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Here are some of the main features of the baby boomers

1.-WORK.- are people committed to their work and motivated to have a good
economic position. In addition, they enjoy great professional achievements. They
believe in work, the name and path.
2. INDEPENDENCE. They stand out for their security and independence. They
have the economic ability to take some luxuries.
3. TRADITIONS. They are members of large families. Appreciate spending time
with family and traditions are met; also they consider it important to educate people.
The generation of "baby boomers" generation is a conservative religious aspect,
mostly Catholics or evangelicals are, believe much in the value of the family.
Divorces were not so common in his generation as they have been in X and Y. For
many generations are admired for their moral values. A large majority of the
members of this generation are against abortion, "gay" marriage and against
domestic violence.

4. RETIREMENT. Most are retiring and looking for places and services that offer all
Professionals born between 1945 and 1960 grew at a very difficult time
marked by economic difficulties of the postwar years. Therefore most cases
did not have much time to study and had to incorporate very young to the
labor market.
This has allowed have developed a culture of effort that is highly valued by
companies. They are also very frugal in their spending and little protest on
issues such as salary or holiday period. Usually they take most of his
professional life in the same company, so they have assimilated the
philosophy values the same. They are very reluctant to change.
To date, these "baby boomers" have the highest average income of the
people of the United States. In 2004 the baby boomers in the United
Kingdom had 80% of all the wealth in the UK and bought 80% of the full
range of cars, 80% of cruises and 50% of the products of skin care.
(1954) (1954) GATES(1955) (1955)

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