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Flavio Alfaro: "indissoluble bond of authenticity"

It has mountains. It offers

beautiful scenery from a large
agricultural vegetation and
livestock production

The horseback riding

in the mountains is
a tourist attraction.
Broth "Creole" is
one of their
chicken dishes

bun, comprising
a mixture of
banana and horned
pig is wrapped
in banana leaves.
It is a relatively young
canton, which preserves
its traditions

and dense tropical vegetation.

ivory palm
tropical fruits cocoa

which reach major markets in the dry

season, while that a large part of this
production is lost during the rainy season.

In urban areas, an
architectural development
based on cement and other
construction materials is
observed rigid.

In rural areas the montubia

guadúa house is built of cane on
wooden stilts, the floor and
ceiling pambil Cady.
The flavioalfarense still
manufactures hats, backpacks,
bags with mocora materials,
rattan and straw shawl.
Women continue concocting their suits,
prefering to do primary colors.

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