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Ns. Emdat Suprayitno., M.Kep.

 Contributes to development of Nsg care

plans, prioritizes Pt. care needs & assists in
revising such care plans. Uses established
Nsg. Diagnoses in this planning process for
Pts. With common, well-defined health
 S = Spesifik ( tujuan harus spesifik dan tidak
menimbulkan arti ganda )
M = Measurable ( tujuan keperawatan harus
dapat diukur, khususnya tentang, Perilaku klien;
dapat di lihat, didengar, diraba, dirasakan dan
dibau )
A = Achievable ( tujuan harus di capai )
R = Reasonable ( Tujuan harus dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah )
T = Time ( Tujuan keperawatan tercapai dalam
jangka waktu yang ditentukan )
 Types: Nurse Initiated,
Physician initiated,
 Elements:
◦ Requires decision making
◦ Scientific rationale based
◦ Psychomotor
◦ Clinical functioning
 Address: Who, What, When,
Where, How
 The actual process of
putting the PLAN into
action, a team effort
◦ 1. Reporting
◦ 2. Performing the care
◦ 3. Setting Priorities
◦ 4. Documentation
◦ 5. Assessing &
◦ 6. Adhere to polices
 Provides care using effective communication,
collaborating with other health team
members and instructing Pts. Regarding
health maintenance. Uses accepted
standards of practice & records & reports
implementation activities
 To judge or appraise
 Determine if expected
outcomnes were met
 A constant on-going
process for determining
if patient goal(s) are
being met or if patient
needs are changing
 3 Goal Possibilities:
 Met, Partially Met, Not
 Seeks guidance & continues collaboration
with others in modifying Nsg. Approaches
and revising Nsg. Care plans
 Evaluates client’s progress toward goals & the
effects of interventions, revising care plans as

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