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Stephen Hawking's thesis on the expansion

of the universe collapses the Cambridge

University website

The Internet publication of Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis on the expansion of the
universe has collapsed on the website of the University of Cambridge. The document,
titled Properties of expanding universes, published by the British physicist at the age of
24, received thousand of visits until Wednesday and has become the most requested
of the center.

The visits to the doctoral thesis of Hawking come from different points of the planet,
according to has confirm the coordinator of the digital library, Andrew Corrigan, and
have surpassed the consultations to the first annotated edition of Principia de
Newton and of the first works of impression in color in Chinese. The scientist hope not
to disappoint his readers. In case this happened, he invites them to lead the
complaints and questions to the young Hawking. They will only have to travel in time
to do it.
The verbs

Her dream was to become rich and travel the
Annotate This will confirm the sincerity of your words.

Hope Hope all is well.

He is going to lead the movie.
Work I will travel all over the world

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