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a story written to be performed by actors.

Although a drama is meant to be performed, one can
also read the script, or written version, and imagine
the action
Drama was introduced to England from Europe by the
Romans, and auditoriums were constructed across the
country for this purpose.
Examples of english drama work
In the 1950s, the absurdist play Waiting for Godot
(1955) (originally En attendant Godot, 1952), by the
French resident, Irishman Samuel Beckett profoundly
affected British drama
(in Shakespeare's time, all female roles had been
played by boy
the first professional woman playwright, Aphra Behn,
author of many comedies including The Rover (1677).
Restoration comedy is famous or notorious for its
sexual explicitness, a quality encouraged by Charles II
(16601685) personally and by the rakish aristocratic
ethos of his court.
Poetry is language written with rhythm, figurative
language, imagery, sound devices and emotionally
charged language
Concrete poem
Narrative Poem
Lyric Poem
Concrete Poem is one with a shape that suggests its
subject. o The poet arranges the letters, punctuat ion,
and lines to create an image or picture, on the page.
Narrative Poem is a story told in verse. o Narrative
poems often have all the elements of short stories,
includin g characters, con flict, and plot
Lyric poem is a highly musical verse that expresses the
observation and feelings of a single speaker.
a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables
divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and
employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons,
often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons.
Japanese poems to capture the feeling.
take nature as their subject
The first haiku written in English was by Ezra Pound,
published in 1913.
Ezra pound haiku
As cool as the pale wet leaves
of lily-of-the-valley
She lay beside me in the dawn.
This separates into on as:
fu-ru-i-ke ya (5) ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7) mi-zu-no-
o-to (5)
old pond . . .
a frog leaps in
water's sound
PROSE is the ordinary form of written language.
Prose imitates the spoken language
Fiction ( Short Stories , Legend , Fairy Tales Letters ,
Folk Tales Memoirs , Novels , Short Stories , Fables ,
Non Fiction (Report, Personal Narrative, Memoirs ,
Letter , Article ,Journal , Biographies )

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