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How To Make a Good

1. ROYKHA SEPTIANA F. (1203151053)
2. RETNO HADI P. (1203151054)
3. DINA MAULINA (1203151055)
4. AISYAH ULINNUHA B. (1203151057)
5. AHSANU TAQWIM R. (1203151060)
Preparation before presentation

1. Plan your presentation carefully

2. fit your content within the time limit.

3. time managing including :
 giving time for examples and illustrations of your points
 giving time for an introduction, conclusion and questions or
4. Dry Run
5. Practice
Content of slideshow
 The first slide sets the tone for the entire presentation
 Make your title slide interesting and descriptive.
 Use the 7 X 7 rule on slides
- no more than seven words a line.
- no more than seven lines a slide.
 Do not put more than two graphics on a slide.
 Use a strong color contrast between background and text
 Use a font large enough
 Use system fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Impact
 End the slide show with a blank slide
How to behave
1. Make good eye contact
2. Move away from podium
3. Managing Time
4. Be sensitive to audience
5. Confidence
6. Keep it smile
7. Using good body language
How to speak
1. Using effective words
2. Don’t Read From Your Slides
3. Speak Clearly
4. Each member of the group must speak during the presentation
Thank You …

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