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France Here is a

picture of a
Andrea Lopez world map with
5th period France in it.

This is a general
picture of France's
This is how the
France flag
looks like
Table of Contents

General Information – Page 3 Customs and Traditions – Page 29

Map of France – Page 4 Scientific Contributions – Page 31
Geography and Climate – Page 19 Energy Resources – Page 33
Government and Economics – Page 21 Interesting Facts – Page 34
Food and Drink – Page 23 Native Animals – Page 36
Values and Beliefs – Page 25 Travel Video – Page 39
Family and Education – Page 27 References – Page 40
General information on France
 My country in France I chose it because of the flag it is blue, white, and red I also
chose it because France’s capital is Paris and I like Paris a lot because it has a beautiful
Eiffel Tower.
 France is in Europe, and is located in the West side of Italy, and the South/West side
of Germany. France is in the South side of England.
 The languages most common spoken in France are French and Basque.
 The current population in France 2018 is 65,233,271 but yearly change is 253,723.


This is the Border
of France and
some islands
close to France.
These are the
rivers located
in France.
Paris is the
capital of France
and you can see
it in the map.
Spain is one of the
neighbors of
France.(P.S the next
9 slides are also
Italy is
neighbor of
and Bern are
Liechtenstein or
Liech. For short is
yet another
So is Austria
Germany is another
Neighbor of France
Luxembourg or
Lux. For short is
also a neighbor
of France
So is Belgium
and Brussels is
yet another
Netherlands and
Amsterdam is
also a neighbor
I'm not sure if the
United Kingdom and
London are one of
France’s neighbors
but it is located near
These are some
seas located near
France. And the
And these are the
Body’s of Water
also near France.
Geography and Climate
List some physical features - some physical features in France are
Alps Mountains, Atlantic Coast, English Channel, and the Rhine
Where do most people live - Most people live in Paris the capital
of France. Lyon and Marseilles are also areas where most people
live located in the South, Toulouse.
What is the climate like - The temperatures ranges between a mild
of temperatures averaging in 11°C in winter, up to 27°C in
This is
Government and Economics
What type of government is in control – The type of government in control right now is
the Prime Minister.
Who is the current political leader – The leader is Emmanuel Macron.
Describe the economy - France stands as one of the world’s largest economy. France
operates a mixed economy that combines capitalist and socialist characteristics.

What are some major exports or industries - Some of France’s exports are machinery
and transportation equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, and petroleum A.K.A oil etc.
Picture of Picture of major
economy of industries of
France. France.
Food and Drink
What are some traditional foods - Some traditional foods are Baguette(french
bread)Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée (Onion Soup)Croque-Monsieur (Ham and
Cheese Sandwich).
What are some traditional drinks - Some traditional drinks are Quiche au
Saumon et Crevettes (Salmon and Shrimp Quiche)Mousse au Chocolat
(Chocolate Mousse)Absinthe, Pastis, CalvadosChambord, and Kir.
Soupe à l'Oignon
Gratinée (Onion
Soup) Mousse au Chocolat
(Chocolate Mousse)
Values and Beliefs
What are the major religions - Religion-Catholicism is the predominant religion
of France 64%(about 41.6)call themselves Roman Catholic and other religions
are Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism.
What are the main beliefs of those religions - Catholicism believes that Jesus
Christ is the son of God.
Religion – Catholicism What Catholic
people believe in
Family and Education
What does a typical family look like, Average size, How many kids – A typical
family looks like a normal family with maybe a pet/pet’s and live in a house or
apartment. A average size of a family in France is about 4 members per house.
They would have 2 kids but some only have 1.
How does the educational system work in your country –Preschool/nursery,
Primary School, Middle School, and High School.
Family and Education
How many levels of school do most people complete - there is
Ecole Maternelle or Creches/Kindergarten or Preschool and there's
three classes from ages 2 to 6. Ecole Primaire or
Ecole élémentaire/Primary school, grade school and there's five
classes from ages 6 to 11. Then there's Collège/Middle school and
there's four levels from ages 11 to 15. The next level is Lycée/high
school the traditional French lycée are the last three years of
secondary education the three classes(grades 10 to 12). There are
two main types of traditional Lycée, thé Lycée général or Lycée
classique, and the Lycée technique.
Customs and Traditions
What holidays do people traditionally observe? How are they celebrated? – Some of them
are …
Monday 1st January – New Years Day (Jour de l'An) - they celebrate like other people they
party and hang our with friends and family.
Monday 2nd April - Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques) – normally Christian people celebrate
Easter Monday. They do it by going to Church.
Tuesday 1st May - Labor Day (Fête du Travail) – they celebrate it by spending time whith
there friends and family.
What are some of the country’s traditional customs - some traditions in France are the
French normally celebrate traditional Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter but they
also celebrate Labor Day but in France they call it They mark May Day(may 1).
These are
This is what is look like some
in They Mark My Day Christian
A.K.A labor day in
France. holidays.
Famous Person Reason for being
Paul Broca surgeon, Contributions
anatomist, and
Some scientific advancements from
Claude Bernard Physiologist France are

-Metric System
Jean Bosler Astronomer
-The Refrigerator
-Hot Air Balloon
Antoine César Electrochemist -Mayonnaise
Broca Jean
 Bosler

Bernard Antoine

Energy Resources
Some renewable recourses used in France are The main ones are Coal, Iron ores,
-Natural gas(non renewable) Bauxite, and Uranium. France derives
75% of its electricity from nuclear
energy due by policy based on energy
-Hydroelectric(renewable) security this can be reduced to 50% by
-Wind Energy(renewable) 2035.
-Bauxite(non renewable)
-Iron Ore(non renewable)
Interesting Facts
What are some weird and interesting facts about your country –
France is the most visited country in the world by 83 million tourist in 2012.
There is only ONE stop sign in France, Paris.
Louis XIX was the king of France for just 20 minutes, the shortest ever reign.
The French army was the first to use camouflage in 1915(world war 1).
In France you can marry a dead person.
This is a stop sign from
Paris, France. French army
Native Animals
What are some unusual or interesting animals from your country – One animal is
the Osiris Blue it's one of the most colorful butterflies. And the Pine Marten they are
also known as martres. Some of the most DANGEROUS animals found in France are
Black panthers
Asp viper
Tiger mosquito
Native Animals
What animal(s) native to your country or the region of your country
did you find at the zoo - Some native animals I found in the zoo are
Giraffes but in France there's more commonly Wallabies and. I also
found bears but like Giraffes the ones more commonly found in France
are Brown Bears. I also found Tigers.
These are the
animals I
found in the
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Video visit to France

References uranium.aspx › European Travel › France Travel › France
france.html › ... › France a.../france.aspx France_109142.html france https://www.french-

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