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Explain the anatomy,

histology and physiology

of the skin?

Kulit memiliki banyak fungsi, yang berguna dalam
menjaga homeostasis tubuh. Fungsi-fungsi tersebut
dapat dibedakan menjadi fungsi proteksi, absorpsi,
ekskresi, persepsi, pengaturan suhu tubuh
(termoregulasi), dan pembentukan vitamin D
(Djuanda, 2007). Kulit juga sebagai barier infeksi
dan memungkinkan bertahan dalam berbagai
kondisi lingkungan
1. Protection
2. Absorption
3. Excretion
4. The function of perception
5. Function of regulating body temperature
6. The function of vitamin D formation

Djuanda, A. 2005. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Indonesia.
Melanin is formed by melanocytes with
tyrosinase enzyme plays an important role in the
formation process. As a result of the action of the
tironase enzyme, thyroxine is converted to 3.4
dihydroxiferyl alanine (DOPA) and then into
dopaquinone, which is then converted, after
going through several stages of transformation
into melanin. The tyrosinase enzyme formed in
the ribosome, transferred in the rough bulb of
the rough endoplasmic reticulum, melanocytes
accumulated in vesicles formed by the golgi
White spot mechanism
invasion of Mycobacterium leprae into

DOPA is used as substrate by enzyme

Mycobacterium leprae

The formation of melanin pigment



Reference: Alya Amila Fitrie.Histologi Dari Melanosit.Fakultas Kedokteran Bagian

Histologi.Universitas Sumatera Utara

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