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Action Procedure

To create a dependent list using data validation, you will have to use the INDIRECT() function of Excel.

Syntax of INDIRECT() function

INDIRECT(ref_text, [a1])

Arguments of INDIRECT() function Explanation

Ref_text [Required] This argument will take a cell reference like A1, B1, E10 etc. or a reference to a cell
range as a text string like “A1: E10”, “B1: D25”, “E10: J25” etc.
For example: in =INDIRECT(B1) formula, ref_text is B1. B1 cell might hold 3 types
of cell references:
1. A1-type cell reference. Examples: A1, B1, E10, J25 etc.
2. R1C1 type cell reference. Examples: R1C1, R5C8, R10C20 etc.
3. Or a name defined as a reference. Examples: Orange, Apple where cell E20 is
named as Orange and range E10: J25 is named as Apple.
A1 [Optional] It is a logical value. It might be either True or False.
1. If a1 is True or Omitted, Excel will treat ref_text argument as A1-style cell
2. If a1 is false, Excel will treat ref_text argument as R1C1-style reference.
***The real power of Indirect() function is that it can turn any string into a cell reference.

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