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1. Bayi lahir mati Kode
(a) Prematur (a) Q05.9
(b) Spina Bifida (b) P07.3
( c) Insufisiensi Placenta ( c) P02.2
(d) - (d)
Vol 3. h. 456
Prematurity NEC (less than…) P07.3
Vol. 3 h.503
Spina Bifida (aperta) Q05.9
Vol 3. h. 317
- Placental (mother) O36.5
- - affecting fetus or newborn P02.2

2. Bayi lahir hidup, meninggal hr ke-2 Kode

(a) Asfiksia berat (a) Q03.9
(b) - (b) P21.0
(c ) Persalinan macet (c ) P03.1
(d) Pre-eklamsia berat (d) P00.0
Vol 3 h. 271
Hydrocephalus (acq) (ext)()() G91.9
- Causing disproportion O33.6
- - with obstructed labour O66.3
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1
- Congenital (ext)(int) Q03.9

Vol 3 h. 61
Asphyxia , .. R09.0
- Antenatal ( see also distress, …) P20.9
- Fetal (see also distress…) P20.9
- Newborn P21.9
- - severe P21.0
Vol 3 h. 327
Labor (see also delivery)
- Abnormal
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6
- Obstructed O66.9
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1
Vol. 3, h. 451
- Affecting fetus or . P00.0
- Severe O14.1
3. Bayi meninggal hari ke-5 Kode
(a) BBL 1900 gr (BBLR) (a)P07.1
(b) Prematur (b)P07.3,
Anoksia intrauterin P20.9
(c ) Pre-eklamsia berat (c ) P00.0
(d) - (d) -
Vol 3 h. 72
- Weight
- - Low (between 1000 and 2499gr) P07.1
4. Bayi lahir mati Kode
(a) asfiksia intra uterine (a)
BBLR (1500g)
perdarahan antepartum
(b) - (b)
(c ) Placenta previa totalis (c )
(d) - (d)
(e) sectio caesar (e)
5. Bayi Lahir Mati Kode
(a) Anoksia intrauterin (a) Q72.9
(b) Omphalocele (b) P20.9
(c ) Varicella pd kehamilan (c ) P00.2
(d) Vakum ekstraksi (d) P03.3
Vol 3 h. 416
Omphalocele Q72.9
Vol 3 h. 149
- Vacum extractor
- - affecting fetus P03.3
Vol 3 h. 350
Maternal condition, affecting fetus or
- Infectious and parasitic diseases
(conditions in A00-B99, …..) P00.2

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