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Drugs is subtances or medications derived from plants or non-synthetic

and semi-synthetic plants which may cause loss or loss of consciuoness

and create dependence
Narcotics is an abbreviation of narcotics and dangerous drugs,another term
introduced especially by health department of the republilic of indonesia is
drug that cultivates the abbreviations of narcotics,psychotropic,subtances
and addictive subtances

psychotropic groups are substances or drugs that can decrease brain

activity or stimulate the central nervous system and cause behavioral
abnormalities,accompanied by the emergence of
hallucinations,illusions,disorder of thinking and causing dependence of the

the use of psycchotropic substances in the long run cause worse

effect and lead to other disease that lead to DEATH
1. Morphine is derived from word morpheus( god of dreams ) is a very strong
alkaloid found in opium,this substance works directly on the entral nervous
system as a pain reliever

how to use it : with injected into the

muscle or blood vessels
2. Heroin is produed by chemically processing morphine,but the heroin
boosting reaction becomes stronger than morphine,so it is very easy to

How to use : is injected to the body or sucked

3. Marijuana ( canabis sativa ) is a cultivated plant that produes fibers of
narcotic substanes in the seeds,this narotic can make the wearer euphoria

How to use : use like some smoke

4. Cocaine is derived from the erythroxylon coca plant in south america,usually
the leves of this plant are utilized for into a stimulant effect

How to use :is socked or from another materials smoke

5. Opium is powdered substance produced by a plant called paver somniferum
which usually used to relieve pain and addiction

How to use : socked

Types psychotropic
1. Ectasy is chemical compounds are often used as drugs that can lead to its
users become very active,ectasy in the form of tablets or pills
2. Crystal meth is a substance normally used to treat severe
diseases such as hyperativity disorder,lacck of attention or
1. The impact of drugs on the physical such as,weight dropped
dramatically,pale fae,sunken eyes,,lips black,etc
2. The impact of druds on emotions,very
sensitive and easily bored,if reprimanded
angry and defiant,emotions unstable,loss of
3. Impact of druds for behavior is stay away from
family and social,stealing,destructive,harassing
other,fighting,being manipulative,often lying
1. Never try or use drugs unless, the basis of medical considerations or a doctor
2. Know the bad effects
3. Choose a good social and away from the association that can bring you to drugs
4. Have a positive activity and exercise so follow organization that give a positive influence
5. Always remember the threat or punishment and go to jail
6. Use the best time with your family to strengthen your sense of caring
7. If you have a problem then lool for a way out and do not look for escape
‫ضا َء فِي ا ْل َخ ْمرِ َو ْال َم ْي ِس ِر‬ َ ‫ان أَن يُوقِ َع بَ ْينَ ُك ُم ْالعَدَ َاوة َ َو ْالبَ ْغ‬ َ ‫ش ْي‬
ُ ‫ط‬ َّ ‫ِإنَّ َما يُ ِريد ُ ال‬
‫ون‬َ ‫ص ََل ِة ۖ فَ ََه ْْ أَنُُم نُّنُ َ َُه‬
َّ ‫ع ِن ال‬ َ ‫عن ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه َو‬ َ ‫صدَّ ُك ْم‬
ُ َ‫َوي‬

Sesungguhnya syaitan itu bermaksud hendak menimbulkan

permusuhan dan kebencian di antara kamu lantaran
(meminum) khamar dan berjudi itu, dan menghalangi kamu
dari mengingat Allah dan sembahyang; maka berhentilah
kamu (dari mengerjakan pekerjaan itu). ( almaidah 5:91 )

In fact devil intends to inite enmity and hatred among you beause
of the khamar and gambling,and prevents you from
remembering Allah and prayers,then stop you

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