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Codes and Conventions

Codes: systems of signs, put together (usually in

a sequence) to create meaning

Conventions: habits or long accepted ways of

doing things…through repeated experiences,
audiences become familiar with these
Types of Codes

 Technical Codes:
Camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting, exposure and

 Symbolic Codes
Objects, setting, body language, clothing and color

 Written Codes
Headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style
The Languages of TV & Film

 Camera
 Lights
 Sound
 Editing
 Setting
 Costume
 Actor expressions
Media Examples

 Family films
-plot involves relationships and family conflicts
-setting usually in living room or kitchen
-no serious violence or bad language
-usually a lesson to be learned
-usually a happy ending
Freaky Friday (Disney)
Credit Card
What can we surmise
from this image?

To Kill A Mockingbird

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