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By Fifi komaira


 The opening of chapter 8 is very strong in the way that the sentences have been structured. It
starts off, "The good weather holds. It's almost like June, when we would get out our sundresses
and our sandals and go for an ice cream." Here she mixes the past and present tense where she
refers back to the time she remembers in what memories she has of the sunny weather. Atwood
then adds "There are three new bodies on the wall." this gives off a sense of an oxymoron as
the imagery of the "sunny" weather is mixed with the sight of "three bodies". She goes on to
describe the colours which the priest wears. The colour black connotes death and destruction.
She describes the "funeral". She describes how the  Econowives are seen to be mourning. This
suggests that econowives could have close relations to other econowives as they are all going
threw the same situation so they all confide in each other. However there feelings towards the
handmaids are also shown. The handmaid respect them however Offred describes the reaction of
the econowives, "Beneath her veil the first one scolded at us. One of the others turns aside, spits
on the side-walk." The word "scolded" connotes how the wives reacted to the handmaids. The
description of their facial expressions show a sign of jealousy and hate. The other wife "spits"
which shows they have no respect to the handmaids and show how they are also treated like they
are worth nothing, as spitting is a sign of degrading someone. The verb spit also connotes an
obnoxious and spiteful view on the wives.
 We are introduced to the character Nick. He is seen to be trying to talk to Offred however she explains she
doesnt respond which shows she knows her boundaries and what she can and cannot do.  She refers back
to a memory of what her Aunt Lydia told her, "God made them that way, but god did not make you that
way." The noun "God" is used in a powerful way as she says that as god made men like that, they are
allowed to behave in a certain way, however women were created differently so should respect God by
doing what they were created for. Aunt Lydia has manipulated this sentence to try and suggest that they
should follow what there job intends. We also see that what her Aunt has told her has remained in her
memory which shows how Offred could be scared of what could happen if she didn't follow the rules. 
 Chapter Nine opens with a short sentence, “MY room, then.” The word ‘my’ is in capitals which
emphasises the word which show the readers that her room is of importance to her as its her own private
place. This chapter is mostly written in first person. Offred goes on to say, “I'm waiting, in my room,
which right now is a waiting room. When i go to bed it’s a bedroom.” This sentence refers back to the
section name, “waiting room”. Atwood has used punctuation in this sentence to show where Offred pauses
and adds more information for the readers. When she says, “ i’m waiting, in my room” this sentence
shows how the character of Offred feels nervous in her room as the word “waiting” connotes a sense of
being nervous or scared. She then adds on “in my room” which produces a oxymoron as being in your
own room would produce a calm and relaxed feeling however in Offreds case this is the opposite.
 In chapter 10 Offred takes us back to a memory. In this she describes the relationship between her and
Moira. The readers can see a difference in speech as it becomes more informal and also includes slang
which shows us how old she could be in this memory. When she describes the clothes she then uses the
word, “Tarts”. This use of slang shows the readers that she could have been a young teenager in this
memory as more slang is being used in this section. She also says, “Bras that push your tits up.” Even
though its written in first person and not in speech quotations, it also puts the readers in Offreds place and
gives the readers an idea of the age and relationship between the two as they felt comfortable enough
around each other to talk in an informal and open way.

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