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Changes in age

structure the during

20 century
Lee hensem


After reading the article, I find that extraordinary

demographic changes is caused by changes in cultural
habits and biomedical practices.
Different societies are simply different phases of this
demographic transition. The age structure of population are
determined by birth rates, death rates and net migration.
The developed countries in Europe are now have lifetime
birth rate or fewer children per woman and this maintain a
stable age structure in the population when death is low.
But there are consequences for that, the first is projected
increase in worlds population caused by less developed
societies that have not undergo same demographic
transition as developed countries.

Pengecutan dan pengenduran daripada otot pasangan

otot antagonis yang melekat pada kutikula pada
permukaan dalaman rangka luar membolehkan
berlakunya pergerakan.
Menggunakan 6 kaki pada bahagian badan yang
menyebabkan otot-otot lebih tertumpu untuk
memastikan pergerakan serangga lebih efisien dan
mudah di kawal.

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