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How to Measure the Depth of Rooms

in Your Urban House?

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image credits 3dman_eu - pixabay

Usually, when you talk about the size (metrics) of the
room in the house, you will only consider the extent
and height of the room only as the most easily
understood concept.

But don't you know, if there is a metric developed

by one scientist who can be used to measure the
level of access of the rooms in your home? image credits
geralt - pixabay
The metric itself was developed by a scientist in the
field of Architecture and Urban Morphology at the
University of London, named Professor Bill Hillier. As
explained on his profile page, as a director of the
Space Syntax Laboratory, Professor Bill Hillier leads a
research team focused on analyzing spatial patterns
on a building scale to a city scale.

His two books, "The Social Logic of Space" and "Space

is the Machine" explain in depth the theory he
constructed and its application in researchs
conducted by his team.
One of his famous theories that can be used to
measure the depth of a room in a building and even
in a city, called "Space Syntax".

In this approach Hillier sees the relationship between

space and man (as the user/occupant of a space)
does not refer to the relationship of the inhabitants
of space with space as a single space, but rather to
the relationship of man to space as a configuration of
several spaces simultaneously.[1]

[1] Hillier, B. (2007). Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. Space
Here, Hillier lays the theoretical foundation that the
meaning of a space which is formed from the
relationship of spaces one and another that are used
to accommodate the activities of its users.

He formulates a symbolic representation to describe

the configuration of space and the depth of space
into the access level of a space, relative to other
related spaces, when viewed from the outer space
(depth 0).
Source: Hillier, B. (2007). Space is the machine: a configurational theory of
architecture. Space Syntax.

The image above contained in Hillier's SITM book, which illustrates the
concept of space configuration and depth of space. Here, dots 2c and
3c are the root or root elements of space b and space c. Room A does
not have a symbolic representation of the configuration of space
because the space has no relation to the outer space. Here, the depth
of space 2c and 3c is 0 (depth 0) which means the outer space. The
depth of space 2a, 2b, and 3a is the depth of space 1 (depth 1) which
means the space that can be accessed directly (1) from the outer
space. Meanwhile, the depth of space 3b is at level 2, because to
reach room 3b must go through one other space that is space 3a.
When associated with the level of privacy, this theory Well, as a real example, here I am trying to describe the symbolic representation of space
in simple urban house that are commonly found in Indonesia.
and method of calculation will help you to determine
the level of access of spaces that require more

The master bedroom for example, naturally has a

deeper depth compared to living room. On the other
hand, the main bathroom needs more privacy. The
simple imaging and coding method developed by
Professor Hillier in this case will certainly help you
design the space you need.
Thank You

image credits 3dman_eu - pixabay

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