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Module 1- Types of Writing

Readings: Cape Communication Studies (McDermott) pg 46-52; 74-83

Writings in English (Section 3) Chps 8-11

Watch and listen carefully to the audio visual


1. State the main difference between all four clips.

2. Can you name the type of writing that each clip would fall
Types of writing (Discourse) …what you need
to know

What is ‘Discourse’
How to identify and write the ‘main idea‘
How to identify the writer’s ‘purpose’
How to comment on language strategies and organizational
techniques used in each discourse
How to identify the writer’s tone
How to evaluate information for validity and reliability
What is Discourse?

Every and any act of written or spoken

communication is called discourse.
Identifying writer’s purpose

All authors write for a reason. The reason an author writes

something is called the author's purpose. When you figure out why
a passage was written, you are identifying the author's
purpose. Authors write for one of four reasons, to:


Four Types Discourse

Expository (manual, recipe)

Descriptive (artistic/ aesthetically appealing to the


Narrative (creative, fiction/ non-fiction)

Persuasive (arguments, advertisements )

Other forms: Reflective (journal entry/ poetry), Academic

(essays, reports)
Language strategies and Organisational
techniques used in Discourse
The main purpose of exposition is to define, inform, teach or explain a concept. As such,
the expectation of expository writing is for it to be objective, precise and neutral (free from
bias and prejudice). For example:

6 Ways To Get 6 pack Abs

• Rule 1 Eat Enough Protein.

(Protein will help you build lean muscle as well as burn body fat)
• Rule 2 Eat Post-Workout Carbs. ...
• Rule 3 Eat Healthy Fats. ...
• Rule 4 Focus On Your Diet. ...
• Rule 5 Stop Doing Thousands Of Crunches. ...
• Rule 6 Use Smarter Cardio Methods.
Language strategies Organisational techniques
 Use of factual information  Problem/ solution
 Use of evidence  Cause and effect
 Examples  Illustrations
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Statistics
 Chronological Sequencing
 Analogies
 Division and classification
 Explanations  Comparison and contrast
 Elaboration  Inductive and deductive reasoning
 Definitions  Short or long paragraphs
 Diction (jargons, complex terms)  Simple or complex sentences
 Technical language  Transitional words
The main purpose of this type of writing is to convince or influence readers to accept a
particular point of view. Persuasive writing does this by mainly appealing to
readers' emotions. For example:
Language strategies Organisational techniques

 Repetitions Comparison and contrast

 Examples repetition
 Opinions Variation in sentence structures
 Rhetorical questions and Paragraph length
 Loaded words Order of importance
 Anecdotes Intro, body, conclusion
 Exaggerations Simple or complex language
 Factual statements
 statistics
• The main purpose of this type of discourse is to describe/ paint a picture/ show a
person or setting, thought to be unfamiliar, to the audience. For example:
Nestled between the rocky, forested cliffs in Port Antonio,

Jamaica, Frenchman’s Cove is the ultimate tropical oasis.

The cove’s beach has some of the most pristine white sand,

where some of the bluest water breaks in salty, gentle waves.

A small tributary of the region’s biggest river finishes on one

side of the cove, mixing fresh and salt water into a refreshing,

luxurious natural pool. If one day isn’t enough in the beautiful

place, the property has a hotel with wonderful cliff-side villas available for rent.

Language strategies Organisational techniques

Adjectives and adverbs Spatial ordering
Order of importance
Figurative and literary devices
Chronological ordering
(metaphor, simile)
Variety of sentence structures
Specific words to convey Time sequence
mood, tone and atmosphere
Vantage point
Imagery Camera lens technique
Sensory details Short sentences
The main purpose and distinguishing factor of this writing is to relate/share/recall an experience
in a given time sequence. For example-

The first thing Tory did when she arrived in the beautiful island of Jamaica was to take a dip
in the beautiful azure ocean of the North Coast. Afterwards, she went to the infamous jerk
restaurant, 'Scotchies', for some delicious jerk chicken, festival and roast corn. She then
ordered two glasses of refreshing red stripe beer, which she savoured as she rocked to the
irie music floating in the island breeze. As the sun was about to set, she contacted a reliable
tour company and went for a relaxing drive along the sea coast culminating in a tour of the
alluring fern gully which covered with miles of the most gorgeous indigenous ferns.
Language strategies Organisational techniques

Characterization Flashback
Use of dialogue Foreshadow
Plot development (conflict, climax) Clincher statement
Descriptive details Suspense
Use of language Stream of consciousness
Plot within a plot
Writer’s tone

• Acerbic: harsh or severe as of temper or expression

• Admonishing: cautioning
• Apathetic: having or showing little or no emotion
• Blithe: joyous, merry
• Critical: inclined to find fault
• Curt: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner
• Concerned: interested or affected/ troubled
• Cynical: scornful of the motives or virtues of others
• Didactic: intended for instruction
• Elated: very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits
Organising Skills (speaking and writing)

(a) Introduction, body and conclusion.

(b) Focus and emphasis (that is, defining scope; streamlining; placing and
keeping central ideas in the foreground; and highlighting).
(c) connectives (linkages within and between paragraphs [for example, the
use of transitional words such as ‘although’, ‘therefore’, and ‘however’;
and variation of sentence structure to achieve coherence]).
(d) Formatting (selecting and using particular styles of arrangement
correctly, for example, appropriate headings and sequences of headings
for a short informal report).
(e) Revising and editing drafts (via conferencing, peer-evaluation, self-

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