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Performapals Six Samurais

1 Card scale: Choices Shien Summon:

Alternative combo to get barkion out. If you already have a


NS kageki, SS kagemusha with kagekis effect sync into Shien

NS skullcrobat to trigger his effect, get monkey board and set Scale use his effect, to get next scale and choose, to blow up scale
draw with guitartle, or +300 with silver claw

Enemy 1 you 0:
Scale reset:

If opponent controls 1 mob and you dont, SS Elder, use Asce on him to SS kagemusha sync into Shien or Nat Beast

Special Summon sorcerer, blow Get partnaga for attack boost

+300 Att o all monsters XYZ out:
up two scales, get new ones 1 mob for each perfomapal card

+1 summon:

Summon kizan Use Asc to SS another mob Get zanji and xyz to best utility
with kizan attack xyz for the duel

Back from the grave:

Normal summon friendonkey Reset scales play Gain +1 drawing a perfromapal

if you have sorcerer or secondonkey if you have scales.
on graveyard or hand

With tuner and material on Summon Shien. Or summon Nat Beast

the grave us this to summon

GraveKeepers Battling Boxers

Round one jab:
Grave cleaning:

Send counter to set att Nos SS padder from nahd XYZ into Yoke
Normal summon headguard and Send glass for switchhitter
send to the grave , glass or counter boost in def
mat and +1 for effect
for effect.
Set spy, with necrovaley up Get recruiter if you have in hand
for a 2500 defense, fli and get descent
Blow stuff
descendant to blow, or recruiter
The comeback:

Fourth spy:

XYZ into Yoke

Normal summon switchitter
and SS 4star mob from the grave SS any 4 star from the grave

Set nobleman when destroyed Flip and get what you need 2k assasin Blow stuff
get Spy to face down defense
Material for blowing stuff
Shadow punch:
Not my necrovalley:

When you control ayoke on field Shadow is SS, if glaas is on yokes Normal summon any 4 star mob
and a shadow on hand, detach 1 mats drop joe for combo with XYZ to yoke o Kaizer depending on mats or strategy
material to increase att and summon switchhitter or lizard.. And get +1
SS shadow from his effect.

Flip and get anys 4 star mob Xyz to number 66, detach material
and protect necrovalley Reptile K.O:
Do over:

SS summon kagetokage XYZ to King and detach Draw chameleon with King Afterchameleon is summoned XYZ into kaiser
Normal summon glass with glass to get +1 and set combo +1 effect, to normal summon it ss glass with it
after normal summon
kagetokage on hand next turn

Set field necrovalley

Use steele to get commander Trade it for a necrovalley Set your spy for combo
and spy
Ninjas Synchron
Blade armor combo: Lvl 9 synchro:

Junk on hand and doppel on the gravyerd Sync into accel and use effect to mil explorer and +lvl2 Synchro into mist wurmo
normal summon junk, SS doppel with junk effect board 2 tokens + lvl 7 tuner blow 3 cards back to owner

Normal summon uptart, use his

effect to ditch a trap an SS
When hanzo is summoned
get a ninja monster
Shingetsu to begin lock, upstart to make same combo XYZ intro Blade armor 3 card Quasar:
Hanzo and +1 if you have traps on hannd, or flame for any Rank 4

XYZ combo: Art of Dupli:

SS quick draw with eater, eat lvl (4), synchron into jet warrior, summon explorer Road effect ss jet sync, ss eater (road 7), sync jet sync + eater on formula,
SS quickdraw, ss eater (jet w 4), sync exp,eater,quickdraw into road draw 1, eater on road 6, sync road 6 + jew 4+formula 2 into quesar.

Play acordingly to the game state

Lvl 9 synchro:
+1 with hanzo or lock with shingetsu
SS earth ninja iy your opp Use flam or air ninja to increase Use art to SS a hanzo ang get
You can use normal summon
controls a mob and you dont or reduce lvl to make XYZ +1 ninja mob , or us Art on
a hanzo get a trap.
Of your choice. a getsuga 2 get 2 Rank 4s

Ninjas never die:

NS math mil eater, SS quick , eater on quick (4) Road effect ss jet sync, ss eater (road 7), sync jet sync + eater on formula,
math +quick(4) + eater = road draw 1, eater on road 6, sync road 6 + formula 2 + eater = mist wurm

Gimme more:

Tribute summon getsu over If you bring hanzo you +1 If you revive 2 shingetsu If you rveive any 2 other ninjas
a hanzo or shingetsu pref. Use and get shingetsu for lock its auto lock and go for you can xyz into blande and drop
his effect to bring back 2 ninjas
game more mats to be revived next turn

Shingetsu lock: Junk and doppel on hand bulb on grave, NS junk

Sync 1 token and buld into formula, buld eff sync token and buld again
into formula . Draw 4 cards.
bring buld, SS doppel, Sync dop and Junk into Lib.

Road aff to get jet sync, ss eater on road 7 SS jet sync with own eff and sync with eate rinto
Get two on field cant target anything , cant attack anything. SS quick with eater , eat quick 5, NS dandy sync 2 token and jet sync into clausolas formula draw +1, sync into quasar
sync into road,ss eater on road 7

Big King:
Nobleknights Satellar
Get me cards:

Triverr variation NS unukal throw vega, SC or CoH him

SS Deneb search for altair XYZ triverr

Open medraut an any weapon, NS medraut equip spell summon borz and destroy spell card. At least 1 gwen, get one, grave the others XYZ to Rank 5 King, use effect
Re equip arms to borz, use effect of borz to reveal 3 weapons from deck, equip card to medraut and XYZ attch 3 weapons and gwen.
Now you have +2 and grave
NO TK: Need Deneb and vega,NS vega, SS debeb and search for altair, to set combo.
XYZ into tsukiyomi and detach to Deneb, discard altair and draw to cards
set ted up.


Need medraut, gawa and 1 weapon on opening hand Detach gawa from blade ninja , pop gwal equip to pick gawa from cementery, SS gawa
summon medraut equip card, destroy and summon gwal XYZ into Zubaba , detach gawa to 3900 on zubzbz 4400 with blade armor
equip card to him SS gawa XYZ into Blade armor,

Gwa XYZ: Need vega, unukal and call setted or soul charge… NS vega SS unu, ditch Deneb Need this or oasis
Bounce back cards, choose to
discard random card from opponent hand,
to the grave, CoH or SC Deneb back get altair, XYZ to triver bounce if needed

More XYZ:

Gwal on hand Gawa and gwen on grave. NS gwal attach gwen, pop gwen Situational pick. Double attack, 3900 beat stick, or Effect protection.
to pick up gawa, SS gawa, XYZ into any Rank 4 xyz

New king With a Deneb on the grave NS vega, SS altair, fetch Deneb.. Get another altair
unless you already have one.
Choose triverr ,or delteros.. Detach Deneb for cementery
unless 1 is already there.

Use King effect to destroy cards or bounce spells..

You must have a XYZ King and Excaliburn on grave not sent this turn Set cho and use on opponents end phase and summon
use excaliburn banish effect summon new kning Need unukal vega or Coh , NS Unukal ditch Deneb…. Deneb get altair.. Or on your next turn NS Altair get
deben search Altair XYZ into Triver or delteros

No arms: Ptolemaeus plays:

You need this 3 cards. Summon brothers, and SS this two depending on which
King you want tribut ebrothers (5), tribute Ignoble with his effect. Use any combo that will get triverr out instead XYZ to ptolemaeus…. Detach 3 mats.. XYZ to best fot the momento.
Use King effect to destroy cards or bounce spells..
Shar Fortress doublé attck, Pleiades bounce cards, Diamond banished card thrown to grave.
Shadolls Monarchs
Draw cards and synchro lvl 7 if wanted: Summon Monarchs:

On your turn set flaco and set sinister trap On enemy turn if they dont attack actívate To clear board First normal summon edea , SS Eidos from the deck and gain Bring out Aether or Erebus. Extra summon from deck
sinister, drop beast, draw +1 flip falco, set beast. 1 extra summon for this turn. or shuffle card back to deck.

Winda or Sheki:
If they attack actívate sinister, dont flip falco.. On attck set
beast. Not on my watch:

With these cards you can make a big monarch with 1 for 1 ditch a monster summon edea the eidos and get a TS and a NS that turn.
With Reinforce truth use it on opponents end phase summon edea and then eidos.. And rdy your board for your turn to summon a big guy.
NS math and mil squamata, for falco, and set it face down. Use sinister and drop beast for +2 or Hedgehog for Fusion Go for fusión if you can


Hedge effect gets you 1 shaddoll get squamata, flip with sinister effect falco and set hedge, on your turn If you control a mob and your opponent also and
To bring out and aether or erebus, also you can only tribute enemys mob
flip for shaddoll fusión and make winda or shekinaga. have this two cards set, .when opponents declares an attack
to bring out majesty fiend or kuraz. This way you destroy your opponents turn in his turn.
actívate escalationthen stormforth sacrifice his card and yours

Preparation for arrival:

This lock opponent cant destroy mobs, cant xzy or synchro

Posibilities to throw. Get fusión back or +2 with beast, cant actívate effects.
Use shaddll fusión with squamata and clown,. Make construct.. Drop beast and core . Draw +1 and get back shaddoll fusión.
When summonin and aether with edea actívate aether effect discard prime and pantheism, summon erebus
he goes back to the hand and +1 on pantheism, fodder for summon on edea and prime.

Burning Abyss Basic Synchro:

Dante of Beatrice:

If shura destroys a monster (kalut can help achieve this) he can SS Pinaki Synchro pinaki with shura 2nd MP… and bring out a lvl7 synchro. Use pinaki effect to get blizzard
XYZ into dante , mil if you want if you have more mobs on hand and and synchro summon a lvl 6 next turn.
If you pull tourguide NS her, pick scarm (of best utility) wish you can XYZ into Beatrice discarding 1.

Beatrice plans: 1 Card Synchro: Mega Synchro:

If you can make Beatrice and have scarm effect triggered you search for cir. If the destroy
Use his effect to send cir get back dante With any BW lvl on grave NS blizzard and SS the lvl 4 mob. Synchron into any lvl 6 BW. Nothing +1 NS SS gofu, NS or SS Harmat copy his lvlv and summon boss.
Beatrice yo go into pilgrim and use its effect.
next turn Beatrice..

Combo traps:
More Synchro on wings:

Always try to get cir with dante, and summon

dante with cir. Unless you need other utility.
These traps required to discard 1 card.. If you have scarm us it to pay and search for tour guide, and make her combo
next turn.
NS Kalut SS gale, SYnc into nothung, if whirlwind active get Blizzard to sync again into a lvl 6.
To hell and back:
Beatrice offense and Defense: Shang tsung Synchro:
You can detach mats to send 1 card to the grave to trigger effects
Barbar 800 burn
Farfa Banish 1 mob to OTK
Cagna destroy a spell/trap

farfa Banish attacker
alich negate effects

Use fire lake to pop 2 BA you control, destroy 3 cards

then bring back your BA mobs with traveller. Make any Rank from 5,6,7,8,10,12 NS decay, Rank upo or down or stay, SS Harman and copy lvl or dont and bring out any Synchro you wish..
Virgil riif: On my terms:
Always defend if posible your BW with icarus attack before its destroyed actívate
and destroy two cards.

You can SS rubic… and NS any other B.A and Synchro for Virgil.
Bujin Karakuris
Protect the king: Bujin Utilities: Call of the machines:
Hare no destruction No targeting

NS at end phase search for a tuner

Grave honest Card destroyer

Banish earth mob from grave SS

Hand honest Grave mst

NS yamato if you have honest or Crane in hand you can protect it. If not on end phase ditch Sinyou to +his att or hare to prevent
NS ninishi use her effect to summon any lvl 4 karakuri, Sync into Burei, SS nanashik from deck

Back up plan: Back to basics: Meet my brother:

If you have a mob on hand, use Bujincarnation to get yamato and sinyou
If yamato already on the field NS Mikazuchi , on end phase discard any utility with yamato NS mob on hand XYZ with sinyou to get susanowo, detach sinyou back to grave, and mob or drop
If you control no monsters SS jammer, NS ninishi, SYnc intro Bureido, if you have Rank 4 on hand summon tuner If you sync again get nanashik out
and trigger mika effect to draw bujincarnation. utility to the grave for defense. to Sync again, If you got tuner SS lvl 4 or 5 to Sync again. Or just SS nanashik for beatstick. for more attack power. Or Haipa.

Thinking smart: Deja vu:

On the end of the turn with hirume on hand yamato on board. Ditch Hare or Turtle Next turn NS any other mob, banish hare SS hirume XYZ into Susanowo, detach mat from him
to set grave to summon Hirume. pref utility and get Crane for offense or defense,
When you Sync any Karakuri bring out a tuner if you have desynchro at hand, use desynchro, SS mats, Synchro again, SS lvl 4 or lvl 5, Sync into new Karakuri
, SS Haipa, Nanashik for kill, Or anything else.
Yamato baby:
Skynets fury:

Use bujin Reincarnation get SS from grave and banished, XYZ into Tiger king Use king effect to get tenki from deck, detach if you want,
set tenki, draw yamato NS yamato
If you make this play . + limiter removal hits for 5,600 5,200 and 4200 pretty much dead opponent if no traps.

Fire fist Kozmo

Burn em all: Tin can boy:

Need tincan and destroyer on hand, NS tincan banish to get destroyer, destroy it and summon strawman, bring back destroyer
NS leopard, use his effect to kill him and get tenki(tensu) , use tenki effect to get spirit, tensu to NS spirit Sync into horseman use eff to SS rooster attack, end of turn gets destroyed and summon tincan.
choose to pop tenki and fetch anothe ror not. (need leopard tenki or tensuon hand)

Cinder games: Help me baby:

Need spirit and tenki on hand. Activate tenki fetch leopard. NS leopard bow him up to set tensu. NS Spirit, SS leopard sync into E tele to summon tin can, summon destroyer, destroy ir get strawman
horseman SS rooster, get bear. Or spirit. And blow tenki if you want. and make same combo as above.

Vader is here:
Roasted Rooster:

With soar tropper on hand and Straw on grave NS troppers, pay to SS strawm man, use strawman
Need rooster and tenki(tensu) on hand. Set tensu NS rooster use eff to blow tensu get tenki, get spirit. NS spirit and Syncro for horman SS another rooster.
effect to SS banished ship, attack and proc a tincan or other ship.
Or actívate tenki get spirit, NS rooster blow tenki to get tensu actívate and summon spirit.

Roaster Rooster: Insta syncro: OMFG:

On attack phase with farm girl, destroyer and etele on hand, attack with ship and farmgirl, pay 500 to get another destroyer on hand
With 200def monster on grave use e tele to get Straw man , banish it to summon Destroyer, pop old ship and summon runner attack for 5800 again.
With soldier on hand and any lvl 4 on grave, NS soldier SS lvl 4 in defense, XYZ to tiger, detach to get tenki, and get
use and make insta syncro.
spirit. So you can synchro next turn.
Lunalight Heroes
Hello kitty: Heroes OTK:

With sheep and rabbit on hand, use sheep effect to get a poly, nos NS rabbit to SS sheep NS goblin SS shadow.. Dont proc eff XYZ into excalibur,SS bubbleman detach mist proc effect draw another bubble man
from the grave, poly into cat dancer. Use sheep eff to get rabbit back to hand. XYZ into blade armor detach to attack doublé. OTK

Plz dont hurt me: Alternative:

Fusion galore:

Other way to get anki of darklaw.

NS monk , SS shadow, proc her effect to get mask change, and fusión summon for anki or dark law
Wit recovery on hand with rabbit and sheep and a poli on grave, use recovery to get them back polyy into cat dancer, use sheep efectt
to get rabbit to hand NS rabbit SS sheep, and have mats for other poly play.
Board destruction:
Big kitty cat:

With this two in grave use miracle fusión to get hero zero, mask chnage it to acid pro zero effect destroy all monsters
proc acid effect destroy all backrow.
If you do the first combo with sheep and rabbit. You can use fusión tan to make some into cat dancer and bring out panther
instead. And get bunny back in hand. Use recovery to get black sheep and poly back, and fusión for leo.
Baby stratos:
Double leo:
If you make big kitty combo and have Wolf on hand or pendulum you can use his effect
To summon another Leo.

NS stratos get bubbleman, XYZ into any you want… COH stratos get another bubbleman SS him XYZ to next beater.

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