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Audience profile

As I and my partner are going to be

constructing a music magazines catered for
the pop genre we will be looking into who we
will need to design the magazine for and what
the ideal magazine is for them. The audience
we will be aiming for is definitely going to be
a younger audience as they are the people
who pop artists aim for. The age range will
probably be in-between 12-18 as statistically
these are the age groups that listen to this
music genre. The audience will be pretty even
between both genders as both appreciate the
genre however, there will be a higher
concentrate of female listeners due to our
research showing more female listeners.
These will be more confident popular people
who will want the magazine to be catered to
them so we will need to make it with all of the
audience in mind. The social class these
people will fit is mainly upper middle class
who are very confident with them selves and

What audience
may look like

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