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infeksi menular seksual (ims)

dr. Amroelloh Ilyas Yusuf

Disruption in the normal vaginal
Alteration of vaginal pH
A decrease in lactobacilli
Growth of other bacteria
Cervical mucus
Endometrial fluid
Fluid from Skenes and Bartholins glands
Exfoliated squamous cells
Normal pH: 3.5 4.5 during reproductive
years; 6 8 after menopause
Bacterial Vaginosis: 15 - 50% of cases;
all ages; anaerobic bacteria and
Gardnerella vaginalis
Trichomonas: 15 - 20% of cases; 20-45
years; protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis
Candida: 33% of cases; premenopausal
women: 90% caused by Candida albicans
Yeast: oral fluconazole 150mg single
dose, or intravaginal clotrimazole,
miconazole, or terconazole.
Trichomonas: oral metronidazole 2 grams
in a single dose or 500mg bid for 7 days.
Bacterial Vaginosis: oral metronidazole
500mg bid for 7 days, or intravaginal
clindamycin cream or metronidazole gel.

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