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CHARISMA – The “IT” Factor

Speaking With Authority Part 4

Coach Linda Hillman
Destined 2 B U Empowerment Coaching Group
Skype: coachlindahillman
Please Introduce Yourself
• What Is Public
• Quick Quiz
• Preparing The Talk
• Non Verbal
• Jump Start Your
Public Speaking
What is Public Speaking?
• All speaking is
public speaking
• Your Presentation
• Overcoming Stage
• Seeking Positive
Important for Public Speakers
• Know your material well. Be the EXPERT!
• Practice your presentation. Do a dry run and if
possible video tape it
• Establish rapport by using names or making
references that people in the audience recognize.
• Make eye contact. If you can greet one person
and have a brief conversation with that person
so you can look at them throughout your
Important for Public Speakers
• Always try to check in advance the place where
you are going to speak and the audiovisual
equipment, if any.
• Make sure you're dressed appropriately for the
audience. It’s better to be slightly overdressed
than underdressed. Try to dress one step above
your audience. (remember the silent message).
• Use Your OWN style. Don’t try to imitate
someone else.

Don’t FORGET to breathe !

Quick Quiz
• Place a number value by A and B. Which one is
more closer to you. (i.e. if A is more your
character then place a 3 and place a 2 or 1 on B
depending on how close it is to your character.)
• At the end add up all your A responses and all
your b responses.

• What does this quiz tell you about your Speaking

Preparing The Talk
• Identify the Purpose of your presentation
• Knowing your audience
• Knowing your material
• Focusing on the Big Idea
• Getting and holding the audience’s attention
• Practicing your presentation and visualizing
Preparing The Talk
• What’s the purpose?
▫ Why am I giving this talk?
▫ What do I want the audience to know or do at the
▫ How do I want the audience to feel?
Preparing The Talk
• Who’s Your Audience
▫ Will they be open to your topic?
▫ Have they heard about you or your topic before?
▫ Are they young, old, male or female or mixed?
▫ Do they have authority to make decisions?
▫ What are their needs? Can you meet their needs in
this session?
▫ Etc…
Preparing The Talk
• Do You Know Your Material
▫ Put Your Audience At Ease
▫ Preparation
 Know the facts
 Know what you are going to say
 Be able to answer questions
Preparing The Talk
• Focus on the BIG idea
▫ Must be made relevant to your audience
▫ Let each point reinforce your main idea
▫ Make sure your audience knows the value of the
information and how to benefit from it.
Preparing The Talk
• Getting and Keeping Your Audience’s Attention
▫ Start off with a captivating question or piece of
▫ Have a strong, memorable close.
▫ Don’t apologize for anything (use judgement)
▫ Be succinct
▫ Give them exciting and interesting human
experience stories
Preparing The Talk
• Getting and Keeping Your Audience’s
▫ Switch the pace every 10-15 minutes, keep them
on their toes mentally.
▫ Repetition is key. Restate your main idea over and
over again in many different ways.
▫ Use catchy phrases and have the audience repeat
▫ Association helps you connect with the audience
▫ Intensity
▫ Get the audience involved
Preparing The Talk
• Practice and Visualize
▫ Rehearse out loud what you will say
▫ Eliminate the uhs, you knows, and the ums.
▫ Read out loud and see where there may be
awkward moments
▫ Practice at least 4-5 times
▫ If you can get access to the actual location.
Preparing The Talk
• Practice and Visualize
▫ See yourself giving the speech or talk
▫ See the audience participating, asking questions
and highly engaged
▫ See the room
▫ Sit quietly in a room with your eyes closed and go
through the whole presentation in your mind
▫ See you delivering a perfect speech and the
audience giving you a standing ovation
Non-Verbal Communication
• Vocal Qualities
▫ Resonance
▫ Rhythm
▫ Speed
▫ Pitch
Non-Verbal Communication
• Vocal Qualities
▫ Volume
▫ Inflection
▫ Clarity
▫ Pauses
Non-Verbal Communication
• Pauses
▫ Sense Pause
▫ Transitional Pause
▫ Reflective Pause
▫ Dramatic Pause
Non-Verbal Communication
• Tone of Voice
▫ “In the right key, one can say anything. In the wrong
key nothing, the only delicate part is the establishment
of the key.”
George Bernard Shaw

How you say something is

JUST as important as what
you say.
Your Assignment…

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