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Evaluation Question 4

My Target Audience

When thinking of a target audience

for my magazine, I used the
Ien Ang
Imaginary Entity theory (Ien Ang
1991) which basically means
thinking of a person in your head
which represents a group of people.
My Target Audience

I imagined a young male around the age of 19 who is

a student in the city of Sheffield. He listens to music
often through services such as Spotify and likes to go
to music festivals with friends. He usually listens to
mainstream pop rock by popular bands but also likes
to listen to some other genres. The style of this
individual is usually a t-shirt, bomber jacket, and
jeans. They like to dress smart but casual and is a
trend setter.
This is the type of target audience I had in mind for
my magazine; young people (student age group) with
a passion for music.

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