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Our movies is heavily influenced from

the movie se7en as the antagonist of
our movie will be serial killer with a
strong reason to support his crimes.
Seven used the 7 sins as their
backbone, we will be using the
Corinthians bible passage as the back
bone of the narrative.

Zodiac directed by David fincher

also influenced us with the use of
codes that the killer sends to
media, which is then used as
clues to get to the zodiac killer.
We also have a bible reference
which is left in all the crime
scenes, which is later used to get
to the killer.

The antagonist of the dark

knight has also been a big
influence to create a strong
antagonist to oppose the
protagonist. The face painting
of joker influenced us to
make the antagonist wear
face paint before he goes to

Some other honorable mentions


Martin scorress


Martins scorress direction was so

influential in shutter island as he builds
up the narrative with lots of enigmas, red
herrings and produced a plot twisting
change at the climax making the whole
film into one of the best thrillers of all
time. I liked how he leaves some clues as
the narrative progresses without making
it too obvious and made the audience to
look back at those clues at the end,
which forces the audience to watch the
film twice.

Christopher Nolan's the dark knight was

one of the top movies every made. The
antagonist of the movie, joker is one of
the best villains off al time. Our
antagonist will be similar to joker as he
will be wearing a similar type of face
paint. Moreover, the lighting used in
batman was also so influential and will be
following some of the lightings used in
the movie to create a thrilling ambience.

David flinchers se7en has also been very

influential. Our opening sequence will be
similar to the opening of se7en where
you see the antagonist making a about
his victims. The opening was shot very
effectively with the use of lighting and an
amazing discreet editing making it one of
the best opening sequence of al time.
Moreover, the antagonist of the movie
had a religious intentions, which will be
followed in our story too.

David fincher

Honorable mentions

The mask of our antagonist will be influenced from the kathakali
face paint. Kathakali is a traditional art in Indian. Its very famous
for its, rich colour paintings, facial expressions, hand gestures
and the stories adapted from the great mythologies. We will be
trying out various types of face paints similar to kathakali with
the same bright colours.

The colours used in the face will emphasize the antagonists

emotions as each colours have different connotations, for
example, black for evil, red for danger, white for peace, making
the character very complicated to know. Therefore, the
antagonist can be called an anti villain. Our opening sequence
will contain the antagonist putting on the face paint before he
goes out to murder.

The colours are also just opposed with the crimes as the colours
red, yellow black and white are primary colours which connotes
children which is contrasted with his act as it shows a childlike
colour face and his ruthless murders, which is very effective as
we dont usually see these types of villain in films.

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