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Periods of Concept Development.

Marwa Mahmoud
The definition of constructivism.

Its a learning which explains how people gain

knowledge and learn.
First : Sensorimotor
Fourth : Formal Stage (0_2)
Operational Stage


Third : Concrete Second : Preoperational

Operational Stage Stage (2_7)
Sensorimotor stage(0_2).

The Child begins to interact with the environment , At this stage

Behavior consists Mostly of simple motor responses to sensory
Stimuli to understand things, They can
Grasp things they can suck things.
Pre-operational Stage (2_7).

The child begins to represent the world,

Symbolically thinking about the simple
Relationship between the sensor and physical.
Concrete operational Stage (7_11).

This stage is characterised by the appropriate use of logic, child

In this stage pass the conservation tasks, but will not be able to
Think as abstractly as a child ready for algebra or something
Have to be thinking very much.
Formal Operational Stage (11_Adulthood).

This stage is characterised by logical and

abstract Thought, the adolescent can transcend
the concrete Situation and think about the

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