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Normal Child

Yudianita Kesuma
Body Weight

• Birth weight for full term baby : 2.500 – 4.000 g

• Low birth weight : < 2.500 g
• Lose weight in the first week < 10 % BW
• BW regained in the second week
• First 6 mo : gain of 150-250 g/wk
 6 mo : 2 x birth weight
• 6-9 mo : 90-150 g/wk
• 9-12 mo : 60-90 g/wk
 12 mo : 3 x birth weight
• Second year : 40 g/wk
Average Physical Growth Parameters

Age Height Weight Dentition
Birth 35.0 cm 50.8 cm 3.0 to 3.5 kg Central incisors—6 mo
Doubles birthweight by 5 Lateral incisors—8 mo

1 year 47.0 cm 76.2 cm 10.0 kg First molars—14 mo

Triples birthweight Canines—19 mo
2 year 49.0 cm 88.9 cm 12.0 to 12.5 kg Second molars—24 mo
Quadruples birthweight

Johnson CP and Blasco PA. Infant Growth and Development. Pediatrics in Review Vol. 18 No. 7 July 1997
TABLE 2. Formulas for Approximate Mean Weight and
Height of Normal Infants and Children

At birth 3.25
3 ti 12 months Age (mo) + 9
1 to 6 years Age (yr) x 2 + 8
7 to 12 years Age (yr) x 7 – 5

At birth 50
At 1 year 75
2 to 12 years Age (yr) x 6 + 77

Behrman RE, Vaughan VC III, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 13 th ed, Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company;1987:11
Catch-up growth

• When a child has had an illness or period of

starvation and is then restored to health, he
shows catch-up growth  his growth rate is far
more rapid than normal untill he has caught up
to the point which he would have reached but
for his illness.
• If the cause of the delayed growth lasts for a
long time, he may never catch up.
• The longer the illness lasts, the greater is the
eventual retardation, and the more the weight
is below its own growth curve
Body length / height

Age Body height / length

Newborn + 50 cm
1 yr 1,5 x birth length
4 yr 2 x birth length
5 yr 2 x birth length + 5 cm
13 yr 3 x birth length
Head circumference
• Newborn : 33 – 35 cm
• 1 yr : 45 – 47 cm
• 2 yr : 48 – 50 cm
• 5 yr : 51 – 53 cm
• In first year head circ increases + 1 cm/mo
• From 2-7 yr increases + ½ cm / yr
• From 7-10 yr increases + 1/3 cm / yr
Dentition of Primary teeth

Primary Age at eruption Age at sheding

teeth Max Mand Max Mand

Central incissors 6-8 mo 5-7 mo 7-8 yr 6-7 yr

Lateral incisors 8-11 mo 7-10 mo 8-9 yr 7-8 yr
Canines 16-20 mo 16-20 mo 11-12 yr 9-11 yr
1 st molars 10-16 mo 10-16 mo 10-11 yr 10-12 yr
2 nd molars 20-30 mo 20-30 mo 10-12 yr 11-13 yr
Dentition of Secondary teeth

Secondary Age at eruption

teeth Max Mand
Central incissors 7-8 yr 6-7 yr
Lateral incisors 8-9 yr 7-8 yr
Canines 11-12 yr 9-11 yr
1 st premolar 10-11 yr 10-12 yr
2 nd premolar 10-12 yr 11-13 yr
1 st molars 6-7 yr 6-7 yr
2 nd molars 12-13 yr 12-13 yr
3 rd molars 17-22 yr 17-22 yr
Areas of development

• Gross motoric
• Fine motor and vision
• Speech, language and hearing
• Social, emotional and behaviour
Gross motor development

• Involves the use of muscles to gain independent control

of the body movements
• Dependent on adequate growth and physical
development within the body
• Motor dev. are not possible unless the body systems such
as the brain, nervous tissue and muscles are increased in
size and function
Gross motor development (mo)

Head steady in sitting 2,0

Pull to sit, no head lag 3,0
Hands together in midline 3,0
Asymetric tonic neck reflex gone 4,0
Sits without support 6,0
Rolls back to stomach 6,5
Crawling 10
Walks alone 12,0
Crawl up stair 15
Gross motor development (mo)

Runs stiffy, walks up stairs with one 18

hand held
Runs well, walks up and down stairs 24
one step at a time, open doors, jumps
Goes up stairs alternating feet 30
Rides tricycle 36
Hops on one foot, throws ball 48
Skips 60
Fine motor development

• The infant needs to acquire visual attention and a

pincer grip to develop the dexterity required to perform
complex tasks such as feeding, dressing, writing, and
playing computer games
Fine motor developent (mo)

Grasps ratle 3,5

Reaches for objects 4,0
Palmar grasp gone 4,0
Transfer object hand to hand 5,5
Thumb-finger grasp 8,0
Turns pages of books 12,0
Scribbles 13,0
Build tower of 2 cubes 15,0
Build tower of 4 cubes 18,0
Fine motor developent (mo)

Tower of 7 cubes 24
Makes vertical and horizontal strokes, 30
Imitates circular strokes
Imitates a cross 36
Draws a man with 2-4 parts, 48
Imitates square
Draws triangle 60
Speech & language development

• Speech is not as same as language

• Language is a boarder form of communication
encompassing aspects
non verbal : writing, sign language,
facial expression, gestures
 verbal : speaking
• Speech is the part of language where sounds are used to
convey meaning
Speech development (mo)
Cooing and gurgling in response to - 1-2
some one speaking
Gurgling and babling and holding - 3
Monosyllabic babble, ge, de, ke 6
Inhibits to “no”
Follows one step command with gesture 7
Follows one step command without - 10
Speech development (mo)

Speaks 1st real word 12

Speaks 4 - 6 words 15
Identifies one or more parts of body 18
Puts 3 words together 24
Knows full name 30
Knows age and sex, count 3 objects 36
Tells a story, counts 4 pennies 48
Names 4 colors, Counts 10 pennies 60
Social development

• Involves the process of learning the sklills and attitudes

which enable individuals ti live easily with other
members of the community
Social development (mo)

Watches its mother’s face when being 0,5

fed and talk to
Begins to smile 1
Smiles on social contact, 3
listen to music, says “aah, ngah”
Laughs out loud, shows displeasure 4
if social contact is broken,
excited at sight of food
Social development (mo)

Prefers mother, enjoy mirror 6

Responds to sound of name, 10
plays peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake,
waves bye-bye
Plays simple bell game, 12
Indicates some desires or needs 16
by pointing
Feeds self 18
Social development
Handles spoon well 24
Pretends in play, 30
helps put things away
Plays simple games (paralel), 36
washes hands, helps in dressing
Plays with several children, 48
goes to toilet alone
Dresses and undresses, 60
Domestic role-playing

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