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STRESS…Relieve it believe it

Stress is a common thing that many people are

effected by on a daily basis. Men, women,
children, people of all age groups undergo
stress. Relief form stress comes in all shapes
and sizes just like stress itself.

Louis Reid
Stress …the way it is
Stress is caused by a multitude of things. The dog in
the back yard, the big test coming up, fighting with
everyone. Many things get to us and we feel it
through “stress”.
 Stress is your body telling you that you feel
threatened, or upset. Your bodies balance is off.
Your body is protecting you, helping keep alert
and aware. Also helping you rise to meet a
challenge you may be facing.
Social problems
 Life at home causes stress. If at home in a
stressful environment then you will be in
constant agony. At work your feeling the work
build up. Your “stressing” about the work
Physical problems
 Your feeling the lack of sleep you get at night.
The broken arm is putting your “stress” level
Stress affects the men around us.
 Men are human. Like us human we under go
“stress”. Men may feel this “stress” in a
different way from others. Men get stress from
different triggers around them, because the
environment projects its self differently in there
Men feel it too.
 A mans brain acts differently when under
stress. In a man he feels the stress and his brain
decreases it functions and places more thought
with the situation at hand.
Presenting its self in men
 A mans symptoms to stress may be different
then a female, or child. A man might under go
high blood pressure, anger problems, decrease
in interests that they normally would be
excited about.
Techniques used by men to relieve it
 Men may experience stress differently and
naturally relieves it differently. Each man will
have a different way to relieve there stress their
under. Some simple ways that men use are
anger relief through physical activity, combat.
Other means may be sports, watching and
participating in them.
Women are under stress
 A women will feel stress just as a man or child
would. Women get stressed out. A stressful
situation will arise in any woman's life at any
Stress in their lives
 Women experience stress everyday in different
ways and significance. Women may receive
news, or gossip that they are not prepared for
and they feel emotions, or “stress”.
Women are special
 Women face stress just as everyone else .The
stress women face are unique to them because
they are women. Different emotions flow
through a women’s body when they are under
a load of stress.
Women let it out
 Women relieve their stress through there
words and actions. A women might partake in
the activity of martial art, yoga, running,
bicycling, swimming, etc. Also a women could
possibly go to the to a friend or a person they
could express their emotions to.
Children in stress
 Stress affects children also. A child may
experience the stress in a different way from a
older person, but that does not mean they do
not experience it.
A child's stress occurs
 Children cope with the stresses of everyday life
just like the rest of us. They experience it in the
home, in school, with friends, there are many
reasons why a child would be under the
impacts of stress.
Children symptoms
 A childes body tells the child when he or she is
challenging stress. Nervousness, trouble
paying attention, stomach aches, are all
symptoms of a child facing stress.
The relief
 Children should be taught proper stress
relieving activities. Some activities a child can
do is proper breathing, drawing pictures,
outdoor activities, etc.
 Kennard, From Jerry. "Recognizing Stress for Men." Men's Health - Health and Fitness Information for
Men. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. <>.

 Printing, By. "Effective Stress Relief for Men." Health Guidance - Free Health Articles. Web. 15 Oct. 2010.

 Scott, By Elizabeth. "Causes of Stress." Stress Management - Stress Information and Resources from Web. 15 Oct. 2010.

 Scott, By Elizabeth. "Stress In Women - Women's Stress and Stress Relief." Stress Management - Stress
Information and Resources from Web. 15 Oct. 2010.

 Scott, By Elizabeth. "Stress Management for Kids - Do Children Need Stress Management? - Raising
Happy Children." Stress Management - Stress Information and Resources from Web. 15 Oct.
2010. <>.

 "Understanding Stress: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Effects." Understand, Prevent and
Resolve Life's Challenges. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. <>.

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