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Physical Activity,

Exercise, and Physical

Physical Activity refers to an activity that involves the
contraction of muscles-examples are gardening, walking,
climbing stairs, etc. On the other hand, exercise is a specific
form of physical activity that is planned and structured
involving repetitive bodily movements performed to improve
and maintain physical fitness. Physical fitness is the set of goals
that people have or achieved that relate to their ability to
perform a physical activity.
Levels of Physical Activity
1. Light intensity such as walking slowly and
2. Moderate intensity activity such as walking
briskly, and playing leisure sports
3. Vigorous activity such as jogging, running,
playing competitive sports, and circuit training
Amount of Physical Activity Needed for Family
It is recommended that children and
adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes
of moderate intensity physical activity in most
days of the week, preferably daily. And adults
should engage in moderate intensity physical
activity for at least 30 minutes in three or
more days a week.
Importance of Regular Physical Activity
Reduces the risk of coronary disease
Reduces the risk of colon cancer, diabetes, high
blood pressure, and stroke
Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
Controls body weight and maintains healthy
bones, muscles and joints
Promoting Safety Before Doing Physical Activities

1. Consult a physician before starting an exercise program or

2. Teach the members of the family the importance of
monitoring the intensity of physical activity by increasing
personal safety.
3. Stay within the “target heart rate zone”
4. Dress appropriately with fit and comfort
5. Always do a warm up exercise for 3-5 minutes
6. Progression: start slowly and gradually increase frequency
intensity time, type
7. Drink plenty of water. Children and adolescents 7-10 Adults
Physical Activity Pyramid
Family Health-Related Fitness Plan
Setting your goals is important in
developing your HRF plan. Look into the
needs of your family by referring to your
outposts in the previous activities as basis
for your plan.
Making your Family Fitness Plan
Your HRF plan must be simple and
enjoyable and must be suited to the needs
of your family to attain maximum level of
physical fitness.

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