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Scapolites & Humites

submitted by- Tamal Samaddar

A Mineralogy Presentation
class- M.Sc Applied Geology


 The scapolites are a group of rock-forming silicate minerals

(tectosilicates) composed of aluminium, calcium, and sodium
silicate with chlorine, carbonate and sulfate. The two
endmembers are meionite and marialite.
 Sodium-rich Marialite (Na4Al3Si9O24Cl) and Calcium-rich
Meionite. Ca4Al6Si6O24CO3
 The two Scapolite minerals are often visibly indistinguishable
from each other, and they also form unclassified
intermediary examples within their series. Scapolite is the
accepted term that encompasses both minerals

 Found in both contact and regional metamorphic rocks

derived from calcareous sediments or from gabbroic or
similar rocks

Consists of two types of four

membered rings made of SiO4
and AlO4 tetrahedral. T1 rings
consist solely of tetrahedral the
vertices of which point in the
same direction. T2 rings consists
of tetrahedral that point
alternately towards opposite
ends of the z-axis. Joined into a
framework structure by sharing
oxygens with tetrahedra from
adjacent rings. It contains open
cavities containing the Cl or CO3
surrounded by four Na or Ca.
Composition of the scapolites may be expressed by the general formula W4Z12O24R.
Where W=Ca,Na,K ; Z=Si,Al ; R= Cl,CO3,SO4.

End members of the series by analogy with the plagioclase feldspars may be
expressed as 3NaAlSi3O8.NaCl (marialite) and 3CaAl2Si2O8.CaCO3(meionite)

There is continuous solid solution between the marialite (Ma) and meionite (Me)
end members, with most samples having compositions between about Me20 to
The conventional nomenclature is marialite (Me0--20), dipyre (Me20--50), mizzonite
(Me50--80), and meionite (Me80--100).

Three substitutions occur, Na+ c Ca2+, Al3+ Si4+, Cl- CO3(2-) in all the
members of the series. The compositional difference in the group arises due to the
following solid solutions.
Compositionally, scapolite
is essentially plagioclase
feldspar with chloride ions
and carbonate and
sulfate radicals in
interstices of the structure.
The extra anions are
balanced by extra sodium
or calcium (and some
potassium) atoms, so the
formula can be written as
plagioclase plus halite,
calcite, or gypsum.

The charge on the (Si,Al)-O

framework for the ideal Ma
and Me compositions varies
between 3 and 6 and the
valancy balance is
maintained as shown.
MEIONITE (Ca4Al6Si6O24CO3) is the calcium rich member
of scapolite. It was first discovered in 1801 on Mt Somma,
Vesuvius, Italy.
Marialite is the sodium rich member with a
chemical composition of Na4Al3Si9O24Cl. It
has a very rare but attractive gemstones and
cat's eye.
CLEAVAGE - good cleavages parallel to the {100} prism faces, and
two fair cleavages are parallel to the {110} prism faces.

FORM - Crystals are prismatic or occasionally acicular or bladed and

elongate along c. Scapolite forms anhedral grains, granular clusters,
columnar aggregates, or strongly poikilitic grains enclosing
associated minerais.

OPTICAL ORIENTATION -Scapolite is tetragonal, so the c axis is the

optic axis. The trace of cleavage shows parallel extinction in
longitudinal sections and is length fast.

REFRACTIVE INDEX, BIREFRINGENCE - The indices of refraction and birefringence increase

systematically with increasing meionite component. The mean index [(nω + nЄ)/2] can
be used to estimate the composition to within ±10 percent Ma.

ALTERATION - Scapolite commonly alters to aggregates containing sericite, calcite,

chlorite, epidote, zeolites, or other minerais

Variation of índices of refraction and

birefringence (ô) with composition
in scapolite. The curve of the mean
índex of refraction ( nm) provides
the most reliable estimate of

DISTINGUISHING PROPERTIES - Scapolite is distinguished from the feldspars because it is

uniaxial and has different cleavage, and from quartz because it is optically negative and
usually has higher birefringence. Cordierite is biaxial. Cancrinite has índices less than
cement in thin section, and nepheline has lower birefringence and less well-developed
OCCURRENCE AND ASSOCIATIONS - Scapolite is found in both contact and regional
metamorphic rocks derived from calcareous sediments or from gabbroic or similar
rocks. In skarn deposits and marble, scapolite is often associated with garnet, diopside,
actinolite, titanite, calcite, and other calc-silicate minerais. ln amphibolite, it is
associated with hornblende, calcic clinopyroxene, epidote, and titanite. ln altered
mafic rocks it may replace plagioclase. Scapolite is also found in Granulites. The
formation of scapolites is largely restricted to metamorphic and metasomatic

GEM VARIETY SOURCES - Tanzania produces the finest golden yellow scapolite known in
commercial quantities. Dodoma, Tanzania yields transparent, golden yellow to orangey
yellow gem material. This source sometimes produces very pale to near colorless stones,
as well as violetish and pink (rare) cuttable crystals.
Espirito Santo, Brazil produces pale yellow crystals, sometimes large and facetable.
Madagascar produces yellow, facetable crystals.
Other notable gem-quality sources include:
Canada: Quebec (lemon yellow, opaque scapolite, some with silky luster); Ontario (light
yellow, pink, and green material yielding tiny cut gems).
Kenya: brownish cat’s eyes.
Myanmar: white, yellow, pink to violet also bluish, pinkish, white cat’s eyes.
Afghanistan; China; Pakistan; Peru; Sri Lanka; Tajikistan.

Named after its principal member, humite, which was named after Sir Abraham Hume
(1749-1838), English connoisseur and collector of gems, minerals and artwork.

The humite group is a group of nesosilicates with the general formula An(SiO4)m(F,OH)2.

When A is predominantly magnesium we have the humite subgroup:

•norbergite, Mg3(SiO4)(F,OH)2
•chondrodite, (Mg,Fe,Ti)5(SiO4)2(F,OH,O)2
•humite, (Mg,Fe)7(SiO4)3(F,OH)2
•clinohumite, (Mg,Fe)9(SiO4)4(F,OH)2

In case of manganese, humite subgroup has members

•alleghanyite, (Mn2+)5(SiO4)2(OH,F)2
•manganhumite, (Mn,Mg)7(SiO4)3(OH)2
•sonolite, Mn9(SiO4)4(F,OH)2

Nearly all members of this group are metamorphic or hydrothermal in origin.

Unfortunately the Humite Group members have similar characteristic and properties
and are difficult to tell apart without optical tests
The Humite Group of minerals form a
morphotropic series with the mineral olivine and
brucite. The structure is similar to olivine and
consists of a nearly hexagonal closepacked
framework of oxygen, hydroxyl, and fluorine. The
Si are in tetrahedral sites and the Mg are in
octahedral sites.

Members of this group contain brucite-like

sheets in their structures. Brucite is composed
of Mg(OH)2 tetrahedrons linked into sheets

Humite Group is also structurally related to olivine, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 (and the related mineral
tephroite, Mn2SiO4) in that the members of this group contain layers of the olivine structure
that alternate with layers of the brucite-like sheets.
Not all the brucite-like sheets are composed of Mg(OH)2 as iron and manganese substitute
for the magnesium in several members of this group. The major
substitution is between F- and (OH)- and substantial amounts of fluorine are always present
Mg Humites Group

Mg-Humites is one of the most important member of the Humite Group of minerals.
Members of the Humite Group are noted for having a mixture of silicate layers and
oxide layers in their structures. The silicate layers have the same structure as olivine.
The oxide layers have the same structure as brucite. In the case of Mg-humite,
there are variable number of consecutive olivine layers(n=1 to n=4) that alternate
between each brucite layer.
NORBERGITE (2/m 2/m 2/m) Mg2SiO4 - Mg(F, OH)2

Norbergite is almost always

found in metamorphic and
metamorphosed limestone
and dolomites and in the
contact (calc-silicate
rocks/skarns) between these
and other rocks

It is often associated with different

ores and other Mg-rich silicates
such as spinel, phlogopite,
CHONDRODITE 2/m ((Mg, Fe)2SiO4)2 - Mg(F, OH)2

Chondrodite is the most common and most well known member

of the Humite Group of minerals. It is not a particularly common
mineral and is never seen in abundance. It is found in
hydrothermal deposits and contact and regionally
metamorphosed dolomitic limestones, most notably skarn
deposits and in some serpentinite rocks
HUMITE 2/m 2/m 2/m ((Mg, Fe)2SiO4)3 - Mg(F, OH)2

Humite is the namesake member of the Humite Group of minerals. In the

case of humite, there are three consecutive olivine layers that alternate
between each brucite layer.

It is found in hydrothermal veins and contact and regionally

metamorphosed dolomitic limestones as small prismatic crystals.
CLINOHUMITE 2/m Mg9(SiO4)4(F, OH)2

Clinohumite is named in allusion to its monoclinic symmetry as

opposed to humite's orthorhombic symmetry. Clinohumite's
structure is often intergrown with humite's structure in the same
crystal. Clinohumite has four stacked olivine layers that alternate
between the brucite layers. Found as small grains in the marbles of
contact metamorphic environments.
FORM: Usually found as rounded or irregular shaped grains, or anhedral
masses. Crystals have diverse habits but are commonly platy parallel to { 100},
{O 10}, or { 001 } .

ALTERATION: All members of the group may alter to serpentine or chlorite

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clear or lightly colored varieties resemble olivine,

but most olivine is optically negative and the humite group has lower
índices and birefringence. Forsterite, with which the humite group may be
associated, is optically positive but has larger 2V and higher birefringence.
Staurolite has similar color and pleochroism but has higher índices and lower
birefringence and is usually found in mica schists. The different members of
the group, with the exception of norbergite, cannot be reliably distinguished
based on their optical properties. If the cleavage is visible, the inclined
extinction may distinguish clinohumite and chondrodite from humite and
The figure shows
the experimental
phase relationship
in the system
Mg2SiO4 -- MgF2
at various
(after Hinz and
Kunth 1960)

The Mn-humites are almost exclusively found associated with Mn-ores, either hydrothermal
deposits or in metamorphosed ores associated with carbonate rocks and/or skarns (calc-
silicate rocks).

The Ca-humites are all very rare minerals, All except reinhardbraunsite have been found
only at the Upper Chegem caldera( northern Caucasus mts. Russia) The Ca-humites are
this rare because they can only be formed at very high temperatures at low pressure, and
then only in the contact between carbonate xenoliths and magma

• Nesse - Introduction to Optical Mineralogy – 3rd

• Wikipedia.
• Mineralogy - Dexter Perkins
• An Introduction to Rock Forming Minerals –
Deer, Howie, Zussman


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