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Business Model for Religion

Product portfolio:
• The Theological Product
(a) God’s love in paradise, and
(b) an insurance from Eternal Damnation in Hell.
(c) state of liberation
• The Sociological Product
• Escape from caste or other abusive social or gender bias
• Enhancement of the convert’s self-image and identity by being seen as a member of the
globally dominant culture;
• Better job opportunities and financial assistance from certain well-financed religions
exclusively to their own members;
• Political power through block voting and lobbying.
• Historical Identity and Neurosis
Value creation:
• represent the power of religious organizations in an increasingly competitive market due to the
commodification of the sacred
• suggests that in the supermarket of religious goods, the faithful should pick their way through a la
carte products. This leads to individuality, with each of the faithful consuming a different form of religious
• the commodification of the sacred quest to find value in things, activities and people goes beyond mere
economic value.

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