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Created by :

Fakri Zia
Gina Fitriani
Wawan Darmaw

What is a verb ??
Verbs are verbs or verb used to indicate the presence of activity, the activity or the existence of
the subject. In a sentence, where the verb (as subject) to be there. Without verbs a series of words
have no meaning and can not be termed as a sentence.
Examples :

I play football.
We eat spaghetti.
They skip quickly


What Are Linking

Verbs ??
Linking verbs are linking verbs link the subject with
the complement that explains it, can complement noun or
adjective complement. Often used to replace to be and is
used to indicate something related to the senses (look,
sound, smell, feel, taste) or circumstances (appear, seem,
become, grow, turn, prove, remain, keep, stay, go, run).

**Linking verbs are also known as copulas or copular


Examples in


Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verbs are auxiliary verbs that form a

grammatical function or add meaning to the sentence.
Auxiliary verbs are generally used in conjunction with main
verbs and helped establish the grammatical structure of a

There are three auxiliary verbs: to be, to do, and to

have. Be, do, and have had no meaning if it stands alone
as auxiliary verbs, although once in Indonesian is generally
defined as "being", "have", "would", or "earnest".


Auxiliary verbs that are commonly used be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been. As auxiliary verbs, to be
used with the past participle to make passive sentences and with the present participle to make continuous
Examples :
- He is watching TV.
- We are teaching you about helping verbs.
- Small fish are eaten by big fish.
- He was killed in the war.
- The agencies were completing the inventories.
- He had only been trying to help.
- The house is being painted.

To Do

Auxiliary verbs that are used do, does, did. As auxiliary verbs, used to do together the main
verb form a negative sentence or questions sentence. And also used to apply pressure or avoid
repeating the main verb. Auxiliary verbs is also known as dummy operator or dummy auxiliary.
Examples :
- Do you like bananas?
- I don't feel like going out tonight.
- Where do you live?
- Don't forget to write.
- It doesn't matter if you win or lose.
- I didn't know what to do.
- What did you do with that notebook?
- He speaks faster than she does.
- I do understand.

To Have

Auxiliary verbs used are had, has, have. As auxiliary verbs, to have the main
verbs are used together to create a perfect tense.
Examples :
- I have completed my work.
- She has acted in a film.
- They had forgotten to send the letter.
- Our guests have arrived.
- Has anyone phoned?
- I hadnt seen him for fifteen years.
- Someone should have predicted these complications.


Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs or verb that
requires object (noun or pronoun) in a sentence.
These verbs describe the subject does
something to the object activity directly.

Examples of the use of

transitive verbs :

He bought a shirt.
She brushes her hair every hour.
Marina will lose the race.
They watch the movie.
He is reading a magazine.

Intransitive verbs
Intransitive verbs are verbs or verb
that does not require a direct object. In a
sentence, Intransitive verbs could be the
end of the sentence. If not, adverb or
prepositional phrase will be the end of a
sentence that serves to explain
Intransitive verbs.

Examples of the use of

intransitive verbs :

Tom fell.
They ran down the road.
She sits alone.
They will sleep in my hotel.
We are walking in the garden.

Regular Verbs
Regular verbs are verbs that form the second
(past) and third (past participle) plus the suffixed. Or if it is a verb ending with the letter 'e'
then stay plus the suffix-d alone.
Examples of regular verb:



Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are verbs that form the
second and third changed or not changed at all.
This verb does not require the addition of-ed or-d
at the end of the word.
Examples of irregular verb:



Forms of irregular verbs are

divided into three groups as
1.The verb form of the second and third did not change from the first
form, for example a bet, bid, cut, and hurt, both shape and they
also bet, bid, cut, and hurt.

2.The verb form of the second and third the same but different from the
first shape, for example a bleed, second and third forms are bled,
and cling the second and third forms is clung.

3.The verb form of the first, second form, and the form of the three are
not the same. For instance, take into shapes both took and taken
three forms, Arose both shape Arise and form three Arisen, and so

Usages of verbs
Discusses the use of the verb, which meant of course is
its use in the sentence. And sentences in the English
language can not be separated from the 'tenses' which
embodies the use of the verb based on the testimony of
time. According to its use in a sentence, the verb is
divided into 3 different groups, namely :

1. Infinitive verbs
2.Preterite Verbs
3.Past Participle

1.Infinitive verbs (Kata Kerja Asal/Kata Kerja

Bentuk I)

This verb either the 'regular / irregular' or a 'Transitive /

Intransitive' used in a sentence form a habit (Simple Present
Examples :
Linda sleep soundly.


I play a piano well.


Rini gives me much money.


I work very hard every day


Verb 1. Is the basic form of the verb in English.

The first type of verb is used when going to write a
sentence in the form of the simple present (tense is
used to describe the current activity). Examples of
its use is in the following sentence:
I usually go to campus at 5:30 am.
He always sleeps late to finish his job.

2. Preterite Verbs (Kata Kerja

Bentuk II)
Both the 'regular / irregular' and 'Transitive / Intransitive',
this second form of the verb used in the sentence specifically
the past tense (Simple Past Tense).
Examples :
My sister went to Jakarta yesterday.


Nia invited me to her party.


Rina broke my spectacles.


We arrived at school late.


Verb form 2 used to describe an event that

has occurred in the past. This verb can not be
used in the form of another sentence. So if you
are going to write down the events that
happened in the past, use the verb form of 2.
Example of use in the sentence :
They visited art museum yesterday.
She drank a glass of milk this morning

3. Past Participle (Kata Kerja

bentuk III)

This verb has two usage scope, namely in the form of the
phrase 'have' (Perfect tense) and also in the passive voice (Passive
Contoh :
He has gone home.


We have completed our assignment. (Regular/Transitive)

I am invited to come to her party


This poem was written by Rendra


Verb form 3 is not able to stand alone as the two previous

verb. This verb is used in the perfect tense (tense is used to
describe an event that is over) either the present perfect
tense and the past perfect tense. Examples of its use in a
sentence is:

I have finished my project this afternoon.

She has cleaned her room.


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