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Music videos

Daniel jarvis
Wretch 32 ANTWI
This music video shows emotion within
it , what the artist has done is chosen to
use colours and a change in the weather
to display his emotions. The song as a
whole is about his friend who died ,
throughout the song he is reminiscing
about times with him and his friend and
he is also getting more upset. The red
which symbolises pain, anger and danger
tells us a little bit of how wretch32 felt at
the time of his friends death, the picture
below shows how wretch32 is feeling
currently the life within the rain tells us
that these are present emotions , wretch
has used pathetic fallacy to show the
audience his emotions. This video
contains a lot of symbolic imagery
which leaves a lot to the audiences
personal opinion.
Hip hop
Stormzy shutup
This video is fairly simple in terms of
techniques and conventions but, it
does contain some ensemble/chorus
work within it, this video heavily
relates to gang culture within London,
stormzy has gathered a group of
young men to stand behind him, this
ties in with themes of brother hood
and companionship also in gang
related culture there is a strong sense
of brotherhood. The ensemble parts in
the video may symbolise that
everyone is together as one, in many
hip hop/rap videos the artist may
decide to have alot of people behind
him/her to show that they have a
team of people behind them helping

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