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hello, a this moment we will talk about biodigesters, a form of clean energy that can help us
change the lives of many people.
The biodigesters are the comoulacion of animal excreta in resipient where together with the water
are able to react to chemically form gas, this type of gas is not contaminated and its structure as
operation is very low cost.
This type of ideas are very good in fields where there is animal excreta in garan amount because it
should be noted that this is the raw material of that element.
its operation or production is reflected from 3 months where it begins to regulate, and this gas is
used mainly for cooking where the polluting gases are minimal, or many times with the
implementation of turbines generates electricity.
Classes of biodigesters:
 Batch flow biodigesters
 -Semi-continuous flow biodigesters
 -Fixed dome (Chinese).
 -Of mobile or floating dome (Hindu).
 -Sausage, tubular, Taiwan, CIPAV or low-cost family biodigesters.
 Continuous flow biodigesters
 Sausage biodigesters, Taiwan, CIPAV or low cost family biodigesters
Design of biodigesters
The biodigesters have to be designed according to their purpose, to the
disposition of livestock and type, and to the temperature at which they will
work. A biodigester can be designed to eliminate all the manure produced in
a pig farm, or as basic sanitation tools in a school. Another objective would
be to provide five hours of combustion in a kitchen to a family, for which we
already know that 20 kilos of fresh manure are required daily. As mentioned
above, the liquid fertilizer obtained is very precious, and a biodigester
designed for this purpose must allow the raw material to be longer inside the
hermetic chamber as well as reduce the mixing with water to 1: 3.

The ambient temperature at which the biodigester will work indicates the
retention time necessary for bacteria to digest matter. In environments of 30
° C it takes about 10 days, at 20 ° C about 25 and in altiplano, with
greenhouse, the working temperature is about 10 ° C on average, and 55
days of retention time are required. This is why, for the same quantity of
incoming raw material, a volume five times greater is required for the
hermetic chamber in the altiplano than in the tropics
Countries with greater production of biogas
Below the list of countries
1. Germany - 3,594 MW
2. United Kingdom - 1,425 MW
3. United States - 1,047 MW
4. Italy - 477 MW
5. Australia - 427 MW
6. Spain - 194 MW
7. The Netherlands - 130 MW
8. France - 120MW
9. Canada - 117 MW
10. Sweden - 64 MW

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