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Cast iron boilers are made in three general types:

 Horizontal-sectional
 Vertical-sectional
 One-piece
- Vertical-sectional, cast iron boilers
are made up of sections standing
vertically, like slices in a loaf of
- One-piece cast iron boilers are
those in which the pressure
vessel is made as a single
casting with no assemble joints
usually small in size.
 Cast iron is basically steel with a high level of carbon

impurities and carbon doesn’t translate into longer

boiler life at low or high pressure (up to a maximum

of 620kPa), the cast iron boiler maintains water

temperature for a long time (120oC or 248oF).

 Cast iron is a brittle material which can fracture under

temperature shock. It’s well known that it is common

for today’s cast iron boilers to have cracked sections,

cracked burner doors, leaking gaskets, and leaking

tankless coil flange.

 Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity


 Significantly more vulnerable to deep pitting
corrosion than steel, and corrosion can lead to
shorter boiler life.
 Cast iron is an inefficient material for heat
transfer. For every time heat or hot water is
required, 450 pounds of cast iron and up to 15
gallons of water must be heated before the boiler
can start heating the home consuming much
 Cast iron pin type boilers are extremely difficult
to clean. In fact, even the most skilled boiler
technician finds it impossible to get a cleaning
brush around and behind all the pins and hidden
passages this causes cast iron boilers to start
losing their efficiency on day one.
 Water leakages occur at connecting joints of
sectional boilers.
 Cracking due to overheating or thermal
 Overheating occurs when the cast iron
boiler operates with low water conditions or
poor circulation caused by sludge
concentrated in the lower passages of the
 When the boiler is overheated and cold
water is added in an attempt to raise the
water causes thermal shocking.

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