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20 July independence



Each 20 July held a very important

date for all Colombians, which is
the day of independence, as a
festival that dates back some 207
years ago when they signed the
Act of independence in the city of
Santa Fe.

Law 60, where the commemoration of

this date was established as a civic
In this sense, of July 20, 1810 he was party and birthday of the Republic
in memory of the Colombian
people how the moment in which In effect, over the years to maintain
we sealed our dependence on the patriotic love and a sense of national
Spaniards and forged our history as unity, it became necessary to resort to
a nation. Officially, on 20 July as symbolic elements such as flags,
celebration and national holiday representative paintings, works of art,
parades, plays and plays and other
elements with In order to refresh the
memory of Colombians and update in
the presen
The celebration of
independence dates back to In this place a series of events took place,
that time, to the times when which marked the history of all
the city of Santa Fe was the Colombians and the construction of the
seat of the Viceroyalty of New national imaginary
Granada, the name with
which it is in colonial times was
called to the territories that
the Republic of Colombia and
the neighboring countries of
Venezuela and Ecuador
 on July 20, 1810 marked the beginning of a historic milestone for the
Colombian nation, identifying themselves as the anniversary of
independence and the birth of a sovereign and independent, people as
well as the turning point from which is was built the National history.

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