
It was a particularly beautiful book. ~ Bila je to
nekako udesno lepa knjiga.
A man will help a fellow in a tight spot, if hes
got a drop of Christian blood in him. ~ ovek
e uvek pomoi blinjem u nevolji, ako ima
makar i kap hrianske krvi u ilama.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Indefinite adverbs

nekako, makar
It was a particularly beautiful book. ~ Bila je to
nekako udesno lepa knjiga.
A man will help a fellow in a tight spot, if hes
got a drop of Christian blood in him. ~ ovek
e uvek pomoi blinjem u nevolji, ako ima
makar i kap hrianske krvi u ilama.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Demonstrative

She lay translated again into a pale, clearer
peace. ~
I mean just that inborn quality to look
temptations straight in the face a readiness
unintellectual though. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Demonstrative

She lay translated again into a pale, clearer
peace. ~ Leala je ponovo prebaena u
onaj prozraan savreni mir.
I mean just that inborn quality to look
temptations straight in the face a readiness
unintellectual though. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Demonstrative

She lay translated again into a pale, clearer
peace. ~ Leala je ponovo prebaena u
onaj prozraan savreni mir.
I mean just that inborn quality to look
temptations straight in the face a readiness
unintellectual though. ~ Mislim upravo na onu
uroenu sposobnost da gledamo
izazovima u oi onu sklonost koja ba
nije naroito intelektualna.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Adjective

After a silence, he added a few words. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Adjective

After a silence, he added a few words. ~ Posle
kraeg utanja dodao je nekoliko rei.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Negative forms

Not a definite mistrust just uneasiness
nothing more. ~
He hadnt a penny. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Negative forms

Not a definite mistrust just uneasiness
nothing more. ~ Nikakvo odreeno
nepoverenje, samo nemir i nita vie.
He hadnt a penny. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Negative forms

Not a definite mistrust just uneasiness
nothing more. ~ Nikakvo odreeno
nepoverenje, samo nemir i nita vie.
He hadnt a penny. ~ Nije imao ni dinara.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Noun phrase

She was speaking by the book now with a
vengeance. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Noun phrase

She was speaking by the book now with a
vengeance. ~ Govorila je po propisima sada sa
odreenim prizvukom gneva.

The indefinite article a/an ~ Zero equivalent

He will give a reception tomorrow. ~

The indefinite article a/an ~ Zero equivalent

He will give a reception tomorrow. ~ On sutra
prireuje prijem.

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
The city makes no answer to such propositions.
I was sure I has seen the man somewhere. ~
Now comes the absurdity. ~
He wanted the words out beyond recall. ~

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
The city makes no answer to such propositions.
~ Ovaj grad se ne osvre na takve predloge.
I was sure I has seen the man somewhere. ~
Now comes the absurdity. ~
He wanted the words out beyond recall. ~

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
The city makes no answer to such propositions.
~ Ovaj grad se ne osvre na takve predloge.
I was sure I has seen the man somewhere. ~ Bio
sam siguran da sam tog oveka negde video.
Now comes the absurdity. ~
He wanted the words out beyond recall. ~

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
The city makes no answer to such propositions.
~ Ovaj grad se ne osvre na takve predloge.
I was sure I has seen the man somewhere. ~ Bio
sam siguran da sam tog oveka negde video.
Now comes the absurdity. ~ Sada dolazi onaj
He wanted the words out beyond recall. ~

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj, taj,

onaj, takav, toliki
The city makes no answer to such propositions. ~
Ovaj grad se ne osvre na takve predloge.
I was sure I has seen the man somewhere. ~ Bio
sam siguran da sam tog oveka negde video.
Now comes the absurdity. ~ Sada dolazi onaj
He wanted the words out beyond recall. ~ eleo je
da prevali takve rei koje vie ne bi mogao
da opovrgne.

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
With the disparity of age between them nothing
but unhappiness could come to her. ~

The definite article the ~ Demonstratives ovaj,

taj, onaj, takav, toliki
With the disparity of age between them nothing
but unhappiness could come to her. ~ Ne
moe je snai nita osim nesree zbog
tolike razlike u godinama.

The definite article the ~ Possessive

We endeavored to imagine with the senses of
the mind the material character of that awful
place. ~

The definite article the ~ Possessive

We endeavored to imagine with the senses of
the mind the material character of that awful
place. ~ Pokuali smo da ulima naeg
razuma sebi doaramo stvarni izgled tog
stranog mesta.

The definite article the ~ General determiner

The rest were under flood. ~

The definite article the ~ General determiner

The rest were under flood. ~ Sve ostalo je
unitila poplava.

The definite article the ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, kakav
At the moment she fancied she could hear the
breathing of persons within. ~
He was like the lagging finger of the barometer.

The definite article the ~ Indefinite

determiners neki, kakav
At the moment she fancied she could hear the
breathing of persons within. ~ U taj mah uini
joj se da unutra uje neko disanje.
He was like the lagging finger of the barometer.
~ Bio je kao kakva troma kazaljka barometra.

The definite article the ~ Personal pronoun

I am the youngest of the three. ~

The definite article the ~ Personal pronoun

I am the youngest of the three. ~ Ja sam
najmlaa od nas tri.

The definite article the ~ Zero equivalent

The prince is giving a ball tomorrow night. ~

The definite article the ~ Zero equivalent

The prince is giving a ball tomorrow night. ~
Princ sutra uvee prireuje bal.

Possessive determiner ~ Determiner svoj

She was about to ruin her chances of happiness.

Possessive determiner ~ Determiner svoj

She was about to ruin her chances of happiness.
~ Skoro je upropastila svoje izglede na sreu.

Possessive determiner ~ Personal pronoun

His watch stopped during his indisposition. ~
He had forgotten their existence. ~
I hope you dont mind my asking this. ~
It was in her disposition at all times to lose faith
in the reality of absent things. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Personal pronoun

His watch stopped during his indisposition. ~ Sat
mu je stao dok mu je bilo loe.
He had forgotten their existence. ~
I hope you dont mind my asking this. ~
It was in her disposition at all times to lose faith
in the reality of absent things. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Personal pronoun

His watch stopped during his indisposition. ~ Sat
mu je stao dok mu je bilo loe.
He had forgotten their existence. ~ Bio je
zaboravio da oni postoje.
I hope you dont mind my asking this. ~
It was in her disposition at all times to lose faith
in the reality of absent things. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Personal pronoun

His watch stopped during his indisposition. ~ Sat
mu je stao dok mu je bilo loe.
He had forgotten their existence. ~ Bio je
zaboravio da oni postoje.
I hope you dont mind my asking this. ~ Nadam
se da ne zamerate to (ja) ovo pitam.
It was in her disposition at all times to lose faith
in the reality of absent things. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Personal pronoun

His watch stopped during his indisposition. ~ Sat
mu je stao dok mu je bilo loe.
He had forgotten their existence. ~ Bio je zaboravio
da oni postoje.
I hope you dont mind my asking this. ~ Nadam se
da ne zamerate to (ja) ovo pitam.
It was in her disposition at all times to lose faith in
the reality of absent things. ~ Ona je oduvek bila
sklona da gubi veru u realnost odsutnih stvari.

Possessive determiner ~ se
She was obliged to make her appearance. ~
A nap a day will prolong your life. ~

Possessive determiner ~ se
She was obliged to make her appearance. ~
Morala je da se pojavi.
A nap a day will prolong your life. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Reflexive pronoun

She was obliged to make her appearance. ~
Morala je da se pojavi.
A nap a day will prolong your life. ~ Ako bude
svaki dan malo dremao, produie sebi

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~
It was his own bag. ~
He was in his own room. ~
You have a world of your own. ~
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~ On je leteo svojim
It was his own bag. ~
He was in his own room. ~
You have a world of your own. ~
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~ On je leteo svojim
It was his own bag. ~ Bila je to njegova lina
He was in his own room. ~
You have a world of your own. ~
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~ On je leteo svojim
It was his own bag. ~ Bila je to njegova lina
He was in his own room. ~ Bio je u svojoj
sopstvenoj sobi.
You have a world of your own. ~
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~ On je leteo svojim
It was his own bag. ~ Bila je to njegova lina
He was in his own room. ~ Bio je u svojoj
sopstvenoj sobi.
You have a world of your own. ~ Ti ima svoj
vlastiti svet.
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~

Possessive determiner plus intensifer ~

Possessive determiner
He flew his own plane. ~ On je leteo svojim
It was his own bag. ~ Bila je to njegova lina
He was in his own room. ~ Bio je u svojoj
sopstvenoj sobi.
You have a world of your own. ~ Ti ima svoj
vlastiti svet.
Dont quarrel with your own father! ~ Nemoj da
se svaa sa roenim ocem!

Possessive determiner ~ Zero equivalent

He wiped his sweat from his forehead. ~

Possessive determiner ~ Zero equivalent

He wiped his sweat from his forehead. ~ Obrisao
je znoj sa ela.

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
He fought to imprison within his brain some
curious dream. ~
There are some people who never understand. ~
He went for some milk. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
He fought to imprison within his brain some
curious dream. ~ Borio se da se ne prene iz
tog udnog sna.
There are some people who never understand. ~
He went for some milk. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
He fought to imprison within his brain some
curious dream. ~ Borio se da se ne prene iz
tog udnog sna.
There are some people who never understand. ~
Postoje i takvi ljudi koji nikada ne shvataju.
He went for some milk. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
He fought to imprison within his brain some
curious dream. ~ Borio se da se ne prene iz
tog udnog sna.
There are some people who never understand. ~
Postoje i takvi ljudi koji nikada ne shvataju.
He went for some milk. ~ Otiao je po malo

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
I wish I could keep some jewels for myself. ~
This he added with some apprehension. ~
The servant began his explanation in some
excitement. ~
Ive brought you some flowers. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
I wish I could keep some jewels for myself. ~
Kada bih mogla da zadrim nekoliko
dragulja za sebe.
This he added with some apprehension. ~
The servant began his explanation in some
excitement. ~
Ive brought you some flowers. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
I wish I could keep some jewels for myself. ~
Kada bih mogla da zadrim nekoliko
dragulja za sebe.
This he added with some apprehension. ~ Ovo
je dodao sa izvesnom strepnjom.
The servant began his explanation in some
excitement. ~
Ive brought you some flowers. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
I wish I could keep some jewels for myself. ~
Kada bih mogla da zadrim nekoliko
dragulja za sebe.
This he added with some apprehension. ~ Ovo
je dodao sa izvesnom strepnjom.
The servant began his explanation in some
excitement. ~ Sluga joj poe pomalo
uzbueno objanjavati.
Ive brought you some flowers. ~

Some ~ taj, takav / malo, nekoliko / izvestan /

pomalo / zero equivalent (genitive)
I wish I could keep some jewels for myself. ~ Kada
bih mogla da zadrim nekoliko dragulja za
This he added with some apprehension. ~ Ovo je
dodao sa izvesnom strepnjom.
The servant began his explanation in some
excitement. ~ Sluga joj poe pomalo uzbueno
Ive brought you some flowers. ~ Doneo sam ti

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
It is what any medical service has got to face. ~
And look out for any bills he owed. ~
Intelligence is in itself made of exaggeration,
and destroys the harmony of any face. ~
I didnt understand the meaning of any word. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
It is what any medical service has got to face.
~To je neto sa ime se svaka zdravstvena
sluba mora suoiti.
And look out for any bills he owed. ~
Intelligence is in itself made of exaggeration,
and destroys the harmony of any face. ~
I didnt understand the meaning of any word. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
It is what any medical service has got to face.
~To je neto sa ime se svaka zdravstvena
sluba mora suoiti.
And look out for any bills he owed. ~ I potraite
sve njegove neplaene raune.
Intelligence is in itself made of exaggeration,
and destroys the harmony of any face. ~
I didnt understand the meaning of any word. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj, nimalo
/ i tako
It is what any medical service has got to face. ~To je
neto sa ime se svaka zdravstvena sluba
mora suoiti.
And look out for any bills he owed. ~ I potraite
sve njegove neplaene raune.
Intelligence is in itself made of exaggeration, and
destroys the harmony of any face. ~ Inteligencija
je sama po sebi neka vrsta prekomerenosti i
unitava sklad svaijeg lica.
I didnt understand the meaning of any word. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj, nimalo
/ i tako
It is what any medical service has got to face. ~To je
neto sa ime se svaka zdravstvena sluba
mora suoiti.
And look out for any bills he owed. ~ I potraite
sve njegove neplaene raune.
Intelligence is in itself made of exaggeration, and
destroys the harmony of any face. ~ Inteligencija
je sama po sebi neka vrsta prekomerenosti i
unitava sklad svaijeg lica.
I didnt understand the meaning of any word. ~
Nisam razumeo znaenje nijedne rei.

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~
Any news? ~
Do you think youll be able to do any work in
New York? ~
The visitor asked her if she had made any
arrangements about his boxes. ~
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being
wasted. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~ Nije napravio
nikakav pokret.
Any news? ~
Do you think youll be able to do any work in
New York? ~
The visitor asked her if she had made any
arrangements about his boxes. ~
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being
wasted. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~ Nije napravio
nikakav pokret.
Any news? ~ Ima li to novo?
Do you think youll be able to do any work in
New York? ~
The visitor asked her if she had made any
arrangements about his boxes. ~
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being
wasted. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj, nimalo
/ i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~ Nije napravio
nikakav pokret.
Any news? ~ Ima li to novo?
Do you think youll be able to do any work in New
York? ~ Misli li da e bilo ta moi da uradi
u Njujorku?
The visitor asked her if she had made any
arrangements about his boxes. ~
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being
wasted. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to, bilo

ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj, nimalo / i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~ Nije napravio nikakav
Any news? ~ Ima li to novo?
Do you think youll be able to do any work in New York? ~
Misli li da e bilo ta moi da uradi u Njujorku?
The visitor asked her if she had made any arrangements
about his boxes. ~ Posetilac je upitao da li je togod
preduzela oko njegovih kofera.
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being wasted. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to, bilo

ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj, nimalo / i tako
He didnt make any movement. ~ Nije napravio nikakav
Any news? ~ Ima li to novo?
Do you think youll be able to do any work in New York? ~
Misli li da e bilo ta moi da uradi u Njujorku?
The visitor asked her if she had made any arrangements
about his boxes. ~ Posetilac je upitao da li je togod
preduzela oko njegovih kofera.
It hurt him to think of any lump of sugar being wasted. ~
Bolelo ga je da vidi da se nepotrebno baca makar i
jedna kocka eera.

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
He would have come in any case. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~ Nema
nimalo brana u kui.
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
He would have come in any case. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~ Nema
nimalo brana u kui.
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
~ Video sam mnogo/bezbroj mumija u
He would have come in any case. ~

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~ Nema
nimalo brana u kui.
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
~ Video sam mnogo/bezbroj mumija u
He would have come in any case. ~ On bi i tako

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~ Nema
nimalo brana u kui.
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
~ Video sam mnogo/bezbroj mumija u
He would have come in any case. ~ On bi i tako

Any ~ svaki, sav, svaiji / nikakav, nijedan/ to,

bilo ta, togod / jedan, mnogo, bezbroj,
nimalo / i tako
There isnt any flour in the house. ~ Nema
nimalo brana u kui.
I saw any number of mummies in the museum.
~ Video sam mnogo/bezbroj mumija u
He would have come in any case. ~ On bi i tako

Any one ~ svaki/ nijedan jedini

Any one of my English courses is interesting. ~
Age has not dimmed any one of her senses. ~

Any one ~ svaki/ nijedan jedini

Any one of my English courses is interesting. ~
Svaki od mojih engleskih kurseva je
Age has not dimmed any one of her senses. ~

Any one ~ svaki/ nijedan jedini

Any one of my English courses is interesting. ~
Svaki od mojih engleskih kurseva je
Age has not dimmed any one of her senses. ~
Godine joj nisu zamaglile nijedno jedino ulo.

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan

i drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
There was an armchair at either end of the
table. ~
On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops and steep
I dont know either of these girls. ~
High hedges screened the country on either
side. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan

i drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
There was an armchair at either end of the
table. ~ Po jedna fotelja je bila postavljena na
svakom kraju stola.
On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops and steep
I dont know either of these girls. ~
High hedges screened the country on either
side. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan

i drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
There was an armchair at either end of the
table. ~ Po jedna fotelja je bila postavljena na
svakom kraju stola.
On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops and steep
slopes. ~ Na sve strane,litice, vrhovi drvea i
strme padine.
I dont know either of these girls. ~
High hedges screened the country on either
side. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan i

drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
There was an armchair at either end of the table. ~
Po jedna fotelja je bila postavljena na svakom
kraju stola.
On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops and steep
slopes. ~ Na sve strane,litice, vrhovi drvea i
strme padine.
I dont know either of these girls. ~ Ne znam
nijednu od ovih devojaka.
High hedges screened the country on either side. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan i

drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
There was an armchair at either end of the table. ~
Po jedna fotelja je bila postavljena na svakom
kraju stola.
On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops and steep
slopes. ~ Na sve strane,litice, vrhovi drvea i
strme padine.
I dont know either of these girls. ~ Ne znam
nijednu od ovih devojaka.
High hedges screened the country on either side. ~
iva ograda je skrivala predeo sa obe strane.

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan

i drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
They had guessed before that this was an island
with the sea on either side. ~
Either manuscript was good. ~
They went on board and sat on either side of a
little table. ~
Theres trouble either way. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan

i drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
They had guessed before that this was an island
with the sea on either side. ~ Jo ranije su
pogodili da se nalaze na ostrvu
opkoljenom morem sa dve strane.
Either manuscript was good. ~
They went on board and sat on either side of a
little table. ~
Theres trouble either way. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan i

drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
They had guessed before that this was an island
with the sea on either side. ~ Jo ranije su
pogodili da se nalaze na ostrvu opkoljenom
morem sa dve strane.
Either manuscript was good. ~ I jedan i drugi
rukopis je bio dobar.
They went on board and sat on either side of a little
table. ~ Uli su u voz i seli jedan prema
drugome za jedan mali sto.
Theres trouble either way. ~

Either ~ svaki, sav / nijedan / oba, dva, i jedan i

drugi / jedan prema drugome, kako okrene
They had guessed before that this was an island
with the sea on either side. ~ Jo ranije su
pogodili da se nalaze na ostrvu opkoljenom
morem sa dve strane.
Either manuscript was good. ~ I jedan i drugi
rukopis je bio dobar.
They went on board and sat on either side of a little
table. ~ Uli su u voz i seli jedan prema
drugome za jedan mali sto.
Theres trouble either way. ~ Nevolja je kako

Anyones ~ Zero equivalent

The roses were in flower, but far too full of
insects to hold under anyones nose. ~

Anyones ~ Zero equivalent

The roses were in flower, but far too full of
insects to hold under anyones nose. ~ Rue
su se rascvetale, ali su bile prepune
insekata da bi ih mogli staviti pod nos.

Ones ~ Possessive determiner

It is a silly habit, but somehow it seems to bring
a great deal of romance into ones life. ~

Ones ~ Possessive determiner

It is a silly habit, but somehow it seems to bring
a great deal of romance into ones life. ~ To je
samo glupa navika, ali ona ipak unosi mnogo
romantinog u na ivot.

No ~ Adjectives with negative meaning /

verbal prefix ni- / prefix bezThere was no resonance in his voice. ~
There was no food on the premises. ~
There seemed to be no color in anything, except
the posters that were plastered everywhere. ~

No ~ Adjectives with negative meaning /

verbal prefix ni- / prefix bezThere was no resonance in his voice. ~ Zvunost
u njegovom glasu je bila odsutna.
There was no food on the premises. ~
There seemed to be no color in anything, except
the posters that were plastered everywhere. ~

No ~ Adjectives with negative meaning /

verbal prefix ni- / prefix bezThere was no resonance in his voice. ~ Zvunost
u njegovom glasu je bila odsutna.
There was no food on the premises. ~ U
prostorijama nije bilo hrane.
There seemed to be no color in anything, except
the posters that were plastered everywhere. ~

No ~ Adjectives with negative meaning /

verbal prefix ni- / prefix bezThere was no resonance in his voice. ~ Zvunost
u njegovom glasu je bila odsutna.
There was no food on the premises. ~ U
prostorijama nije bilo hrane.
There seemed to be no color in anything, except
the posters that were plastered everywhere. ~
Sve se inilo bezbojnim, osim onih plakata
to su svuda bili izlepljeni.

Neither ~ Niko
Neither of them remembered having seen each
other. ~

Neither ~ Niko
Neither of them remembered having seen each
other. ~ Niko od njih se nije seao da su se

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