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Per – for each / for every

Cent – 100
A percent is a ratio of parts per 100.

Convert Fractions, Decimals, & Percent
Consider this...100 pennies (cents) = $1.00
What is the decimal, fraction, and percent of: 1 penny, 25 pennies, 50 pennies, 75 pennies, 99
Halves = 50% each

Thirds = 33.3% each

Fourths = 25% each

Fifths = 20% each

Using Visual Models to Solve Percent Situations

In percent situations, there are three important numbers to uncover, the

part, the whole, and the percent.
The situation becomes a "problem" when one of these numbers are
missing, and it is our role to determine what the missing number is.
Sample Questions:
There are 120 students in the sixth grade. 40% of the students read every
night. How many students read every night?
Part ____ Whole ____ Percent ____

Answer Statement: ____ out of the 120 students read every night.
Sample Questions:
15 out of the 25 fishing vessels returned to dock due to the stormy weather.
What percent of the fishing vessels remained at sea?
Part _____ Whole _____ Percent _____

Answer Statement: _____ percent of the fishing vessels remained at sea.

Sample Questions:
30% of the m&ms in the bag are red. There are 72 red m&ms. How many
m&ms are there in the entire bag?
Part _____ Whole _____ Percent _____

Answer Statement: There are _____ m&ms in the entire bag.

The percent proportion presents an alternative method to help problem solve
percent problems. The percent proportion requires us to plug in the part,
whole, and percent into an equivalent ratio template.

Part %
Whole = 100
Find the part, whole,
Remember, the
percent and put it in
percent is always
over the 100.
the template. First, it
is important to
determine which one
is missing!

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