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1 Diagnosa Nenek usia 60 tahun terkena luka bakar akibat erupsi gunung
merapi saat sedang bekerja bercocok tanam di lereng gunung
BTM A 60-year-old grandmother suffered burns due to the eruption of
Mount Merapi while working farming on the slopes of Mount
LeadTerm Volcanic eruption
Identasi -
ICD 10 VOL 3 X35.-
ICD 10 VOL 1 X35.82
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition X35.82
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

195040- Yolanda Saputri

2 Diagnosa Seorang begal ditembak kakinya oleh petugas kepolisian karena
melarikan diri saat akan ditangkap
BTM A thug was shot in the leg by a police officer for running away
while being arrested
LeadTerm Shooting
Identasi -legal
ICD 10 VOL 3 Y35.0
ICD 10 VOL 1 Y35.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition Y35.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

195005-Annisa Nabila
3 Diagnosa Seorang pasien terjatuh dari tempat tidur dirumah sakit saat
sedang dirawat inap
BTM Fall Involving bed
LeadTerm Fall
Identasi -repeted, excludes falls causing injury
ICD 10 VOL 3 R29.6
ICD 10 VOL 1 W06.28
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition W06.28
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

195080-Suci Andriani

4 Diagnosa Seorang ibu mengalami perdarahan hebat karena tak sengaja

terpotong arterinya saat sedang dilakukan operasi di ruang bedah
RS oleh dokter
LeadTerm Misadventure(s) to patien(s) during
Identasi - cut,cuting
-- surgical operation
ICD 10 VOL 3 Y60.0
ICD 10 VOL 1 Y60.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition Y60.0
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition

5 Diagnosa
ICD 10 VOL 3
ICD 10 VOL 1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition

195058 – Evi Dwi Anggraini

6 Diagnosa Seorang wanita ditemukan tewas di sebuah rumah kosong yang tak
dihuni, korban pembunuhan dengan dicekik
BTM A women is found dead in an empty house that is not inhabited, a
victim of murder by strangulation
Leadterm Assault
Identasi -Garrotting
ICD 10 Vol 3 X91.-
ICD 10 Vol 1 X91.8
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition X91.8
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition

7 Diagnosa
ICD 10 VOL 3
ICD 10 VOL 1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition

195060-Febby Putri A

8 Diagnosa Seorang tentara yang seang berperang mengalami luka akibat terkena pecahan
bom/dynamite di medan perang

A soldier who is fighting a war was injured by being hit by shrapnel/dynamite on the

LeadTerm War operation 


ICD 10 VOL 3 Y36.2

ICD 10 VOL 1 Y36.2

Kode ICD 10 Main Condition Y36.2

Kode ICD 10 Other Condition

195019-Ivana Kusuma
9 Diagnosa
BTM A man was hit by a train while crossing the railway track
LeadTerm accident
Identasi -
ICD 10 VOL 3 V05.-
ICD 10 VOL 1 V05.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition V05.9
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

195057-Engelina Yuliana Allung

10 Diagnosa Seorang remaja harus dilarikan ke UGD akibat digigit temannya
saat sedang berkelahi di sebuah bioskop
BTM A teenager had to be rushed to the ER after being bitten by a friend
during a fight at a movie theater
LeadTerm Assault

-bite (of human being)

ICD 10 VOL 3 Y08-
ICD 10 VOL 1 Y08.29
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition Y08.29
Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -

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