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Information Technology


What are IT?

Information technology, also known by the acronym IT, is using the computer
as a means to produce, transmit, store, acess and use many informations.

This type of technology can be used in many contexts so you can have
multiple definitions.

Areas in which IT can be divided

Hardware and components

Software and its


Telecommunication Systems

Management of information and data

Hardware- Hardware is the physical part of the computer i.e, the set of electronic
apparatuses. The word hardware can also refer to a set of coupled devices that need
some kind of computational processing.

Software- the software is the logic of the computer. Software is the manipulation,
executing instruction, redirection, and implementation of logical activities of the

Tele.S.- Telecommunication systems are interconnected systems or subsystems using

equipment in the acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control,
display, exchange, transmission, or reception of voice, and includes the used software
and hardware

M. of. And data- Management of information and data is an information system,

typically based computers, used within an organization.The WordNet describes an
information system as "a system consisting of the network of channels of
communication in an organization.

Benefits of using information

technology in companies

Information technology is one of the most important components of today's

business environment, and many organizations worldwide have used this
technology intensely, both at strategic and operational levels.

This use offers great opportunities for companies that successfully take
advantage of the benefits it provides and also offers challenges for IT
management. Companies now depend a lot on IT and it presents management

Information technology
changed our lives

Information technologies had a big impact on our lives, at cultural, social and
personal levels. They changed the way people relate with blogs, forums,
intranets, extranets and social networks, as well as accelerated the search
for knowledge, which is increasingly widespread.

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