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Frequency: The number or percent

occurrence of a particular outcome out of N


Frequency table: A grouping of data into

mutually exclusive classes showing the
number of observations in each
class. Relative frequency classes are
derived from a frequency table by
computing the percentage of the total
observations made up by each class.
a population is a set of similar items or events which is of
interest for some question or experiment.

data sample is a set of data collected from a statistical population

Median: A center value that divides the
data array into two halves. The median is
not affected by extreme observation values
in the data set

Mode: The value in the data set that occurs

most frequently. Some data sets may have
more than one mode if two different values
tie for the most frequently occurring
value. For example, a distribution of values
may be bi-modal in nature


the ungrouped data has not been classified or
has not been subdivided in the form of groups


The grouped data is the type of data which is
subdivided into classes. Grouped data is not purely raw
data. In fact, in grouped data, some analysis has been
already done and it is classified
Mean: A measure of central tendency. It is
computed by summing all data values and
dividing by the number of data values
summed. In this context the mean
(average) is an ex post number. It is
computed after-the-fact. If the observations
include all the values in a population the
average is referred to as a population
mean. If the values used in the
computation only include those from a
sample, the result is referred to as
a sample mean

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