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Pamamahala ni


Gaius Octavius was the name of the first
emperor of Rome.
He was adopted by his great-uncle Julius
Octavius was named in Caesar's will as his
adopted son and heir

Octavius was at Apollonia when the news
of Caesars death and his own inheritance
arrived. Caesars allies, rallied around
Octavian against their powerful rival Mark
Antony. But after Octavians troops
defeated Antonys army in northern Italy,
the future emperor refused an all-out
pursuit of Antony, preferring an uneasy
alliance with his rival.

Second Triumvirate
In 43 B.C. Octavian, Antony and Marcus
Aemilus Lepidus established the Second
Triumvirate, a power-sharing agreement
that divided up Romes territories among
them, with Antony given the East, Lepidus
Africa and Octavian the West.


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