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Our team members:

-Farhan Ryandi Nugraha/072.07.013

-Bagas saputra/072.07.005
 Drone is one of the advanced technology in the
form of aerial vehicles as known as (Unmanned
Aerival Vehicle / UAV )

 An airplane or helicopter that can operate without

being ridden by the crew or pilot, just use a
remote to control the flying drones in the air.
1. In the military

The millitary use drone to do a variety for activities of

intelligence that is able to monitor the entire area that is
very dangerous. Then the government agencies usually
use drone to perform mapping using air.
2. In the industry

In Industry drone is commonly used for mapping is a

industrial palm oil plantations, forest industry plants, public
works, to contractors who would like to see the
development of the projects.
As the time rolling by, drone became popular because
it can be used to photograph images or selfie from a
height and can be used to record an event from the
Mapping Using Drones is an activity to get a map of
the area with the image generated by the drone
(Photogrammetry). The drones can fly low will
produce a high resolution map image (up to 5
cm/pixel).Generally, the industry that uses drones
for mapping is a industrial palm oil plantations,
forest industry plants, public works, to contractors
who would like to see the development of the
1. Solar Eagle
This drone is commonly used by the United States
military for communication and intelligence
purposes, with sources of energy from the sun.

2. Global Hawk
This drone is also commonly used by the
military, usually used for the purposes of
monitoring damage to nuclear reactors.
3. Copter
This type of drone is designed like a helicopter. Usually
with a camera for video recording and photography

4. Mini Drone
This type of drone is reserved only for toys and you can
buy this drone with a low price.
1. Make sure that you already mastered
the drone controll
2. Know the purpose of using a drone, is it
necessary or not
3. Look around you before get the drone
into the sky make sure it is safe
4. Keep your eye on the drone

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