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Name :Khoiriyatun Nisak

Class : X Science 1
Absent : 15
Part 1
Monday Round School

On Monday, I aim to my female friend's house to do the work there.

Shortly thereafter, my male friends came to the house of my female friends to
wonder about the assignment. The day started a little late, I ask my male
friends to drive me home. She accepted with pleasure.
Journey we passed several crossroads. And in one of these avenues, there
are a couple, somewhere and nowhere. Her husband was driving the
motorcycle, which will cross the road and turn right. At the time of going to
cross, her husband suddenly stop his motorcycle, to the extent that she
bumped into her helmet. There I and my male friends, laughter-laughter in the
streets and along the way we laugh and repeat the story.
We will laugh at school, at the time we tell it and still remember the
Part 2
Watch Korean Movies

One day, my friend's house. There I was with my friend, have the intention
of doing the task together. Shortly thereafter, our task is finished. Then, my
friend invited me to go to buy food, because he was hungry. Up on where to
eat, we ordered and eating these foods.
Finish eating these foods, we rushed to my friend's house to rest. We were
there with a state of boredom and nothing exciting. I invite my friends to watch
movies at home korea. Watching movies korea that the core story, a junior
female student who had three years to students like senior men. We started
watching the film. The inside story on the role of a teacher is very ridiculous.
There we laugh because of his behavior. And there is also the atmosphere
moved, even if we were to imagine how we were were in position (in the
We watched the film exciting, because there are funny and some are sad.
And in the romance could even be true to myself, if the film happens.
Part 3
Study Tour To Yogyakarta
On the first day in Jogja, I holidays with all ninth graders in junior high. There, the
first one we visited was Malioboro. Points of street traders are piling up there and
visited by many tourists.
In Malioboro, there is a snack that we usually encounter around the house, there
are T-shirts of Jogja made by the family at home, there is also a cartoon character who
was street Malioboro. I'm with friends as they search for the road and look for the stuff
we buy. In the midst of all the hustle, I was with my friend was given a perfume
promotion. We were there the perfume offered at a bargain price, if we answer the
questions put by the seller. Once answered, the answers to our right and we bought her
perfume. Shortly thereafter, we thought that we were cheated by the traders. We
actually intention to reject the offer, so the trader does not talk much we were forced to
buy at low prices. There we realize that we are deceived by these merchants.
Afterward, all the students back to the bus to go back to the hotel. We were there to
tell about the perfume to one of us. We suggested that we think first before doing things
we have not done.
Part 4
Go Into Baths

One day, I asked my parents to go to the bath for a refreshing

because I already have conducted test saaat elementary school. Shared
bath in my bath my sister.
In the very hot baths of direct sun. At that time my face look
whiter before bathing in the ponds. After bathing in the pool plus the
heat of the sun, my face looks more black. And my mother scolded
me, as black. As a result of my face the first white to black, because of
the water. The water mixed with chlorine to be viewed by visitors
clean, clear, and natural derived from the fountain.
If going to the baths to bath my better nature, because the water
flow from the water source directly. Without mixing of chemical
Part 5
Return of the house Grandma

In my ready ready to grandma's house with my mother and

my sister. Us to grandma's house three of us, without a father
because he was busy.
On the way home grandmother, we had an accident on
Highway Labruk. On the road is indeed a place prone to accidents
because the road where alternating behind large trucks
transporting sand from Pasirian. We accidents because of the large
truck leaking oil. At the time of the accident I was with my
mother in the middle of the trail seemed to glide by itself. Even
my sister was on the bike. Luckily we all just minor injuries.
In the accident a lot of people behind us come fall. We must
be careful on the wet asphalt although it is not an oil vehicle.
Part 6
Visit to Royal Plaza Surabaya

To Surabaya, I went with the kids extracurricular Clubs Tempoe

Doeloe to visit places of historical heroes. And the return we visited
the Royal Plaza.
Arriving at the Royal Plaza, all children KTD split. There I was
with my friend looking for clothes. And I've found the dress, but my
friends have not found a dress at all until around many times. Until
my legs felt like wanted to break up and a bump because of fatigue
around the Royal Plaza to find clothes. But, my friend found her
dress in place of my newly bought clothes.
There I was quite upset to look quite old and found her dress in
the same place.

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