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Clinical history of the patient

Write and underline prepositions

and translate each phrase into Spanish.
1.- It is important to gather as much information
on your family's medical history as you can.
2.- If a new doctor takes over the case, he may
need to review the patient's past history.
3.- The doctor will perform a physical exam and
ask questions about the patient's medical history.
4.- Individual workers shall, at their request, have
access to their own personal health records.
5.- Physical therapy (to improve and maintain
muscle and joint function).
6.- Signed an agreement with the college of
physiotherapy for the half marathon.
7.- The Sports Council Reaches Agreement with
4 Torreon physiotherapy clinics for the half marathon.
8.- Massage is one of the oldest forms of
treatment and represents an important integral
part of physical therapy.
9.- Symptoms may be treated with exercise or
physical therapy.
10.- Some people need physical therapy after their
skin graft.

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