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NATIONAL ANTHEM Happy Independence the flag

Emblem and sound symbol

historical review The Peruvian flag is the main symbol of
of the Homeland, it is a nationality. It symbolizes the ideals and
poetic and musical traditions of our people, their progress in
The Independence of Peru is known as the
composition that the present and the hopes for the future.
historical period in which a revolutionary
perpetuates the libertarian It reflects in its colors and folds the
process originated and consolidated the
deed of Peru Some collective soul, which is why it is owed
creation of the Republic of Peru from the
historians have affirmed that respect and veneration. The Constitution
rupture of the Viceroyalty of Peru, to
the lyrics of the anthem states that the flag has three vertical
establish itself as an independent state
have undergone changes, stripes with the colors red, white and
from the Spanish monarchy. On July 28,
and that what is sung today red. On February 25, 1825, a decree of
1821, General José de San Martin,
differs greatly from the Bolivar determined the characteristics of
commanding the Liberation Expedition of
original written lyrics by De our flag, which are maintained to this
Peru from Chile, proclaimed from Lima the
La Torre Ugarte. However, it
independence of the Peruvian State.
Subsequently, under the Protectorate of
San Martin, the first steps were taken with
the formation of a Constituent Congress.
In the final episode of the war, under the
command of Simón Bolívar, in 1824 the

It is the symbol of the sovereignty

MARTIN. THE national
holidays Perú
of the Peruvian State. It has great
expressive power and beauty. It is
also a representative emblem of
Peru. Like the flag, it was One day in the year 1820, in front
definitively established on of the Paracas Bay, General San
February 25, 1825, in a law Martin, agitated by the efforts to
promulgated by Simón Bolívar. The prepare the march of the liberating
National Coat of Arms is divided army, lay down under the shade of
into three parts: on the upper left a palm tree and fell asleep.
side is the vicuña on a light blue
background. On the upper right
Then he dreamed that he was in Name: jasmin
front of a great port. where there
side and with a white background
is the cinchona tree and below the
were large ships with flags of all mestas
nationalities. He also dreamed that
two previous ones and with a red
the sandbanks of the bay had
background, a comucopia spilling
coins. These three figures
become a town with tall and grade and
beautiful buildings where many
represent the riches that Peru
possesses in the three natural
flags were waving, but among all of
them there was one that stood out
section: 5 “B”
kingdoms, animal, vegetable and
for its beauty and color. When he
fixed his attention on it, he gave a
start and woke up.

The sea, always silent, the solitary

sands, there was nothing around
them. And when he thought about
the beautiful flag of his dream, he
saw that several PARIHUANAS were
crossing in angry flight, sea birds
with white chests and intense red
wings. The general was
enthusiastic and exclaimed:

General the Heras! See that flock

of birds going north?

"Sil," replied Las Heras, "it looks

like a flag."

-Indeed, added San Martin:

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