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Leaders Eat Last

Circle of Long Term The

Summary EDSO
Safety Leader-ship Importance

Making us
Chemicals safe What is the

E- Endorphins: These give you the Runners High

D- Dopamine: These give you bursts of Euphoria

S- Serotonin: These give you the sense of pride or


O- Oxytocin: This gives you a sense of

Circle of Safety
Gives feeling of security

Builds trust and unity within the group

Very strong tool to help build leadership

Nothing can happen until 360 security is established

Long-Term Leadership
Long-Term Leadership is being a leader through any
kind of hardship and taking the reigns no matter the

Short-Term Leadership is only being a leader when

things are good for you

Being a leader doesnt mean that you leave your rank

or position, but that you are only a leader when you
are safe

Ceramic cup/ Styrofoam cup

The Importance
Remember that employees/subordinates are humans

Take care of people and they will take care of you

Dont be a leader just to be in power/ to have respect

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