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Group 15

Benham, Nicolas A      
Hernandez, Ian D      
Mauser, Matthew R    
Scoughton, Jerry D

*Cover art by Matthew Mauser

Let’s delve into the story…
• The story takes place in an The Elements have been captured. It is
alternate universe. It is somewhat known that whoever controls The Elements
like ours, but a little less advanced. controls the world. The information leaks
There are different races of out that they are being held in separate
creatures that live together in dimensions. There are portals throughout
harmony. The world is controlled by the land that leads to where The Elements
a race known as The Elements. They are being held. There has been a guardian
put in place to make sure no one can rescue
are Wind, Earth, Water, Ice, Fire,
The Elements. However, the guardian wants
and Metal. The Elements keep the
The Elements released but is being forced to
world going and keep the peace. All keep them captive. The one behind this coup
beings defer to them and go to is Jaguar. Along with his trusted lackey, Niko,
them for council and to resolve Jaguar is attempting to bend the people to
disputes. They are considered the his will and control the world. Standing in
law and they keep order. The their way is Shayla and her sidekick Bastian.
Elements are timeless and have not They have found the location of the portals
been known to associate with and are now trying to outwit the guardian to
anyone outside their race. save The Elements.
*Artwork by Tika Hicks

Meet the cast

The Guardian
Bastian (The conflicted one)
(Side Kick)

(Protaganist) Jaguar
Behind the scenes (Shayla)
• Race: Human

• Height: 5’7”

• Age: 25

• Eye Color: Violet

• Hair: Black with violet streaks

• Description: Shayla is not too slim, but is a good size for her height. Her
most striking feature is her intense violet eyes. She has a tan complexion.
She likes to wear clothes that are too big for her and likes to style her hair
in very unique ways. Her favorite outfit is a pink top with faded blue pants.
She never leaves her house without putting on her charm bracelet. It has
three charms: a puppy, a rose, and a heart. She walks like she is in no
particular hurry to get anywhere. When she laughs, it reaches her eyes.
Her eyes are wide and very expressive. Her emotions show very clearly.
Behind the scenes (Shayla) cont
Shaylas’ greatest developmental impact on her value system had to
be when she was 10 years old. Her mother, Shay, was a counselor at
her grade school and was Shaylas’ role model. Her mother showed
her how important school was and the value of helping others.
There was a girl that Shayla went to school with by the name of
Berney whose parents had just gone through a rough divorce.
Berney’s grades had been slipping in class and she had been
assigned Shay as a counselor to see about helping her through this
rough patch in her life. It was through many months of counseling
that Shay was able to help Berney get through this divorce of her
It was because of this specific event which made Shayla dedicate her
life to helping others in need just like her mother.
Behind the scenes (Shayla) cont
Shayla was hanging out with her friends when one of her friends pulled out a
liquor bottle and they proceeded to drink it. When Shayla got home that
night she was pretty drunk. She stumbled into the house to find her mother
sitting on the couch waiting for her to come home. Shay explained to her
daughter the next morning how disappointed she was in her.
Shayla knew that it would take awhile before she could earn her mothers’
trust again, and didn’t drink again until her 21st birthday.

After graduating from college Shayla goes off to Ianville on a humanitarian

mission. Shayla meets Bastain one of the locals to Ianville. Bastain shows
Shayla around the village and helps her mingle with the locals. After
several months Bastain and Shayla become close friends.
The impact of Shayla’s model, Shay, she is constantly trying to help others
through her ventures in life. It’s because of Shayla’s constant need to help
others that lead her to Ianville and her friendship with Bastain. This also
led her to convince Bastain to join her in her quest to save the Elements.
Behind the scenes (Shayla) cont
Shayla iss an extreme extrovert. Because of this personality trait it makes it easy
for her to approach and recruit people towards the War cause. Shayla much
prefers groups of people than time alone to reenergize.

When the war broke out it wasn’t long before Shayla joined forces in retrieving
the Elements. If the Elements aren’t save the entire world would be lost.

Shayla weighs all the pro’s and con’s of any situation before acting on it.
Shayla’s decision to join in the war effort is a perfect example of this. It is
because of how she feels the world will turn out that she has decided to put her
effort into saving the Elements.

Shayla is a go getter. She wishes to travel the world. One of her highest pro’s to
join the war was her chance to experience something new and exciting.

Shayla tries to think through all possible decisions that come her way. She also
thinks through how those decisions might affect her and others. She only makes
educated risks that have been weighed thoroughly.
Behind the scenes (Shayla) cont
Throughout Shayla’s many adventures she has met several interesting
people and creatures. One such was the Guardian who guards the
portal. After a long discussion with the Guardian she learns that the
Guardian is in deep turmoil over its current predicament. Shayla
learns she must locate Jaguar and retrieve and return a diamond back
to the Guardian. It is because of Shaylas personality that she is able to
interact with many people and decide on the best course to tackle the
problems she faces throughout the war.

(Fast forward to Shayla at age 32)

Shay is arrested for child molestation. It has come out that Shay was
doing more than counseling the children at the school Shayla went to.
This incident has caused Shayla to reevaluate her values that she
accepted and followed that her mother had instilled in her. If not for
her mother she wouldn’t be out trying to save the world. She
wouldn’t have lost so many friends in this horrible war to save the
Behind the scenes (Shayla) cont
When Shayla found out about Shay being arrested for child molestation she
had to stop and think on what she was going to do. Shayla had to decide if
she wanted to support her mother through this crisis or if she was to
abandon her mother. She also had to decide how she wants to perceive the
individual accusing her mother. Shayla understands that due to this crisis,
she must think outside the box of possibility to determine her many
Shayla understands that whatever she decides could make a huge impact
on her life. After mulling over the pro’s and con’s of whether or not to
support her mother or to abandon her, Shayla decides that she will not
abandon her mother at this time. Shayla knows that there are more than 2
choices on whether to support her mother or not to. But at this time she
doesn’t feel enough information has come forward to allow her to make an
educated decision. Once more time has passed she will have to readdress
this choice.
Behind the scenes (Bastian)
• Race: Half elf, half dwarf

• Height: 4’1”

• Age: 23

• Eye Color: Blue

• Hair: Blond

• Description: Bastian is very stout for his size. He has pointy ears from his elf heritage. He
is fair skinned. He loves to wear boots that make him an inch or two taller than what he
really is. His favorite outfit is a light green tunic over black leggings. His hair is usually
unkempt and looks like he just rolled out of bed. He likes to carry a battleaxe around but,
to anyone’s knowledge, he has never actually used it. When he walks, he holds his head
high and puffs out his chest. Really his walk is more like a strut. He is trying to grow a
beard, but has been unsuccessful so it is more like a constant five o’clock shadow.
Behind the scenes (Bastian) cont
Bastian’s father, the dwarf, was a great warrior; he fought for a small village. Ever since Bastian’s
infancy his father talked to him about battle and how good victory was. One day a burglar
sneaked into their farm, Bastian’s father heard the noise and went to check it out, unarmed,
when Bastian’s father spotted the burglar he made a run for his house to get his axe, the burglar
heard him and chased him down. As soon as Bastian’s father reached his axe the burglar threw
a dagger at him and ran off. In Bastian’s fathers final words were so that he would keep his
battle axe but to only use it when completely necessary.

Bastian’s mother, had abandoned him and his father at Bastian’s birth, though he knows very
little about his mother his father always told Bastian about her, but while his father was always
at war, Bastian was in need of any parenting.

Bastian, always wanting to be like his father, he spent his time pretending to battle with hay
dummies and later on boasted about his victories in battle at the local pub. All through Bastian’s
life friends were hard to come by due to his pride.

Bastian took care of his father when he was ill and he did all his work for him, for example,
farming, hunting, cooking, etc. after his father got better he rewarded Bastian with a brand new
dagger. He learned from this reinforcement that helping is a good way of caring for someone.

Behind the scenes (Bastian) cont

One time Bastian used played with his dagger and killed all the chickens. His father was furious and
made him work 12 hours under the sun. He learned from this reinforcement that killing is bad unless
you are going to eat your prey.

Bastian in his childhood he spent a lot of time in the village pub boasting about his alleged adventures.
What wasn’t mentioned before was that he also was a lousy poker player. One day he saw this
strange looking humanoid walk in, he was obviously not from the village. The, for lack of a better word,
man sat down at the poker table and started playing, when Bastian caught him cheating he grabbed a
small dagger his father gave to him so he always carried it around and lunged at him but stabbed the
waitress who jumped in front of him to protect him.

(Fast forward) Bastian has reached the age of 45 and is now thinking about all his fame, all his fortune,
all the battles he has been in, was it all worth leaving the village where his family including himself
grew up in? He also questions his own happiness, all the money anyone would ever want, has it made
him happy? All the fame anyone can ever stand, has it all been worth it? Bastian had put fame and
money as a priority before but now that he reaches the middle of his life, he begins to become bored of
it all.
Behind the scenes (Bastian) cont
Battling in a surprise attack Bastian was defending his home using his father’s battle axe as
his weapon, by this time Bastian was a fully trained warrior, he knows how to use any
weapon that is put on his hand. When all of a sudden he loses grip of his axe and he is left
defenseless, he still feels this urge to engage his enemy even without a weapon and so he
goes with his instincts. Bastian found out that he was a more efficient warrior using his hands
than he was using any weapon. From then on he always went into battle with no weapons,
only body armor. He was known all around the world for his amazing skills as a warrior. One
day he had a dream of him fighting off a raid of bandits off of his village, this dream
frightened him, and so he traveled to his village to make sure that everything was in order.
Obviously when he arrived he was welcomed like a king. There he was reunited with his
mother; she had heard of his fame and decided to return to the village where he was born if
there was any chance he would return. She persuaded him to stay the night and to make
leave to his new home first thing in the morning. That very night he woke in the middle of the
night by the screams of his mother being murdered right next to him, the feeling he got when
his father was killed had returned to him. He then stood up and started fighting the bandits
off. The next morning nothing of the village was left, only a handful of villagers remained and
so he invited them to join him in rebuilding the village house by house.

Bastian must choose between leaving his village with Shayla to save the elements or to stay
in his village protecting it from enemy attacks. Bastian has chosen to leave his village to
help Shayla save the elements, Bastian figured that by saving the elements he would be
securing a good reputation when he got back to the village, and if he stayed in the village he
would be wasting his time and doing the same thing he has been doing for the past years,
which was nothing.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar)
• Race: Half jaguar, half human

• Height: 6’1”

• Age: 45

• Eye Color: Yellow

• Hair: Orange

• Description: Jaguar is an intimidating looking creature. He has the form of a human, but
the coloring of a jaguar. His skin is covered in a short fur that is orange with black spots.
His hair is cropped close and is a bright orange. His eyes are a fierce yellow color and are
slanted like a cat. He has the nose of cat as well, but his mouth is that of a human. His lips
are thin and are always set in a thin line. If he ever smiled to show his teeth, they would
be razor sharp. He walks with confidence and purpose. He strides into a room and
commands attention just by his sheer presence. It is said that he can stare down any
enemy and make them quake with fear. His favorite outfit is a long, black coat over tight
fitting black pants. He wears soft-soled shoes so no one can hear him coming.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• Born on the planet Htrae, where Jaguar lived most of his childhood in isolation as per his race
believes in self-reliance to survive. All he had to go by were teachings written in the native
tongue of Quesgarian (language of the beasts) upon the mountain tops of the Uria
mountains. The teachings taught him about how to make his way in the world with hard
work and self-efficiency. This was all in good till one day… 

• He was undergoing training around the age of 14 when he came in contact with another.
The young Quesgarian was dumbfounded at the sight of his fellow quesgarian, similar in age
they got along. Well he was struggling in his training, so he decided to let this other guy help
whose name was Ongler. Well all was going good for a while but Ongler felt himself getting
away from the teachings of self-reliance and thus felt that Jaguar’s leeching was hindering his
abilities so he tried to cut him off, well Jaguar didn’t like this, for the first time to come in
contact with someone and then to incur the harsh feeling of abandonment, he flew off the
deep end and lashed out at Ongler, well it didn’t end at all well for Ongler. For Ongler in his
struggle to fight back lost his balance and fell off of the side of the mountains. Jaguar instead
of feeling guilt he felt relieved and a sense of power. At that moment he knew what wanted,
he wanted more of this feeling of power, he wanted all of it that he could possess.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• Jaguar took in an apprentice one day; his name was Niko. He had a
humanoid lizard like body, and hissed most of his speech. Jaguar thought
that he could make a profit by having Niko’s help in his dealings. Niko
loved taking advantage of people, and one day after a sizeable job Jaguar
learned this. They both returned to the base after their job and then
Jaguar went to grab his half of the profits from Niko. Niko then said, “I
can’t believe that you trusted me, you FOOL!” At that moment, Niko
threw something at Jaguar. Once Jaguar saw that it was a bomb he tried
to avoid it, but he was severely injured. It took him several months to
recover from the injuries.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• Jaguar soon thereafter left Htrae and went to Sram, the main capital planet of the universe.
Where he was in back alleys and slums for the most part just trying to make a living at the
expense of others. His big opportunity came when a grifter saw one of his cons and realized
this guys potential. Well he was taught everything from who people were, to the statuses
and how to get what you want. But even for the grifter, Jaguar was too greedy and just
wanted more. That’s when he heard about the elements. He knew then and there what he
had to do. He had to capture the elements, now the only problem was how and when.  

• Jaguar saw this wealthy looking woman walking in the main city. He was a little curious
about her and followed her to the restaurant she was heading too. Well he started chatting
her up and using some of his suave to try to get her to invite him to dinner. It worked, very
much so, and Jaguar told her that he had a business that he wasn’t trying to develop and he
just needed a little starting cash. That’s when the lady said that she would make an
investment in him and gave him a good sum of money. Jaguar told her how to communicate
with him (the information was false of course though), and after that night Jaguar never
talked to her again. After leaving the bar, a strange old guy approached Jaguar and told him
that he had potential and did a good job at conning the woman, and he wanted Jaguar to
work for him. Jaguar accepted.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• Jaguar was at a local gathering spot, trying to hustle some others out of their cash in a few
games of Kinflax (a unique game of sleight of hand using cards, dice, and a dead rat). There
was a waitress there that caught his eye, Gentra. Jaguar thought she was beautiful, but
didn’t let her know it. She tried to initiate several conversations, just to be dismissed by
Jaguar. Jaguar did feel like for this girl, but didn’t want to show it. Then she touched him on
the shoulder and whispered in his ear, “You don’t have to worry, I won’t bite.” Then Jaguar
turned to her and looked into her eyes, then he leaned in to kiss her, and that’s when the
dice fell from his sleeve pocket. A man across the table yelled at him and lunged forward.
The guy who caught me, his name was Bastian. He yelled saying “How dare you cheat us,
you shall pay.” Then Bastian lunged at Jaguar with his knife Jaguar stood up but and tried to
move but fumble. As the man lunged forward he pulled a knife out and thrust his arm
forward trying to stab Jaguar, but Genta jumped in front of Jaguar yelling, “Stop, don’t!” And
that’s when the blade pierced Genta’s heart instead of Jaguar’s. Jaguar then ran out as fast
as he could.
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• He does not remember feeling for her or their conversation. He only remembers
playing a game and someone caught him cheating and this woman idiotically
jumped in front of him, and the guy stabbed her. Whenever he sees a girl that
looks like her, he feels warmth and guilt, yet he doesn’t know why. He felt a sort
of loss when he played Kinflax so he didn’t play as much anymore.

•  Jaguar was in the main gateway between portals and that’s when he met Alyahs
(the guardian) for the first time. Something about her was familiar and he felt this
sensation of warmth and guilt come over him. He had to talk to her and find out
all about her. He never knew why he felt like that when he saw her, but he found
out a lot more about her that will enable him to fulfill his plan to capture the five
Behind the scenes (Jaguar) cont
• Jaguar then made Alyahs create a rift with the portal to xtense, which caused the
dimension to start folding in on itself and break apart into 5 separate dimensions all
fragments of the former dimension, stuck there not able to be able to work with one
another the elements were powerless by themselves, and thus with alyahs holding them
inside the fragmented dimensions Jaguar now controlled the power that he so craved. The
sway of the elements. He is very articulate in his speech, and can make most anyone come
around to his frame of thinking. He is good at coming up with an idea and convincing
someone else that it was their idea so that they like it even if they didn’t. He can say the
worst things to you and make them sound like he just complimented you in the nicest way
possible. Pretty much he can spoon feed you a bunch of crap and make you like it.

• Jaguar, due to events that happened to him in the past he doesn’t trust many people. He
understands people very well and is very good at reading them. He can play on their
emotions to be able to influence their actions.

• He is conflicted in what actually makes him happy, he doesn’t know himself as much as he
lets on. He chooses not to let anyone close to him, because he is afraid of feeling and what
it might do to him. He thinks that if he cares then he will be become less than he is.
Behind the scene (The Guardian)
• Race: Ethereal Being

• Height: 5’4’’

• Age: 150

• Eye Color: Blue

• Hair: Blonde

• Description: The guardian is an ethereal, eternal being. She is somewhat transparent. Her
form is clear, but you can see through her at times. She wears a long flowing, white robe
that she keeps tied around her waist with a blue sash. Her long flowing blonde hair seems to
always flow around her like it is caught in the wind. Her skin is pale and almost translucent.
Her voice seems to come from everywhere at once. She is 150 years old but is eternal. She
has gentle, kind eyes that can turn to ice if she gets angry. She wears a silver necklace with
place settings for three stones. However, the middle stone is missing. The other two are
sparkling diamonds and are set on either side of the empty setting.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont
Before time was recorded there was always
an Ethereal in the world, dramatic in their
creation… born from a dying star… living
throughout the universe for an eternity.

Alyahs was different from all those before

her, being endowed with enormous amounts of
power hidden in the form of a necklace from the
Elements, three diamonds together to represent her
mind, body, and spirit, if any of which were to be
destroyed her existence would be forever gone
while unleashing the power of a cosmos

Born as an Ethereal meant she could never

be in one place in full form, taking on any form she
wanted, born as an agent to the Elements to do that
which they could not.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont

Her first taste was the extreme hatred that was prevalent between them,
most of the diplomatic talks ending poorly and fights breaking out over the
smallest of whispers. Her presence did nothing to quiet the dissent and war
broke out all over the continent. Taking a reprieve to review a way to end the
fighting she materialized on a cliff piece near a battlefield, with the fight still
going on she cried out in horror at what beset her.

The mortals doing everything they could to destroy each other

instead of resolving it peacefully, unspeakable acts happening as she cried
for the fallen, eventually the fighting subsided... the carnage burning
through her, eating at her.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont
During this time glimpses of her own kind were found on both
sides, coming through the portals spread across the world; Not sitting idly
by but participating and adding to the destruction. Her own kind feeding
off the frenzy… then she was nowhere, floating weightless.
After a few moments passed, trails of people appeared below her
all walking in one direction, she followed them for quite some time as she
thought over everything she had seen and attempted to put it all together.

Souls of the dead, beings who were stuck in purgatory with no

purpose, on the path to eternity of nothing. Much like a roadway streets
branched off, occasionally the living mix with the dead traveling in and out
of the dimensional plain.

Exploring these avenues, a presence of guilt overcame her, what

the Elements called the Ghast Door was in front of her. A portal were all
souls eventually reside in, the longer she stayed the harder it was to look
away, transfixed without purpose. Watching different times clashing and
the souls falling in to the whirlpool, it started to pull on her, tugging on her...
feeding on her essence.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont

She descended slowly, decades had passed before regaining her

senses, the abyss of eternity having nearly consumed her. What broke the
spell was a call from the Elements, a warm sensation emanating from
within, removing the coldness of the door.

Having been summoned by the Elements saved Alayhs from sure

death, however the interaction with the Ghast Door left her feeling as if she
was missing something, something she could never replace.

After talking with The elements, Alayhs travelled down to the mortal
realms. Her task is to save a lost soul, for quite some time Alayhs wandered
in villages and beer halls trying to find a reason to save the life of another,
but this day felt different. Something was tugging on her again like the
Ghast door, something unsettling that required investigation.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont
Jaguar by looks alone was an unfriendly person to be around, having a
history of disorder... just another lost cause. To meld with the populace as she
travelled she took up odd jobs around the area, one day would be keeping an
eye on sheep or like now bar tending. Watching Jaguar cheat at a simple card
game was enjoyable for a bit, when he stood up from his latest winnings
Alyahs went near him to refresh his jug.

A sudden rush overcame Alyahs as their eyes met, a feeling that filled
the void she had attained, then everything caught back up. A loud sound
occurred, dice falling out of Jaguar's pocket notably fake, his former opponent
noticed this and drew a weapon. Out of an known motive Alyahs dove in front
of the blade that would have killed Jaguar, he left the scene uncaring.

Along the avenue to the Ghast Door, Alyahs is troubled why Jaguar
had left her alone, unknowingly betrayed. The last remnant of her humanity is
lost at his lack of caring, a cold hearted demeanor overtakes her. Valuing to
never let herself to be sacrificed so worthlessly.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont
Moving closer to the Ghast door, Alyahs recalled everything about
her actions in the Second War. Obliterated the ground forces to end the
war, the general populace regards Alyahs as a "She-Devil" and someone
to not be trifled with. Local ghost stories speak of her and parents using
her actions as preventive punishment for wrongdoing, "Don't go trading
my cow for magic beans, otherwise Alyahs will come and get you."

Dealing with the trauma of the failed test by the Elements, she
retreated into the seclusion the void offered and the Ghast door gave.
Staring into the abyss of the door she reflected on what happened, how
everything culminated into all out war from her actions; then the other
Ethereal… what were they doing there, why where they helping the fight?

For years she thought of it while being pounded by guilt of not

acting, every thought enhanced by the Ghast door until the Elements
summoned her. In conversations with others she is reserved from that
ordeal, judging and always confiding in herself rather than reaching out
for help.
Behind the scenes (The Guardian) cont
Jaguar had been spotted He had taken a jewel from
traveling the portals, Alyahs went out her necklace, time stood still in her
to meet him and fix her thoughts with mind with so many thoughts
his to try and understand him. The pounding on her... to let him live
choice was hers to make whether to and risk dying and possibly
kill him for his crimes or to let him destroying the mortal realm, or to
live. She caught up to him after a bit sit back and brood to figure out a
of time passed, he was obviously way to live and keep the mortals
waiting for her thoughts raced through well.
Alyahs' head at this prospect. A year passes before another
Throwing away the feeling to person travels near her plane, this
kill him she embraced him, searching time a human. A warmth
for words to talk, but before she could surrounded the person in front of
utter a word... he did something... her by the name of Shayla.
something that hurt beyond measure.

Shayla having the idea that shattering the jewel wouldn't destroy the
mortal plane, but only a facet of Alyahs, breaking only the bond the Elements
had placed on her.
And the plot thickens…
Shayla and Bastian got came up with a plan to try to take back the crystal
from Jaguar and return it to the Guardian. Upon getting the crystal back
the Guardian would restore the dimensions and allow the Elementals to
go free.

Shayla sent Bastian to nearby cities to try to put together a rebellion

force. They managed to get a resistance of nearly 1000 men, but Jaguar
was up to his own tricks as well. Jaguar got wind of this resistance, and
started forming his own counter resistance, except Jaguar was able to do
most of it himself since he had the powers of the Elementals flowing into

The Guardian Alyahs didn’t want to keep the Elementals at bay, but had
no choice due to the leverage that Jaguar had on her. She couldn’t go on
letting this happen, so she exerted some of her spiritual energy into
Jaguar to give him memories of them that night that they shared at the
bar hoping he would feel something and stop this madness for her, but
something went horribly wrong. She couldn’t cut off her transference.
Jaguar ended up engulfing the entirety of Alyahs’ spiritual being.
The plot thickens even more…
Jaguar felt such immense power now. He did remember that night, though
harsh for him to feel that guilt, his emotions were overwhelmed by sheer
power. In those few moments that it took for this to happen, across all of the
dimensions a miraculous flash of light sprang forth originating from the soul of
Jaguar. He was now the Guardian, but he was much more. He was that who
had limitless power.

Shortly after that had happened, Shayla and her little army mounted an attack
on the main gateway where the new guardian now housed himself. The fight
did not last for long, for it was a one sided battle. Jaguar with his new powers
laid waste to the inferior rebels. Shayla determined to put an end to it lunged
from behind Jaguar with her sword. With a slight twist Jaguar escaped near
death, but incurred a hearty blow to his left shoulder, he then spun around and
delivered a devastating blow to the side of Shayla. The bones in Shayla’s side
yelled as they cracked, and Bastian in an attempt to save Shayla dove to her
side and barely pulled her away into another portal.

They knew they couldn’t defeat him right now. This was not going to be won in
a single battle, they are at war now. Bastian heard tales of a mighty power,
the Xaxthir, a demonic Djinn that will grant his summoners a single wish, but it
has consequences. For now they had to run, but soon they will venture to find
out how to summon the Djinn. Their main concern is to stop Jaguar, but the
question is, to what price will they have to pay to do so. To be continued…
Extra credit
Original Picture

Edited by Matthew Mauser

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